Status: This is a sequel to "Bulls In The Bronx"! If you're new to my writing, I'd consider reading the prequel before reading this. If not, I think you can understand what's going on in the first chapter of this story. And holy crap, I have 56 subscribers already! You guys are awesome, thank you! (:

Stained Glass Eyes & Colorful Tears


[Tony's POV]

I felt my eyes flash open and I started to panic. I looked over to see Ashley's hand gripping onto my forearm tightly and I quickly moved it away from me.

"What is wrong with you?" She asked me. Her tone had a dash of seriousness to it.

I felt eyes glued on me, and I wiped my forehead quickly from all the sweat drenched on my forehead.

"Nothing, I just feel really weird right now." I managed to spit out.

Ashley looked over to Vic, mumbling some things back and forth to each other and then their eyes trailed up to me. "Why don't you sit down..." Ashley said to me, pulling the chair closer to her.

I shook my head no, really fast. "I can't...I honestly can't."

"And why not?" She shot back.

"I'm not feeling to swell, I think I might leave." I shook my head and I put a hand in my pocket. "Can't deal with this right now."

"Deal with what?" Vic asked me.

I looked over at him, his eyes showing general concern for me. "Nothing, I just feel a little sick."

Ashley looked over at Vic and he mumbled something, and then she turned to me, her pale lips forming a small frown. "Well, if you insist. It was nice seeing you."

I formed a smirk and I waved my left hand a little and started to walk away. By the looks of it, feelings for someone just never go away for some people even when you want them to go.

I know Vic isn't the most perfect guy for Ashley. I was that perfect guy for her.

[Ashley's POV]

The bonfire started to slowly die out, and one by one people started to leave the backyard. I saw family friends I haven't seen since tour and before I got pregnant.

I said my goodbyes and I walked over to the table, grabbing a potato chip and nibbled on it a little. Vic walked over, giving me a tiny kiss on the neck and he wrapped his arm around me.

Jaime and Jessica walked over to us hand in hand and Jessica had a tiny smirk on her face. "This sounds childish, but Jaime and I are gonna go to the park. Wanna join?"

I looked over at Vic. "I'm too old for this stuff..." Vic laughed and then I looked over at him. "Even though my ankles kill and my back is hurting, why not?"

"Being like kids is always fun!" Jaime chirped in, his dimples poking firmly into his cheeks.

"You haven't grown up at all, Hime." Jessica said, her eyebrows jokingly narrowing at him.

Jaime threw his hands up. "I can't help it, Disney is amazing. Have you seen Toy Story? It made me cry!"

We started to walk towards the front of the house when I heard a light slap onto Jaime's chest. "We've only watched it about 60 times at our house. I can probably rehearse it in my sleep if I wanted to." Jessica joked.

I let out a laugh and I felt Vic's hand gently grab mine. I smiled up at him and he smiled back. "You know you're going to have to push me on the swing, right?"

Vic smirked a little. "Of course, like old times, right?"

Vic and I went to the park a couple of times to run away from all the madness going on in tour. Luckily there was a park across the street from the venue they played at in Minneapolis once. We would swing into the night sky and just completely ignore our problems...that until the fans came swarming in. But it was little times like that that I cherish the most with him.

"The Bieber moment..." Jaime chirped again. "Can't ever forget that moment."

We entered the park and I got into a big red swing, the ones that look like chairs, and I sat down, kicking my black Toms off. "I'll never forget that day. I've never seen so many underage girls wanting some men old enough to be their Uncle's. You guys have crazy fans."

Vic pushed my swing a little and let out a laugh. "Or that one time we practically drove off with a kid on top of our tour bus."

"Yeah...he broke his arm." Jaime laughed. "He was laying in the street and I remember him screaming and his arm was all bloody and he was like, 'HEY, YOU GUYS DID THIS TO ME. I FUCKING LOVE YOU, MAN' and we're all standing their mortified like, how did he survive that. Crazy shit."

"It seems like you guys kind of miss being on tour." Jessica said, pushing Jaime in the swing next to me.

Jaime shook his head. "No, I missed being home, but it's nights like that that are just great to share."

Jessica stopped the swing and Jaime turned around to look at her. "Let's go walk down by the beach. Let's leave these two kids alone for a bit."

Jaime nodded and smiled as they walked off and I saw Vic look at me. He took his spot in the swing and he started to swing a little.

I looked over at him, his eyes trailing down to the gravel below his feet. "Is something wrong?" I asked him.

Vic shook his head. "No...I...I just...don't know."

"Don't know about what?" I asked him again. I don't wanna lose him. Please don't let me lose him.

"I just don't know if I can do this anymore." He muttered out, his hand slightly covering his mouth.

I'm losing him before he was even mine.
♠ ♠ ♠
HEY GUYS. sorry for no update, I've been soooooooooooooooooooooo busy it's unreal. But im gonna try to write a lot more often.

If you want me to continue, please comment and say you do because then it'll help me wanna write more on this story.

Sorry for lack of updating, guise! Bare with me! c: