Status: Active

No Ordinary Love Story

I wish

Today was the last day of the tour. All day yesterday Niall ignored me, Jules and I made up and everyone was just quiet. I started to think about the cocaine. I've missed it. I remember in the beginning I'd sneak cocaine in my nose, but the boys still don't know. Well, maybe they did. That's probably why they soaked me with that bucket of water. I tried to get out of bed but Harry was clinging to my arm and moaned so I wouldn't get up, so I had to stay in bed. I heard my phone vibrate.

"New text from Lou" My phone spoke.

Oh that's just wonderful I thought.

I kissed Harry's forehead and his cheeks and he finally let go as he grabbed my pillow going back to sleep.

The text message read with a picture from late last night;

Like our sexy hats?

I started to laugh. Jules and Louis were wearing these super fluffy hats. I texted him back saying;

WOAHH . I'm SOO jealous. They're hawt. Did you buy themm?

I went to go to the bathroom.

As I opened the door,

"BOO!" Louis yelled as I jumped back.

He came out wearing his fluffy hat. It was Blue. I went to pet the fluffy hat but Lou slapped my hand.

"No one touches the sass masta's fluffy hat." Lou said to me.

I slapped him back. I loved how we treated each other like we're siblings. He always had my back just like Harry. I'm not really close to Zayn but that's just because he's so quiet or he's just paying attention to his hair. But I know I've lost a little bit of respect from Niall. I couldn't believe he said that. I tried talking to him yesterday but Harry was giving me a glare so I didn't even bother.

"Lou you're such a sass." I said laughing.

Then I heard Jules come towards me.

"See why we make such a great couple?" Jules said with a huge smile wearing what I thought, her fluffy rainbow hat.

"Aw! Let me take a picture of you two!" I said.

Lou picked up Jules and held her in his arms. They looked like they were taking a wedding picture. It was funny. First they did a nice picture and then a really funny picture.

"THESE ARE SOO GOING ON TWITTER AND FACEBOOK!" I said a said with my groggy morning voice.

Jules and Lou said they'd be back later and they were going to a near by store. I went to see if anyone else was awake.

Everyone was still asleep.

It was 9:37am. We stayed up last night till like 2. As I was climbing back into bed, Harry gave me back my pillow and put his arms around my waist again. He was so warm. I slowly drifted asleep.

*Jules POV*

We were walking along the sidewalk until we seen a costume store.

"Let's go try some stuff on!" Lou said to me.

He grabbed my hand and we walked inside.

We saw a whole bunch of costumes.

"I like this one!" I said showing him a Katniss costume from the Hunger Games

"Haha, well I like this one." Lou replied to me showing an Edward Cullen Costume from Twilight.

We tried on lots and lots of costumes and took the funniest pictures.

As we were leaving, we saw the last person Louis wanted to see.

"Hello Lou." A female voice said.

"Hi Eleanor." Lou said not looking at her at all.

I just glared at her. She put her hands on her hips.

"Hello. Jules." She said with a smirk on her face.

Hello b*tch I thought.

We stood there awkwardly until I finally chimed in, "Okay, well nice seeing you Eleanor, we'll be on our way."

As we were walking away Eleanor yelled.

"Wait! Lou can I talk to you, alone?"

He looked at me and I nodded for him to go talk to her.

*Louis' POV*

Oh no, what is she going to say to me I thought.

Jules was watching us while we were talking.

"Lou, I'm sorry for what I said. I still have feelings for you and I just made a bad mistake. Can you forgive me and we can go back to normal again?"

I looked at her. After what she put me through. And she's sorry.

"Well El, I forgive you but, what you put me through hurt. And I don't really wanna go through that again with you. Plus, I have Jules, and she means the world to me. I'm sorry. But we can still remain as friends." I said with a shy smile.

At first she looked mad but then she smiled.

"You know what, I'd like that. Thanks Louis." She said as we were about to hug, but instead shook hands.

I walked back over to Jules.

