Status: This is a sequel to "Bulls In The Bronx"! If you're new to my writing, I'd consider reading the prequel before reading this. If not, I think you can understand what's going on in the first chapter of this story. And holy crap, I have 56 subscribers already! You guys are awesome, thank you! (:

Stained Glass Eyes & Colorful Tears


[Ashley's POV]

Bright yellow lights were in front of us now. The windshield wipers working as fast as it could to wipe the wipe the rain away. My eyes grew wide as I saw the lights coming towards the front of our car. I could see the driver through the rain and he had a shocked look on his face as he hand went to the horn of his wheel.

Claire screamed over the sound, taking her shaking hands off of the wheel to cover her face. I panicked. I took the wheel of the car and turned it drastically to the left, the tires screeching against the road. I felt my body jolt to the side, the seat belt pulling on the side of my neck.

The side of the car on Claire's side slammed into the side of a road divider and the car stopped there. I felt my body jolt forward but my seat belt prevented me from moving forward into the window shield in front of me. I grabbed my chest as I started to breathe heavily.

I looked over at Claire who was sobbing into the palm of her hands. She peaked through her fingers to look at me. "Are you okay?" She mumbled.

I nodded. I looked down at my pregnant belly. Hopefully this wouldn't harm my baby in any sort of way, that would be heartbreaking.

"I think so." I said in between breaths. The rain was coming down hard on the car.

"Nothing hit your stomach right?" She asked me.

I nodded my head. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure my babygirl is fine."

Claire looked out the window to see the hail bouncing around on the black road. "I need to go and check to see if my car has any damage to it."

I frowned as I watched Claire open the car door to walk into the pouring rain to look at the damage of her car.

I looked down at my belly and I sighed. Something didn't feel right about this. I didn't want to scare myself into thinking I might have hurt my child in any way, so I shook the thoughts out of my mind. There was no way I was going to lose her, the seat belt didn't hurt my stomach and it was all in my head. She was fine. I'm convincing myself she's fine.

[Vic's POV]

I exited the airport walking into the street to go find my car. Tour in the UK was finally over and I couldn't wait to go home and see my girlfriend and check up on her progress with our child.

I finally heard from her a couple days ago. I found out she was in a car accident but she was okay and same with her friend.

I opened my car trunk and shoved my suitcase in there. I slammed it tightly shut and I pulled my phone out of my pocket. The time read 3:16pm. I couldn't wait to get home.

I dailed Ashley's number into my phone and put it to my ear.

"Hello?" She picked up.

"Hey Ash, I just wanted to call to tell you I made it home safe. I'll be home in about 20 minutes." I replied to her, opening the car door on the driver's side and got in. I put the car in drive when I heard her sigh.

"Alright, sounds good. I love you Victor." She replied to me.

"I love you too." I hung up the phone and ended the call.

Maybe I was worrying about her too much, but I really couldn't help it. Ever since that phone call, I really couldn't help but worry that something bad was going to happen to her again.

[Ashley's POV]

"Did you set up the plates outside on the table?" I hollered as soon as I set my phone down on the kitchen cabinet.

"Not yet! I'm still trying to set up the banner." Claire yelled back to me.

I walked into our kitchen to see Claire standing on our island setting up the "welcome home" banner we made for the guys. We were throwing them a party for being gone for so long. The guys deserved to have a day off from their busy jobs and to just be laid back for a while.

People were all around me, chattering away with each other and I was frantically setting up the table full of their favorite foods.

I took a chip and munched on it quick when I looked out the window to see Vic's car pulling up into our driveway.

"Claire, they're here!" I spit out, wiping the crumbs off of my shirt and I was shushing everyone to be quiet. I shooed them to the kitchen and I heard a knock on the door.

I opened it to find Vic standing there, holding his suitcase. He dropped his bag and his arms went around my waist, bringing me in for a hard kiss. I kissed him back and I felt his lips smile. I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine, then they trailed down to my pregnant tummy. He placed his hands onto my tummy and smiled.

"She's growing alright. I'm so happy for you to be home finally." I smiled at Vic.

Vic smiled back at me. "Trust me, I am too. I miss the San Diego sun."

I looked over his shoulder to see Jaime and Mike walking up the side walk. Vic stepped aside and I did as well, letting them walk into the house.

Mike wrapped one of his arms around my waist as I followed him in to give me a side hug.

"You're cooking something, aren't you?" He asked me, sniffing the air.

"Um, just a little something." I smirked.

Vic walked into the house, dragging his suitcase behind him. I grabbed his hand. "Where's Tony?" I asked him curiously.

Vic frowned a little. "I don't think he's coming."

"Why not?"

"Tony quit the band." Jaime replied to me.

My eyes opened big. Tony? Leaving the band? That couldn't be possible. That wasn't like him to do that at all. "He's not leaving. He can't leave."

Mike shrugged his shoulders. "The beaner texted me a couple minutes ago. He said he should be pulling up in a few. Just wait it out, I guess."

"But I'm starving." Jaime complained. "The food on the plane was horrible. I couldn't finish it."

"Be patient, Hime. He'll be here like, now." Mike said, getting on his tippy toes to peak through the window in the living room.

I heard a door shut from the open window behind me, and I turned to see Tony walking up my sidewalk. He politely opened the door to step in to see us looking at him.

"I thought you weren't coming?" Vic said in confusion, raising a brow.

Tony shrugged. "Yeah, but I thought I should."

Tony walked by me, nodding his head and he mouthed the world "hello".

I watched him walk to the couch and he pulled his phone out before he sat down on the couch. "So what are we doing here?"

I looked over at the boys who trailed their eyes to me. I smirked a little, waving the top of my fingers for them to follow me to the kitchen.

The followed behind me and when we entered the room everyone popped out and screamed "welcome home" to the boys.

The room busted out into laughter and cheers. The boys hugged their friends and family who had come to join them for the party.

I walked over to Vic who was hugging his dad and his dad saw me and hugged me. "You're getting big!"

"That isn't offensive at all, Dad." Vic rolled his eyes.

"You know what I mean, mijo. But anyways, how's the pregnancy going?" Vic's father asked me.

I smiled. "Amazing. I'm really excited to bring this princess into the world."

He laughed at my reply and took a swig from his cup of water. "I'm excited to be a grandfather. I don't know about the old woman I live with is, but I can assure you if you two need anything, you can give us a call. Speaking of her, I should probably go help her with the grill. We'll talk more later."

He shook my hand and I turned to look at Vic. He cupped my face and brought me in for a kiss. I kissed him back and smiled as I did so. I was happy to have him back here.

"Thanks for throwing this party for us, it means a lot to us, really. This must have taken days to organize and buy all of the stuff for like 80 people." Vic smiled.

I laughed. "Don't worry about it, babe. You deserve it. Now that you're finally home, go catch up with your family. I'm gonna get a drink and i'll head outside."

Vic kissed my forehead and I watched him disappear into the group of people.

I walked to the island in my kitchen to grab a red cup when I suddenly felt something dripping from an area that I shouldn't be having issues with.

I looked over to see Jaime's girlfriend Jessica standing next to me, his mouth dropping and her hand went to clutch my shoulder. "ASHLEY, YOU'RE BLEEDING EVERYWHERE."

I started to panic. I looked down to see blood pouring from my body. I touched my shorts which was starting to get drenched in blood.

I started to feel light headed. I felt like I was going to faint.

"Someone call 911!"

"Someone get Vic!"

"Someone help, I don't know what to do!"

I kept hearing voices chanting things. It started to get quiet, sweat dripping from the sides of my head.

I felt my elbows collapse to the island, propping my head up with my hands and covering my face with my fingers. I wanted to cry.

I'm pretty sure I just lost my baby.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I haven't updated, I've been very with my life lately. I've been hanging out with some new friends, went to a crazy dance party for New Years and hanging out with my new boyfriend. c:

I promise you i'll update more, I'm sorry for all of you waiting for a new chapter. I feel really bad. :/ ENJOY!

what do you think is gonna happen?