Status: Active

Carnival Ride

The "Date"


Kristen showed up at Starbucks, only to find El grinning like an idiot, sitting with Harry and Louis.
"Shes here!" El announced proudly. I swear, when she said that, Harry's face lit up like a Christmas tree.
I walked up to get my coffee and saw my ex, Adam.
"Hey Kristen!" He said.
When he said that, Harry looked up from his drink. I could tell he was a little jealous.
"Uhm. Hi?"
"Why say it like that?" He frowned
"I didn't say it like anything, Adam!"
As I walk away with my coffee, he grabs my wrist and yanks me back, causing me to spill my coffee on my white jeans.
"OW! Let me go!"
Something tells me Harry heard it because he was there in the blink of an eye.
"What do you want pretty boy?!" I heard Adam say
"Why dont you get off of my girlf--i mean friend!"
My jaw dropped. Did Harry just call me his girlfriend?
"Your girlfriend?" He snickered. He still had a firm grip on my wrist.
"Could you let go of me?"
"YES You should let go of her" Harry said.
"My boyfriend will mess you up!" I say. I look at Harry out of the corner of my eye and hes smiling like an idiot. He has been with El for too long.
"Fine." Adam lets go of my hand.
"Okay. You are buying me new white jeans, and a new coffee!"
"Its okay, love. I'll buy it for you!"
"You don't have to Harry"
Adam leaves
"Let your boyfriend buy you a gift!"
"Harry, I wasn't being se---"
I was cut off by him crashing his lips onto mine.
"Sorry, I have been wanting to do that for a long time."
I smile. "You met me yesterday"
"I know but, I think I like you"
I laugh.
"What's so funny?"
"I saw your tweet."
His face got beat red.
He laced his fingers to mine and we walked back to our table where El and Louis were sitting. Make that flirting.
Just as El and I thought things couldn't get ANY worse, The guys started acting weird.
Me and El turn around to see some bleach blonde girls.
I mumble "Might wanna get your boobs back in your shirts"
El snickers.
I turn to Harry and Louis.
"Who are they?"
"Oh them?" Louis says
"Yes them!" El exclaims
"Our ex girlfriends" Harry says
"Perfect" I Say with sarcasm
Louis and I switch seats so I am next to Harry.
Me and El are gonna get pissed, We already are, but more pissed.
You won't like us like that ;)A
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Hope you like it! :) Comments are welcome! :) What do those girls want? Will they cause drama? Ideas?