Status: Active

No Ordinary Love Story

Up All Night

*Kaleigh's POV*

We ran back into the tour bus, well, everyone except that girl. She was following us in her car.

"So, that girl I was talking to her name is Sofia and she's really something!" Niall said smiling.

"We know, We think we have met her before. Have we?" Lou asked

Niall nodded. I thought that Sofia girl was pretty nice. She waved at me during the Meet & Greets. I even took a picture with her.

Once we finished talking about Sofia, we heard a song on from the radio.

"PAUL, TURN IT UP!" Zayn yells.


"DJ Malik in the house YO!" Jules yelled.

We were all doing the funniest dances. Lou said he would of done the worm but there isn't enough room on the bus. When the song was over, and my favorite song came on, Jules and I screamed.

We started to blush though because It was What Makes You Beautiful. The boys all sat down.

"Girls, sing and dance for us!" They said.

We started laughing and singing. I did Harry and Zayn's part while Jules did Liam's part. We started to flip our hair. It was 12:30 and we were already acting crazy.


" YOU DON'T KNOW OH OH YOU DONT KNOW YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL!" I sang as I pointed at harry. The boys were cracking up so much, it was pretty funny. When the Nanana part came on, we swayed our hands in the air with our androids in our hands. Jules put on her fluffy hat and I put on Lou's. Then we did Egyptian moves. Finally when the song was over, we both collasped on the floor. All the boys were smirking at their phones. I heard a beep go off.

"Crap!" Niall said,

Why did he say that I thought. I looked over at Jules and mouthed the words 'Whats going on'


Jules tackled over Liam && Zayn while I tackled over Niall. Jules got Liam & Zayn's phone while I got Niall's. We stacked their phones up on the refrigerator after we deleted the videos on their phones while they sat miserably on the floor tied up to their beds. Lou and Harry both ran into the bathroom and locked themselves in.

Jules and I walked up to the door.

"Harry? Baby? Are you in there?" I said in a sexy voice that he loves.

I heard him giggle. I like his giggle I thought.

Jules banged her fist on the door.


Lou sobbed.


"WELL THEN COME OUT!" Jules exclaimed.

As Lou came out, I came in. Jules grabbed Lou and tied him up with the other boys.


No harry in sight.

"Hmmm Harry, I know you're in the closet!" I said.

I opened the bathroom closet's door.

Hmm Not in here I thought.

He wasn't under the sink, or hiding in the corner. Right when I was about to leave, I saw the bathtub curtains move.

"AHA!" I exclaimed.

I opened the curtains.

"BOO!" I shreeked.

I could not believe what I just saw in this tub.

"HARRY! OH MY GOD! GET SOME CLOTHES ON! AND WHILE YOU'RE AT IT, GIVE ME YOUR PHONE!!" I yelled as I started to laugh as he covered his.. uh spot. I think he thought i was gonna hit him there.

"Harry, I'm not gonna hit you down there! Now where is your phone?" I said.

He made the funniest, weirdest face at me.

"I'll get clothes on, but if you want my phone you gotta get in the tub first. It's behind my back." Harry replied with an evil smile.

Playing hard to get huh I thought.

"Well, then I guess I'm just gonna, you know-" I said As The flash on my phone went off.

I got a perfect picture of him.

I ran as fast as I could.

"Get back here Babe! I'm gonna get you!" Harry yelled as he slipped on his pants.

I quickly ran in where Paul was.

"Shhh" I said As he saw me hide in the corner and put a large box over myself that was used for their fan mail.

*Harry's POV*

"Kaleigh! Babe where are you? Come out come out wherever you are." I yelled looking under the bunk bed of Niall and Zayn. I saw all the lads tied up. I went to go help them.

"You try to untie them, I'll kick your as* and tie you up with them." Jules threatened me.

"Hit me with your best shot." I said laughing while i tried untying Zayn. She jumped on my back and made us go backwards and then kicked me where I shouldn't be kicked. Then, she did this weird karate kick to me.

Well obviously Kaleigh forgot to tell me some stuff about her i thought.

I picked myself back up.

"Okay I wont try to untie them." I said putting my hands in the air.

I kept looking for Kaleigh.

"Mmmmm" I said as I smelt Kaleigh's amazing mint scented perfume. I looked in the little space where Lou, Jules, Kaleigh and I's beds were. She wasn't in there.

"Babe, where are you?? These lips are waiting for you!" I said teasing her.

I looked in the bathroom to see if she changed hiding spots.

nope not in here i thought.

I walked in to go say Hi to Paul.

"Hey Paul-" I greeted as I saw a box in the corner upside down.

""Why is the box upside down? Isn't that the box with our fantail?" I asked.

Paul nodded.

"Your girlfriend is in there." Paul whispered.

I smiled and started to slowly walk up to the box. The mint perfume got stronger and stronger.

*Kaleigh's POV*

Paul Thanks a lot I thought.

I heard Harry's footsteps get closer and closer, and hearing him breathe louder and louder. He slowly picked up the box. I jumped on top of him pinning him down on the floor now.

"Give me your phone!!" I demanded.

It was hard holding him down because of the fact that;

1. He's stronger than me

2. I wanted to kiss him

3. He weighs more than me and can pick me up and spin me around.

4. I wanted to kiss him

"I'm never giving you my phone! That video is priceless!" He yelled doing a very creepy laugh. It reminded me of my old neighbor, Landon, when I lived with my sister. He always did creepy laughs and made animal noises. He even did funny dances.

