12 Days of Christmas

Day Two

"Are you alright Harry?" Liam asked slipping his arm around Harry's waist.

"I'm just cold." Harry spoke, teeth clattering.

Liam sighed and rubbed his arm on Harry's waist, "We'll be home soon."

Harry nodded, "Whose idea was it to walk to the coffee shop?"

Liam laughed, "I do believe it was yours, love."

"Why didn't you stop me and change my mind?"

"I tried!" Liam exclaimed, "I tried but you looked at me with your pretty green eyes and your stupid pout and I couldn't disagree."

Harry giggled and tried to recreate the look he gave Liam earlier, "This look?"

Liam glanced at Harry and let out a whine, "Yes that one. Now stop it."

Harry giggled and kissed Liam, "I didn't realize that look could win you over so much."

Liam glared at Harry, "It doesn't."

"There's no use lying babe, I already know your weakness."

Liam sighed and chose not to say anything which only made Harry laugh again. Harry draped an arm around Liam's shoulder and brought him close to lay a kiss to his forehead.

"We'll be home soon baby." Liam told Harry. "You think you can make it or should we get a cab?"

Harry shook his head, "No I think I'll be okay. Your body seems to be a pretty good heater."

Liam laughed and stole another kiss from Harry, bringing Harry closer to his body as the continued to walk back to their flat. After fifteen more minutes of walking and complaining from Harry the two finally made it back inside their flat. Harry flew himself onto the couch and buried himself under blankets as Liam set out to making the two of them hot chocolate.

"Liam, I'm cold." Harry complained after drinking the hot chocolate.

Liam sighed, "Still?" Harry pouted and nodded, "Do you want me to make a fire?"

Harry smiled, "Please? And maybe some s'mores?" Harry asked pouting.

"Let's not be too hasty."

Harry pouted but didn't say anything further not wanting to push the subject and make his chances of getting the treat slimmer. Harry watched in admiration as Liam started the fire with no problem. When Liam walked away Harry took the opportunity to put some blankets and pillows in front of the fire. Liam returned with two cups of tea before retreating to the kitchen only to return again with a plate full of graham cracker, marshmallows and chocolate.

Harry let out an embarrassing squeal and gave Liam a sloppy kiss. "You're the best." Harry told Liam.

Liam laughed and handed Harry a screwer to roast his marshmallows, "Either that or I'm whipped."

Harry laughed and glanced at Liam, "Both. You being whipped makes you the best."

Liam rolled eyes, "Whatever, just make your s'more."

Harry giggled and kissed Liam's cheek before doing as Liam instructed. He messily ate the s'more ignoring Liam's glare and started making another one this time feeding it to Liam being sure to wipe some of the chocolate on his lips so Harry could kiss it away. They continued on with that pattern until Liam was too concerned that Harry was going to get sick from eating too much. Liam cleaned up there s'more making mess before settling back into his place next to Harry. Harry nuzzled his head under Liam's arms so he was resting against Liam's body. Harry wrapped his arms around Liam and tangled their legs together as Liam wrapped his arms around Harry's body.

"Chilling by the fire while we're eatin fondue." Liam sang making Harry laugh. "I don't know about me but I don't know about you. So say hello to falsetto in 3 2 swag."

Harry laughed nuzzling his face further into Liam's chest, "Liam shut up." Harry teased.

"I'd like to be everything you want so hey boy let me talk to you. If I was your boyfriend I'd never let you go."

Harry rolled his eyes as he kissed Liam's birth mark, "You are my boyfriend, Li."

Liam smiled and dipped his head to kiss Harry's lips, "And I never plan to let you go."

Harry smiled against Liam's lips, "Good, I don't want you to."