"Everything is all good now." I said smiling.

*Eleanor's POV*

Wow, he rejected me. I wanted to flip out. She doesn't deserve him. I have to try to get him back. As I was walking away,

I felt tears streaming down my face. I haven't felt this horrible since I yelled at Lou and left him.

I had to get rid of Jules. I didn't know what exactly to do because Lou isn't the jealous type. Maybe I'll get Danielle to help me, she's my main girl.

*Jules' POV*

I'm so happy that b*tch is done with her sh*t and we can all just get along. I thought She was going to start a scene or something. Well atlas Lou feels better. If he's happy, I'm happy.

*Kaleigh's POV*

I woke up again. It was 11:47. I saw Harry was still sleeping. I slowly got up and went to go find Liam, Zayn, and Niall.

"Boys, wanna do a wake up song to Harry?" I asked

Liam and Zayn agreed but Niall was still asleep. We came inside and started to sing to Harry.

"Harry, It's time to get ups,


Harry opens his eyes and stares at me.

"I'm hungry." He says.

He covered his face with my pillow and held my hand. Then we all started jumping on the bed singing even louder.


Harry sat up and yelled.

"I'm up! NOW WHAT?"

We started laughing. After that, Liam and Zayn woke up Niall. Niall came walking in to where Harry and I were.

"Kaleigh, can I talk to you?" Niall asked me.

Harry looked at me and mouthed "yea go."

I walked back to where he was sleeping.

"Kaleigh I'm sorry I called you a b*tch and been such a jerk. I mean I still want you but I guess I won't have you for a while. So I'm sorry."

I looked at him and smiled.

"It's okay Niall, I forgive you." I said giving him a hug.

It was silent for a few minutes till Niall asked me a question.

"So did you tell Harry you kissed me?"

I nodded. He smiled.

I started to walk away until Niall called my name.

"Wha-" I said turning around

He was right behind me and our lips touched. He started to kiss me. I tried back away but he put me against the wall of the bus.Harry heard the big thump and came in to see us kissing.

*Harry's POV*


"Niall, get your lips off my girlfriend!" I yelled. He let go of her. Before she left she slapped him in the face.

"Ow! That hurt!" Niall yelled.

"That's what you get for kissing me again!" Kaleigh yelled.

I looked at Niall as he put his hand where his cheek was stinging.

"What is your problem Niall?! She's mine and you got to stop trying to take her away! I don't get why you're being such a-"

And thats when I felt a huge fist meet my cheek.

I heard Kaleigh screaming at Niall.

"You know what bitch sh*t the f*ck up I love you and you're going out with this sh*t face? I'LL NEVER STOP LOVING YOU OR TRYING TO TAKE YOU AWAY FROM HIM OK? I WISH YOU WERE MINE!" He yelled

"HE TAKES YOUR HAND, I DIE A LITTLE, I WATCH YOUR EYES, AND I'M IN RIDDLES, WHY CAN'T YOU LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT?" He sang as I saw him start to kiss her again while he pushed her against the bus wall.

Where's Paul when you need him I thought. I think Paul went out togged some pizza or something.

I got back up and tackled Niall over.


Louis and Jules were back from where ever they were and saw what was going on.

*Jules' POV*

Niall and Harry tackling?? Where was Liam and Zayn? We had to stop this. Now.

I grabbed Niall off of Harry. Then i stood in front of Niall so he couldn't attack him again.

"Boys, What the hell is going on?" I yelled

Niall started singing

"Whenever you, kiss him I'm breaking, Oh how I wish that was me"

I kinda felt bad for Niall. He really wanted her. Maybe I'll have a little talk with him later.

"Oh how I wish you would shut up and leave her alone." Harry said.

Paul came walking in on the bus.

"Okay kiddies, we're gonna start traveling now." Paul chimed

We all sat on the bus staring at each other. Kaleigh made sure Harry was okay. Then, they started to kiss.

"Oh I wish that were me." Niall sang.