Status: Active

Carnival Ride

The exes part 1

Harrys ex: Maddy
Louis ex: Leah

"So, Harry.." Maddy said
"What?" He replied
"Have you thought about getting back together?" She said while looking at me
"No, I haven't" Harry growled
"Why?" She responded looking like a 4 year old being told no to candy.
"Because this is my girlfriend" He said pointing to me
I waved at her and she rolled her eyes
"She lookes ratchet"
Before i could think i responded
"Yeah, and you look like a slut"
Harry just sat there trying to control his laughter. Gosh his giggle was adorable
She rolled her eyes at me again
I mumble "I hope they roll out of your head, bitch"
I go to the bathroom to wash my hands.
I walk back out and Harry and Maddy are kissing
My jaw almost drops. Thats when El noticed whats happening and goes to pull Maddy off of Harry.
He turns around and says "We did some talking, and..We are back together"
I nod and walk out tearing up.
Harry chases after me.
"Kristen, wait!"
"No! Go kiss your girlfriend again"
El comes outside
"Harry, you better go" El says
"No! I like Kristen"
I stop in my tracks and turn around
"Well why did you say you were back together? Why were you kissing her?"
"She threatened to hurt you Kris! I couldn't let that happen, and she kissed me!"
"What did she threaten to do?"
"K-kid-kidnap you"
"I'd like to see her try"
Just as i say that Harry kisses me
His eyes widen at what he sees
"Kristen, Leave!"
"Wait wha-"
I get blindfolded and thrown into a trunk of a car
♠ ♠ ♠
OHHHHHH CLIFFHANGER! :P 1+ Comment for part 2 and Louis ex part 1 :D