12 Days of Christmas

Day Twelve

“Wake up!” Louis yelled jumping on Harry’s bed. “WAKE UP! YOU GUYS!” Louis yelled shaking his friends.

His friends groaned and a few of them told him to shut up but Louis persisted.

“IT’S CHRISTMAS!” Louis yelled. “WAKE UP!”

Zayn stayed fast asleep while Harry, Liam and Niall adjusted themselves to get more comfortable. Louis sighed and got off the bed muttering how lame they all were for sleeping in on Christmas day. He trudged back into the kitchen deciding that a nice fry up will get the boys out of bed. He isn’t the best cook and he knows he should leave the cooking to either Niall or Harry but he figures they’ll have to love it because of how nice of a gesture it is. Half way through making the breakfast Niall stumbled into the kitchen demanding coffee and stealing a piece of bacon that was already done cooking.

“What is all this Lou?” Niall questioned.

“A fry up for you and the lot, I thought it’d be nice to have a nice breakfast.” Louis shrugged.

Seeing as how Louis was cooking over the stove Niall decided to just hug him from behind to show his appreciation. Niall helped Louis finish up the breakfast even if he stole more food than actually cooked it but Louis didn’t mind, it was nice having one of the lads awake with him. Liam ended up waking up just as breakfast was done and hugged his friends wishing them a merry Christmas before sitting down.

“I’m going to try and wake Haz and Zayn up, I’ll be back. And Niall don’t eat all the food!” Louis called as he walked to Harry’s bedroom. Instead of jumping on the bed like Louis did earlier he went for the more gentler route and gently shook Harry up knowing he’ll be easier to wake than Zayn. “Hazzah, wake up love. There’s food in the kitchen for you and it’s Christmas and Niall and Liam are already up.”

Harry sighed and wiped away at his eyes, “Did you cook?” he asked sleepily

“I tried too.” Louis smiled, “Now up, up, there is food to eat and presents to be opened.”

Harry sighed again but slowly got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. Louis looked back at Zayn and thought about his plan; he could always hit him with Harry’s pillow and shake him off the bed but then he would be in a bad mood so he’d have to wake him up like he did with Harry even if it’ll take longer. Louis laid down and wrapped an arm around Zayn and began to rub his back.

“Zaynie, wake up.” Louis whispered smiling when Zayn shook his head. “There’s food though. Come on, the rest of the boys are up.”

“It’s too damn early.”

Louis rolled his eyes, “It’s only ten am, Zayn, that’s hardly early.”

Zayn let out a groan, “Ten? Fuck Lou, you’re trying to kill me.” Zayn covered his head with his pillow. “I don’t need breakfast; just get me up at two or something.”

Louis lifted the pillow, “You may not need breakfast but we need you.”

Zayn finally opened his eyes and glared at Louis knowing there is no way he could ever compete with that. It’s just like Louis to get really cliché and emotional to get what he wants. Zayn finally got out of bed, Louis cheering as he did so before running into the kitchen to tell everyone he got Zayn out of bed. Liam got everyone plates and distributed the food as Louis poured the tea and coffee knowing how his best mates liked their drinks. Once Zayn was finally at the table they all cheered to a good Christmas and practically demolished the food Louis cooked. They made small talk as they ate, still too tired and too busy eating to form full conversations. Once they were done eating Liam made Zayn help him clean up since Louis cooked while the rest of the boys put on some Christmas music and sat around the Christmas tree.

“I think we should give Niall his gifts first!” Louis said excitingly.

The rest of the boys shrugged not really caring the order they went in so Louis cheered and gathered Niall’s gifts from under the tree pushing them over to Niall. Niall opened his gifts which consisted of new guitar books from Harry, some new Ray Bans and Vans from Liam, custom guitar picks from Louis, and a paid trip to go beer tasting from Zayn.

"These are awesome, thanks guys! Okay Liam's next!"

Louis cheered again and handed Liam all of his gifts. He got a new Rolex watch from Zayn, movie premiere tickets for the new Bond movie from Harry, signed Woody and Buzz dolls by Tim Allen and Tom Hanks from Louis, and a new sound system from Niall. Liam declared Harry should be the next one to receive his gifts. Zayn gave him a record player, Louis got him limited edition records from The Script, Augustana and Coldplay, Niall gave him a few cook books since he's mentioned trying to get back into cooking, and Liam got him a framed picture of all of the boys hugging each other after winning an award at the VMA's. Harry chose Zayn next who received a signed record from Usher and tickets and backstage tickets to one of his shows from Niall, two new leather jackets from Louis, an already paid appointment with Zayn's favorite tattoo artist from Liam, and signed comic books by Stan Lee from Harry. Last to open his gifts was Louis who got a new car waiting for him at the dealership chipped in by all of the boys for his birthday. As for his Christmas gifts Liam got him opening tickets to the Manchester United game, backstage passes to see The Fray from Harry, the only issue of Power Rangers Zeo from Zayn, and an all expense paid trip to Australia from Niall.

The boys hugged each other and said their thanks before squishing on the couch under numerous blankets to watch How The Grinch Stole Christmas then The Polar Express. Once the movies were over they had to go back to their families homes. They hugged each other tightly again, telling each other to wish their families a happy holiday.

"Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight!!" Louis cheered finally walking away from his friends who repeated the sentiment right back to him.
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thank you for all of the support with this story and i hope you guys have a merry christmas :) xx