12 Days of Christmas

Day Six

"Zayn that light isn't working." Louis pointed out to Zayn.

Zayn sighed and followed Louis' finger where he was pointing at.

"Hand me one of those spare lights, will ya?"

Louis picked out a spare light from one of the boxes and flicked it at Zayn.

"Ow! Babe I said hand not throw!"

Louis merely giggled so Zayn picked the light that flicked off his head to switch the broken light.

"See anymore that need to be replaced?"

"Spin the tree."

"I'm not spinning the tree. You're ridiculous. Just come walk around the tree unless your fat ass gets caught between the tree and the wall."

Louis glared at Zayn but got up from the couch and walked around to access the tree declaring they could proceed.

"No Zayn the garland goes on first."

Zayn pursed his lips and snatched the garland from his boyfriends hands and started to put the garland on, ignoring when Louis walked behind him to fix the placement.

"If you're just going to walk behind me and fix everything why don't you just do it yourself?" Zayn asked once they were done.

Louis didn't say anything he just kissed Zayn's cheek and began to get the ornaments from the boxes.

"Put these on first babe." Louis told Zayn handing him a small box of ornaments.

Zayn sighed and took the box from Louis, "You should put on some Christmas music."

"Or I could just sing."

"That you could. But some background music would be great."

"Okay fine but I'm picking the music."

Zayn shook his head, "Of course."

As Louis went off to find some music to play throughout their flat, Zayn continued to work on the tree. Even after Louis put music on Louis pretended to help with the tree even though it was his idea to even put up a tree. Louis mostly followed behind Zayn and fixed ornaments that he felt like were in the wrong place. Finally after an hour of decorating the tree was finally done, Louis walking around it a few times declaring it's perfect and told Zayn he could put it in it's place.

"Move it back a little." Louis commented, "Okay now to the left. Spin it just a tad. No go back the other way. Just a little bit more, a little bit more. Perfect! Yes, okay now push it back a little more. Stop! Great! Oh Zayn, it looks so good."

Zayn fought back his eye roll as he carefully climbed out from behind the tree and stood beside Louis. Although the process was a little frustrating with Louis always wanting to change something or other, Zayn had to admit the tree did look good.

"Oh! I can't believe I forgot! We have to put the angel on top!"

Louis ran back to one of the boxed and got the angel, unwrapping her from her box and handing her to Zayn.

"Why don't you do it, babe?" Zayn asked smiling warmly at Louis.

Louis bit his lip and walked up to the tree standing on his tip toes to try and reach. It was just out of his reach however making him lose his balance and start to tip forward. Before he could fall into the tree Zayn wrapped his arms around him and brought Louis into his chest. Louis looked back at Zayn and kissed his cheek in thanks. Zayn smiled softly and gently picked Louis up so he could put the angel on the tree. Once Louis was back on the ground he spun around in Zayn's arms and kissed him softly. Louis turned back around and admired the tree once more.

"You did a great job." Louis complimented.

Zayn rolled his eyes, "Yeah you followed me and fixed everything."

Louis giggled, "You tried, that's what matters."

Zayn rolled his eyes, "Right well next year I'll just let you do all the work."

Louis rolled his eyes patting Zayn's arms, "Don't be silly."
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't know if you guys like Logan Lerman but I am starting a Logan story which you can check out here. The first chapter should be up tonight.

Thank you guys so much for the support on this story. It really means a lot to me. <3