12 Days of Christmas

Day Four

“So I was thinking,” Louis started to say as he watched Liam pick out different kinds of cereal.

“You were thinking?” Liam joked kissing Louis’ nose before continuing down the aisle.

“Ha ha ha you think you’re so funny.” Louis rolls his eyes. “Anyway, I think we should make Christmas cards.”

“Make Christmas cards? Isn’t it easier to just buy some from the store? We can do that today if you want. I’m sure they have some.”

Louis sighed, “No Li, I want us to be wearing antlers or horrible Christmas sweaters and take a picture and send it to our family and friends.”

“Oh.” Liam bit his lip, “those kinds of cards.”

“What do you mean ‘those kinds of cards?” Louis asked mimicking his boyfriend.

“Does this smell good?” Liam asked holding up new soap to Louis, “And I just mean those kind of cards, the kind of cards newlyweds take thinking every member of their family wants a picture of them with their newborn in matching outfits.

“Wow I didn't realize you felt so strongly about it.” Louis pouted, “And that smells great, much better than the soap we have now.”

“Hey I liked that soap.”

Louis merely nodded, “I know you did. Right so I guess I can’t convince you to do Christmas cards?”

Liam sighed and ran a hand through his hair, “Well what were you thinking? Did you really want to do antlers and ugly Christmas sweaters?”

“Maybe not ugly Christmas sweaters but I thought antlers would be cute.”

Liam sighed, “Can I think about it? I’ve thought personalized Christmas cards were dumb for the longest time so you’re kind of asking me to change my whole life right now.”

Louis laughed and shoved his boyfriend playfully, “Oh come off it, I am not. But yes, think about it but not for too long because we’d have to get them done soon.”


“He won’t do it Haz.” Louis complained on the phone with his best friend.

“Do what?”

Louis groaned, “Can you stop fantasizing about Niall long enough to listen to me?”

“It’s not my fault he’s walking around half naked!”

Louis sighed, “Fine whatever go ravish your boyfriend. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Louis no stop-“

It was too late though; Louis already hung up and tossed his phone onto the table in the living room. It’s been a couple of weeks since Louis brought up the topic of Christmas cards and Liam still hasn’t given him an answer. He’s sure Liam thought he was kidding about the whole thing but he was actually really serious about it and if Liam would just talk to him about it, he could agree to wearing normal outfit. Ever since Louis was a little kid he’s always wanted to take those pictures when he started a family and maybe it’s too soon for that kind of talk for him and Liam but the two are already so committed to each other. Maybe he shouldn’t have played off the idea as just a passing thought or joke but he didn’t want Liam to make fun of him which is kind or rare for Liam but Louis has been rubbing off on him so who knows what he would have said.

Just as Louis was beginning to make himself sad from the thought of not being able to have Christmas Cards. Liam barged into the flat holding quite a few bags. He dropped the bags and scooped Louis up from the couch and gave him a big kiss.

“What’s gotten into you? Not that I’m complaining or anything?” Louis asked accepting another kiss.

“I’m finally in the Christmas spirit.” Liam told him smiling.

“Oh that’s great babe.” Louis tried to sound happy but it even sounded strained to his own ears.

“Right I got a few things while I was out.”

“It’s a little early for Christmas presents.” Louis noted.

“They’re not, sit down love.”

Louis sat down beginning to get excited as Liam looked through the bags trying to decide what to give Louis first. Finally Liam lifted two sweaters from the bag; a white sweater with a large Christmas tree on it complete with flashing lights and another with Rudolph on it with a blinking nose.

“I kind of liked the Christmas tree but if you like it you can wear it.” Liam told him with a shrug.

“No, I’ll take Rudolph.”

Liam tossed Louis both sweaters before going back to the bags and pulling out antlers and an elf hat.

Louis giggled, “I want the antlers.”

“You’ve got it babe.”

Liam tossed those items to Louis as well before pulling out two pairs of pants, one red and one green. “This time you don’t get an option. You look great in red so you get the red.”

Louis nodded grinning, “Okay that’s fine.”

“I borrowed Zayn’s camera and tripod as well so the pictures can come out good.”

Louis let out a squeal and let the new clothes fall to the floor as he jumped off the couch and tackled Liam in a hug. Liam caught Louis and held the smaller boy tightly in his arms, loving the fact that he could make Louis so happy. Louis pulled away enough to place a sloppy kiss on Liam’s cheek before hugging him again.

“I’m sorry it took so long to make a decision.”

Louis shook his head, “No, Li, it’s fine. I can’t believe you agreed.”

Liam pulled away from Louis and pushed some of Louis’ fringe from his eyes, “Of course. I didn’t realize this meant so much to you.”

“Well yeah I mean I know it’s silly but wait how did you know?”

“I might have talked to your sister a week ago.” Liam shrugged.

Louis let out a tiny squeal and kissed Liam again mumbling a thank you against his lips. Liam simply smiled and kissed Louis back with a little more force in the form of a ‘you’re welcome’ before pulling away from him altogether.

“Right so shall we get changed?” Liam asked.

“Yes, yes we should.”

After the boys got changed it took them a good hour or two to actually take the pictures due to the fact that Louis couldn’t be serious at all. He kept messing with Liam’s hat or jumper or even tugging on Liam’s pants claiming they look far too good on him. Finally though they were serious enough to get at least a few pictures of them acting normal and smiling. Once they deemed they took enough pictures (over 60 pictures) they changed back into normal clothes and sat on the couch with cups of hot chocolate to go through the picture. They ended up picking three goofy pictures and one normal picture to put on a card in a collage form.

“I know this was kind of silly and everything but this really did mean a lot.” Louis whispered once the card’s format was set up.

“It was silly but it was fun and we’ll do it every year if that’s what you want.” Liam told Louis sealing off the promise with a kiss.

“Maybe next year you can be Santa clause and I’ll be your elf.”