"Harry, If you don't give me your phone I'm going to tickle you till you pee yourself!" I threatened.

"MWHAHAHAHA NEVER!" Harry yelled as he kept laughing.

So you wanna do this the hard way I thought.

"Okay. Fine. First, we're going to tickle your feet. JULES! COME IN HERE!" I yelled.

I held him down while Jules tickled his feet.

"Ah! Stop! You're torturing me!" Harry yelled.

"Now, lets tickle his stomach." I said tickling his stomach. He couldn't stop laughing. I think he kinda snorted.

I stopped tickling him for a moment to ask him something.

"Are you letting me do this to you to get good revenge?"

He looked at me with that weird face he did earlier.

"Jules, RUN!" I yelled as I tried to hold him down.

He scooped me up, bringing me into the bathroom and guarding the door.

"Okay babe, how do you wanna do this, the easy way, where you delete my picture and I keep the video, or you wanna do this the hard way?" Harry asks me.

I didn't answer for a good five minutes because I was to busy staring at you know, his abs. The four nipples just made it so attractive. I jumped on his back.

"GIVE ME YOUR PHONE!!!!" I yelled.

"So the hard way huh?" He mumbled.

"Okay, fine with me." He said.

He put me in the bathtub and laid on me.

His head was on my chest.

"HARRY! Your face is on my boobs! My phone is in my bra! And you're crushing me! Get off!" I moaned.

Harry quickly grabbed my phone out of my bra and ran out of this bathroom into the little room where our bed was.

I just walked over to him.

*Harry's POV*

YES! I got her phone! I turned on her phone to see her lock screen picture.

"Oh my god. She's crazy." I mumbled.

It was the picture of me in the tub with my freaky face I do, the same face I did in One Thing.

Hmm What's her password I thought.

I tried Harold again.

"Damn" I mumbled.

I tried Onedirection, love, styles, smith,kaleigh, Hazza, Louis, Liam, Zayn, and Niall.

Gr None of them worked. Kaleigh started laughing at me.

"You'll never get my password HARRY." She said with an evil smirk.

I already uploaded that funny video of them dancing on twitter. I saw all the boys with tape over their mouthes while jules took a picture of them. I thought it was kinda funny.

"Kaleigh, you better delete that picture! If you don't, you'll be sorry." I threatened with a funny face.

She shook her head at me and started to run to the bathroom.

It was now 2 in the morning. What was that about I thought.

*Kaleigh's POV*

As Harry kept trying to type in passwords on my phone, I saw his cellphone peeking out from his back pocket. I slowly grabbed it. I kissed him on the cheek as I grabbed his phone. Then, I put it in my bra and ran and locked myself in the bathroom. I had to delete that video.

I got onto Harry's Facebook.

Where is it I thought. I knew he didn't post it on twitter because, you know, i don't think you can upload videos on twitter. I went on his camera roll. "Yes!" I shouted. I deleted the video, made a funny picture of me as his wallpaper, and unlocked the door. Next thing I know, Harry carries me in his arms.

"May I please have my phone now?" Harry asked giving me puppy dog face.

Damn, the puppy face always works on me.

"Fine here. But I want my phone." I replied.

I gave him his phone, as he gave me mine.

OH MY GOD! The boys are still tied up!

Harry and I walked in to find Liam, Niall and Zayn sleeping. Jules took the tape off his mouth and Put a ring pop in his mouth and put a bib on him. I found her sitting on the bed stroking Lou's hair.

"Jules! We gotta untie them! We can't just leave them here!" I said to her as I started to untie Liam while Harry untied Zayn.

*Harry's POV*

Tomorrow, well really today, when we get to the flat and wake up tomorrow, the boys and I are really gonna get the girls back. Something funny will happen. Then I just remembered about Kevin.

If that a*s hole touches her I swear, I'm gonna hurt him. All I know is, I have the perfect Idea to do to the girls. And he needs to get out of the closet. After I untied Zayn, I untied Niall. I know he made up with Kaleigh and all but he didn't exactly make up with me. I miss that lad. We were so close, we still are It's just that I lost a little respect for him. Anyways, after we untied them, we pranked them all with Lou's help. We put ice in their shirts. Zayn woke up first.

"AHHH! IT'S SO COLD!" Zayn yelled half asleep.

Niall and Liam had the same reactions except I thought Zayn's was the funniest. They all got in bed as I carried my princess to our bed.

I laid her down and kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight" I said as we started to snuggle.

"Goodnight." She replied putting her head on my chest.

Before I fell asleep, I heard knocking on the bus' door.

I guess we weren't moving because Paul was sleeping.

"Open up! It's Sofia!" She yelled.

I opened the door and seen the girl that Niall loves. She had her car parked behind the bus. I told her to come in while I woke Niall up.

Niall took her hand and showed her to the bunk bed she is going to sleep in.

"Do you wanna sleep on the top or the bottom?" He asked her.

"The bottom is fine. Thank you." She said smiling, while giving him a big hug. I went back to go comfort Kaleigh.

"Goodnight babe." I whispered in her ear as I kissed her nose.

"Goodnight." She whispered back.
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I hope you all are liking it! :D