12 Days of Christmas

Day Eight

"Zayn, get off the couch and get dressed." Harry told his boyfriend as he walked into their living room.

"Why Hazzah? It's already dark and it's cold." Zayn pouted.

Harry sighed, "I know but I'm really excited about this. Will you please just get ready?"

Zayn always wanted to be immune to Harry's puppy dog eyes but he just cant stand the way he cocks his head to the side with his green eyes blown wide and a pout along his lips. Zayn desperately wanted to say no, wanted to to Harry they'll get sick but he couldn't deny his partners happiness so he finally got up with a sigh, kissing Harry's cheek as he passed him.

Once Zayn was dressed for the brisk London weather Harry led Zayn to his car, turning up the heat before Zayn even had the chance to complain. Harry drove with a hand laced with Zayn's across the center console with Christmas carols playing through the speakers. Zayn lazily sang along and used his free hand to draw invisible patterns on Harry's arm; sometimes tracing the phrase 'I love you' into his skin. Harry tried to keep his smile to a minimum but when Zayn kissed him at a red light he couldn't help but smile from ear to ear. They finally arrived at their destination, Harry quite literally bouncing in his seat from excitement.

"We're going ice skating?" Zayn asked once they met each other in front of the car.

Harry's confidence dwindled as he stared at Zayn, "Yeah, is that okay? I mean I know neither of us know how to skate but I thought it could be fun." Harry trailed off.

Zayn noticed Harry's worried expression and kissed him, "It's great Harry, really. Now come on."

Harry's smile returned as he wrapped his arm around Zayn's neck, smiling a little wider when Zayn wrapped his arm around Harry's waist. Harry's smile never faltered as they walked to the ice rink, not even when the attendants stared at the boys like they were absolutely mad to be so wrapped up in each other. Harry got his skates on first and helped Zayn lace up his before they cautiously skated onto the ice. They were both wobbly at first, clutching onto each other as they tried to get used to skating. Finally the two got the hang of things and skated around the rink holding hands and sharing glowing smiles and sparkling eyes. After an hour of skating the two carefully walked off the ice and went to the concession stand for hot chocolate. When Harry burned his tongue on the steaming drink Zayn immediately kissed him, massaging his tongue against Harry's. Harry swallowed his moan and pushed Zayn away from him giving him a look that clearly states 'now is not the time'. Zayn just shrugged and kissed him again, keeping the kiss simple this time.

"Do you want to skate again?" Harry asked Zayn once their drinks were done.

"Yeah, come on then."

Zayn tugged Harry's hand and walked towards the ice; this time more confident. Although they felt better about skating the ice was more rough making their skates shake causing them to wobble a bit. They were rounding a lap when Zayn's skate hit a dip in the ice making him off balance and ultimately start to fall he reached out to Harry for stability but that proved to be pointless because in a matter of seconds the two were tumbling to the ground. Harry fell right next to Zayn and immediately started laughing while Zayn just laid on the ice and groaned.

"Are you okay baby?" Harry asked. "Anything broken?"

"Just my dignity. How're you?"

Harry laughed again, "I'm great." Harry carefully got up and held out a hand to Zayn, "Up you go."

"I think I'm done now." Zayn pouted once he was finally standing up.

Harry smiled warmly at him and kissed his cheek, "Alright let's get you home."

They returned their skates and got some hot chocolate for the road. The car ride was quieter than the ride on the way to the rink, both boys enjoying the night sky and the Christmas lights that dashed by. Once they were back home Harry instructed Zayn to take some medication since he was sure to be sore in the morning. While Zayn took medicine and put the kettle on for hot tea, Harry put their pajamas in the dryer for a little while so they could be nice and warm in time for bed. The two cuddled up on the couch and drank their tea while watching whatever late night shows were on. The second their pajamas were out of the dryer they hurried to put them on and climb in bed, wrapping up in each others arms.

"Thank you for forcing me to go out tonight. That was a lot of fun Harry."

Harry smiled and nuzzled his head in the croon of Zayn's neck, "I'm happy you had a good time. I've always wanted to bring a date ice skating."

Zayn ducked his head down to kiss Harry, "I'm happy it was me. I love you Harry."

Harry kissed him and snuggled up to him again, "I love you too Zayn."