12 Days of Christmas

Day Three

"Harry you still haven't told me what you want for Christmas." Louis noted as the best friends watch Home Alone.

Harry shrugged, "You don't have to get me anything Lou."

Louis rolled his eyes, "Right but we both know I'm going to get you something anyway so you should just tell me so I can get what you want."

Harry sighed and picked at the blanket covering his legs, "I don't know Louis, can I think about it?"

"Harry, it's almost Christmas. I need to know like...now."

Harry sighed, "Fine. I want you Louis." Harry told him laughing it off as if he wasnt serious when in reality all Harry wants is Louis to be his boyfriend.

Louis sighed, "Well alright, you asked for it."


"Okay it's my turn now." Louis said grinning handing his gift over to Harry.

"What is it?" Harry asked his emerald eyes shining.

"Open it up silly." Louis told him slipping on the sweater Harry got him.

Harry opened his gift laughing loudly when he realized Louis got him the newest Louis doll made by hasbro.

"You said you wanted me." Louis winked.

Harry laughed and nodded, "You're right I did say that."

Harry was too busy admiring the doll due to Louis' cheekiness to realize Louis moved so he was sitting right next to Harry. Louis place his hand on Harry's knee to gain Harry's attention. Harry looked at Louis and blushed under Louis' curious gaze.

"I know you better than you think Haz." Louis started.


"And I know when you say something as a joke to try and play it off."

Harry blushed even deeper and looked down at Louis' hand on his knee.

"So Harry why don't you tell me what you really want for Christmas."

Harry bit his lip as he played with Louis' fingers trying to gain confidence.

"Louis, please don't make me say it."

Louis sighed and gently brought Harry's face to his, "I need to hear you say it so I don't overstep my boundaries, so I don't fuck this up."

Harry chewed on the inside of his cheek, "This year I want you alone. I just want you Louis, that's all I've ever wanted. I want you to be mine and-"

Louis cut of Harry by slamming his lips onto Harry's making the two tumble back onto the couch. The kiss was messy and rushed and definitely not what either boy expected their first kiss to be like. They broke apart for air and this time Harry was the one to connect their lips together except this time the kiss was slow and gentle and gave them enough time to actually enjoy the feel of each other’s lips.

"If I'm what you want," Louis started to say as he moved some of Harry's curls from his face, "then you have me."

Harry couldn't contain his smile even if he wanted to as he threw his arms around Louis' neck and hugged the older boy.

"Best Christmas present ever."