12 Days of Christmas

Day Five

"Okay let's make a bet." Harry told Niall once all of the baking supplies were on the counter,

"You're on Styles. What do you want to bet?"

Harry tapped his chin pretending to think, "Whoever loses has to decorate outside."

Niall grinned, "Well good thing I'm going to win!"

Harry rolled his eyes, "I wouldn't be so confident if I were you baby."

Niall raised an eyebrow, "Well you shouldn't be so cocky." Niall told him poking his chest, "baby."

Harry laughed and rolled his eyes, kissing Niall quickly before pushing Niall away.

"Let's get cooking!" Harry cheered.

Harry decided to make peanut butter and nutella cookies while Niall decided to make sugar cookies and decorate them. While making the cookies the two ended up bumping hips and elbows which ended up with more flour on each other than actually in the cookies. When they weren't throwing ingredients at each other they were stealing kisses and singing Christmas carols at the top of their lungs.

Once the cookies were done cooking and they were all cooled down Niall sent to work on decorating them. He decorated most of them with Christmas themes but he also made a few personalized for him and Harry. After the cookies were done they put a few on a plate and ventured over to the neighbors so they could be the judge of their contest.

"Hello Bill, Harry and I were just wondering if you could try our cookies and let us know which one is better."

Bill, a middle aged businessman laughed and shook his head, "Another competition?"

Harry grinned, "Of course."

"What's the prize this time?" Bill asked taking a bite of Harry's cookie.

"Whoever loses decorates outside."

Bill laughed again, "I think my wife would kill me I ever suggested she decorates outside."

Niall laughed, "That's how I feel."

Harry gasped and shoved Niall making him laugh louder as he stumbled. Niall threw an arm around Harry's shoulder and kissed his cheek.

"Love ya babes."

"Yeah sure whatever. So Bill, what do you think?"

"Hm, I love the decorations on these sugar cookies but the nutella in these peanut butter cookies is just right. So the peanut butter ones win."

"Yes!" Harry cheered. "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

"Shit." Niall stomped his foot. "Thanks for helping Bill."

Bill smiled sympethically at Niall, "No problem Niall. Good luck with the lights."

Harry tried to contain his excitement for not having to put the lights on the house or other decorations but he couldn't help it. He couldn't stop smiling and often asked Niall when he was going to get started on the daunting task. It was a couple days later that Niall finally decided to start and of course the temperature dropped significantly and the sun was hidden by clouds. Harry felt bad that Niall was out in the cold weather decorating their home so he brought Niall cups of tea or hot chocolate every hour so he could stay warm. He even started a fire when Niall was almost done so when he got back inside the house was nice and warm.

"Let's go outside and have a look, yeah?" Niall asked.

Harry wrapped a blanket around him and followed Niall outside to admire the lights on the house and the other decoration in their now snow covered lawn.

"You did an amazing job, babe." Harry complimented Niall, kissing his cheek afterwards.

Niall smiled and gave Harry a proper kiss, "Thank you. Now let's go back inside. I'm tired of being outdoors."

Harry laughed but didn't say anything instead he just took Niall's hand in his and walked back inside. They cuddled together in front of the fire and drank more cups of hot chocolate as they warmed up.

"You know what this means right?" Harry asked.

"Mm, what?"

"Since you did such a good job, you'll have to do the outdoor decorations every year."

Niall groaned, "That was not a part of the bet."

Harry shrugged, "It was in the fine print."
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For the past couple of days my good friend, Kayla, have been updating for me since I was away on holiday so a big big big thank you to her for updating for me. I love you, babe.