Status: This is a sequel to "Bulls In The Bronx"! If you're new to my writing, I'd consider reading the prequel before reading this. If not, I think you can understand what's going on in the first chapter of this story. And holy crap, I have 56 subscribers already! You guys are awesome, thank you! (:

Stained Glass Eyes & Colorful Tears


[Vic's POV]

It was raining by now. It was probably 1am and I couldn't sleep. I found myself staring at my laptop answering fan mail.

I couldn't rap my mind around the fact that Tony is leaving the band. I never thought he would.

I looked up at the TV which was playing Toy Story. Jaime must have left in on since he was in the kitchen area of the bus for about an hour cooking up a meal for us.

I was so stressed and I knew Jaime would understand what I was feeling.

I shut my laptop and walked over to the kitchen. I crossed my arms as I saw Jaime flipping burgers in a pan.

"You doing okay?" He asked me.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I guess, I'm trying to wrap it around my mind that he won't be here anymore..."

Jaime turned to look at me. "Vic, I think he's being all talk." He whispered to me. Tony was in the bunk area of the bus sleeping, but somehow he'd hear what Jaime had to say if he was awake.

"I don't know. He seemed serious about it. We're going to have to find a replacement, teach them all the parts, break it to the's really stressful to think about." I sighed.

"I think it's a personal problem." Jaime said.

I raised a brow. Personal problem? Like what? "What do you mean?" I asked him. I was curious about this answer.

"Think about it: obviously he had feelings for Ashley on the previous tour. Then don't you remember how you caught them together when you can over to her house? It was obvious they were seeing each other if they were hanging out and she wouldn't answer his phone calls. She picked you over him and now he's upset. That has to be the problem."

I snickered. "That's a dumb reason to want to leave then. I mean, if she really wanted him to stick around she would have tried. I never asked her about her relationship with Tony."

Jaime took out the plates from above in the kitchen cabinet and he handed one to me.

"You should ask her about it tonight. Then, talk it out with Tony and see if that's the reason why he wants to leave. I don't think he really wants to leave, he just wants you to feel bad for him probably. I don't know."

I nodded my head. I walked over to the kitchen counter and I grabbed a hamburger bun from the plastic bag full of them. "I haven't talked to her in a week. I know that's my fault since I've been busy, but I feel horrible for not checking in on her like I should."

Jaime gave me a burger. "Just call her tonight. Explain to her what's happened. She can't get upset from that."

I sighed again. "Not that easy, Hime."

Jaime put his hand on my shoulder and I felt him smile. "Don't over think it. The girl loves you, come on now. Eat and I'll help you call your girlfriend up. Geez, it's not that hard."

I laughed and I placed the top of my bun on my burger and I walked over to the booth where Jaime was bringing his food over.

We began to eat our food and boy, I was hungry. I could tell tonight I was going to be eating my feelings.

"This is really good. What'd you do to it?" I asked him in between bites of my burger.

Jaime sipped his can of Cherry Coke and I saw him grin.

"Oh you know, spit in it a couple times. Always does the trick."

I frowned my face and Jaime let out a laugh. "Even though you're joking, that's disgusting."

Jaime laughed out loud again. "I would never do that. To Mike? Maybe."

As soon as Jaime said that I saw Mike walking in, his nose tilted to the food on the stove. He was looking around at the food on our plates. "What would you do to me?" He asked.

Jaime looked at me and I couldn't help but let out a small life. "Nothing, Mikey. You hungry?"

Mike smiled. "Hell yeah, I'm hungry! What's for dinner?"

"Burgers. Jaime did something to 'em, bro. So be careful." I joked.

Mike helped himself to food and he joined himself at our table. He chowed down the food Jaime made and he looked over at me. "Thanks for helping me out tonight, Victor."

I looked over at him. "What do you mean?"

He rolled his eyes. "I had two bitches craving the whiskey. I couldn't give both of them attention. You were supposed to help me."

I took a bite of my burger and I wiped my mouth. "Michael, we have bigger problems than this."

Mike looked over. "About what?"

Jaime looked at me and then back at Michael. "Tony's leaving the band."

Mike's mouth dropped as he slammed his tattooed hands on the table. He looked at us in shock. "No...No he's not! Hell no, he's not really going to..."

I shook my head yes. "Yes, yes he is. He said he wants to."

Mike took a big bite of his burger and I saw him sit there and think. He looked over at me and I he put up his hand to show he wanted to say something. "I don't really think he will. I think he has beef with you, Vic."

I shot at look at my brother who was sitting across the table from me. "What makes you think that? Jaime told me the same thing."

Mike snickered as he put his beer down after taking a swig of it. "Because. Ashley."

Jaime pointed at me. "Hah! Told you. He's not gonna leave."

"Yeah, whatever." I joked. I took a sip from the water Jaime brought to the table for me and I listened to Mike chat about his horrible experience with the girls at the bar when I heard my phone start vibrating in the back lounge.

"I'll be right back." I said as I got up to go over to the back to get my phone.

I picked it up to see someone was calling me. The screen said Ashley's name in big white letters and I slid my finger across to unlock my phone so I could answer it.

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

I didn't hear a response. I heard a muffling noise. I could hear Ashley talking to her friend in the car. She must have been driving somewhere or something like that.

I could hear her laughing. "Ash? Baby, can you hear me?" I asked loudly into the phone.

I walked into the other room and I put my phone on speaker. "Do you think she butt-dialed me on accident or something?" I asked them.

Jaime listened for a while to Ashley talking and giggling and shook his head yes. "Probably, just hang up and call her back."

Before I could do that I heard screams in the phone. I could hear Ashley and her friend screaming for bloody murder. I heard a loud squealing noise as if a car trying to break suddenly after going 100 miles per hour. It went silent as the phone was cutting out and I heard muffled screams.

"ASHLEY?! OH MY GOD, CAN YOU HEAR ME?" I was panicking by now.

The muffling went away and I could hear Ashley screaming and then a loud thud, like a car hitting into the side of a ditch and the phone went silent. The call ended.

I looked down at my phone and then back at Jaime and Mike. They didn't know what to say to me by the looks of it.

I dialed her number again on my phone quickly, putting it on speaker but it went straight to voice mail. No one was picking her phone up. I tried her house number but all I got wast the answering machine again.

Something bad has happened to her and I have no idea what happened and if she was okay. This is horrible.
♠ ♠ ♠
HI GUYS IM BACK. I've had such a busy week with school, friends, A BOY (yes a boy he's very sweet and nice. I hope things work out between us) I got really sick AGAIN (stupid colds) and I was at my friends house the whole weekend so I had no time for writing.

This is a short chapter, but tomorrow I should be able to post something fairly longer.

What do you think happens to Ashley and Claire?

Is Tony leaving the band? Leave me feedback.

Thanks for waiting guys, means a lot to me. This won't happen again, I swear! c: