You Have To Eat Your Veggies, Alex


Alex hates vegetables. Corn, green beans, peas; you name it, he will not eat it.
Alex doesn't know why he hates vegetables so much, in fact, when he was a kid he loved them. But as he grew older he and vegetables grew farther apart.
Alex was twenty-two now, he had been dating his best friend for two years. Jack new about Alex's issue with the Jolly Green Giant, and he was about as understanding as a best friend could be. But he was at his witz end right about now.
Jack had moved in with Alex almost a year ago now, and as much as he hated to admit it, Jack was the more feminen of the pair. Which ment Jack played housewife majority of the time: doing laundry, washing dishes, cleaning up after his boyfriend, and making dinner. Now he could deal with all the other chores, but after a long day of cleaning and then slaving over the stove, he thought the least Alex could do was forcably swollow a few peas for him. Like right about now.
"Alex, the damn peas, or i swear to God, i will shove them down your skinny throat." Jack huffed angrily.
"Ja-ack, you know i can't." Jack whinned in retort.
"If you don't eat at least one spoonful, i'm not touching you sexually for at least a damn month." Jack figured barganing would get him somewhere.
Alex looked down at the plate of food his boyfriend had worked so hard to make, a pang of guilt hit him in the chest. He stared at the mashed potatos, chicken, and peas for a few moments. His blonde fringe falling infront of his eyes. "Ja-ack." Alex whinned.
"Alex." Jack said cortly.
"I can-n't." Alex whinned, again, looking up at Jack and giving him the best puppy-dog eyes he could muster up, which was pretty impresive. But today it wasn't going to work.
"Alex. I swear to Satan- not God, oh no, Satan- if you do not eat at least a spoonfull of those peas, not only will i not touch you, you'll sleep on the couch." Alex could tell that if he didn't suck it up and eat the damn peas that there was a posobilaty Jack would castrate him in his sleep, and he was quite fond of his testicals to be honest.
So Alex huffed out a breath and grabed his spoon. "Fine." he mummbled. "It's just a vegetable, what harm could it do?" he said to himself as he dug his spoon into the small mound of green spheres on his plate. Alex glanced up at Jack through his bangs, holding the spoon in mid-air as Jack gave him a quick nod telling him to go ahead. Alex let out a final defeated sigh as he brought the spoon to his mouth. Alex chewed the squishy food between his teeth as the taste tingled on his tongue, little balls erupting like valcanos as he teeth crashed down on them. Alex wanted to gag. The texture was displeasing, the taste too meaty. But he was doing this for Jack, so he swallowed the gag anlong with the spoonfull of food.
Alex looked up at Jack as he set his spoon back on the plate. Jack had the largest, silliest grin streched across his face.
"I'm so fucking proud of you, Lex," Jack stod from his seat and went around the table to pull Alex in a tight hug, "So proud." he mummbled against his boyfriends lips before pressing an apretiative kiss to them.
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ohhhhgod i think i'm starting to like writting fluff dearlordwhat'shappeningtome.
Someone feed me comments andfoodandwatchDonnieDarkowithme cause i is hUNGRAAY.