Status: Active

No Ordinary Love Story

One Thing

I heard every noise through out the night. It was so quiet, I heard my nurse breathing. I think someone said her name was Nurse Lisa Conti. I'm not sure though. The first night here was kind of relaxing, not getting woken up. But I miss my boys. I heard the doctor say my visiting hours for people to see me were 10am-9pm. I felt pretty sore though. I still couldn't get up. I hope to get up before 4 days. I was wondering where Harry was. He's probably on his way here.

*Jules' POV*

Harry and I were called down to the police station to explain what happened, since we were the two closest to her and, we found her first.

"Hello my name is officer jensen." The fat office said shaking our hands. He sat down in his chair and started eating a jelly donut. I was shaking so much because i've never did one of these before. I was being interviewed, sorta.

"Jules relax, its ok" Harry reassured me with a rub on the back and a thumbs up. The room was silent until Officer Jensen suddenly slammed papers down on his desk, making me jump.

"Alright, so who here wants to start the story, and who wants to finish?" He asked with a mouth full of jelly donut. It was a huge turn off.

"Well I was there with her.." Harry said with a shy smile as he shot his hand up.

*Harry's POV*

"Juliana, may I ask you not to interrupt Mr.Styles whatsoever?"

"I won't" Jules replied glaring at me to start.

"Well, uhm, we were at the beach at night to make a bonfire, you know, sing songs, and roast some marsh mallows.... Well, Kaleigh and I went to take a walk before it was dark out, when there was a sunset. We were goofing around. Kaleigh splashed me good and took off, running non stop. All i heard was her scream and when i got there, she was being abused, stabbed, by the bi- never mind. Anyways, she had cuts and bruises all over her. She looked like a hot mess. She passed out and I tried to get as much water out of her as possible. Then, the others all came, Juliana leading the way, to find Kaleigh and I." I said looking at jules to continue.

*Jules' POV*

"A girl that was with us named Sofia heard the scream and I knew it was Kaleigh's. We ran down the beach to track down the scream. Then I saw Harry crawled up in a ball next to Kaleigh crying. I glanced over to see her douche of an ex boyfriend, kevin knocked out. He deserved it! He almost killed her! How can a person his age do that? Seeing my bestfriend or anyone on the ground like that, it's the worst feeling ever!" I said trying to fight away the tears.

"It's okay, miss. Thats all we need to hear about that right now." Officer Jensen said while stuffing his face with a chocolate donut.

"Now, in these files it says he had other murders/abuse streaks. Do you know his most recent one?"

"Kaleigh's sister, Lucy. He also murdered Sofia's sister about 3 years ago." I explained.

"Alright. okay, thank you for coming and answering these questions. Kevin should be locked up for a while. Have a good day." He said shaking hands.

*Harry's POV*

"Ooh look, its lover boy and supergirl, isn't it? I'll be back for her and all of you. Someday. Well, at least if she's alive, if she's dead, invite me to her funeral so i can abuse her more." Kevin said with a smirk on his face as he saw us from his jail cel coming out of the room we were asked questions in. I wanted to lose it, but jules already did that for me, well at least she tried. She grabbed his finger and bent it back.

"Don't you DARE f*cking talk like that you b*stard!" she yelled while I heard a huge crack from Kevin's pointer finger. I think she broke his finger. Man when kaleigh said Jules can fight she meant it..

As we were leaving Kevin flashed us his middle finger. I introduced him to mine and laughed on the way out.

the car ride was pretty quiet, but I thought that was pretty funny what Jules did.

"That was just funny. Good job!" I said smiling.

"Thanks." She chuckled.

Jules was going to come with me to visit Kaleigh but like last week, Louis, Jules, and Niall wanted to go to the zoo and Niall has just invited Sofia, since she's only been with us for like 3 days. Before I dropped her off to the flat to hangout with the others and go to the zoo, I ordered all of us frozen yogurt. I like frozen yogurt but not as much as my love for tacos, and Kaleigh obviously. Jules called Louis on her phone while I was driving.

*Jules POV*

"Hey baby!" I said into the phone.

"We're getting froyo, and we need orders from you guys." I grabbed a pen and napkin from the glove compartment to write what they wanted down.

Niall-LARGE peanut butter with fudge topping.

Sofia-Pomegranite with sprinkles and fresh blueberries

Liam- Orinigal with rainbow sprinkles (he says they are rainbowey)

Zayn- Same as liam, but with more sprinkles

Danielle-Cookies and Cream with hot fudge

"Alright, see you soon. I love you lou!" i said into the phone as we pulled up to Swirls and Twirls. Harry wanted to get what Kaleigh usually got but I had to stop him, since she couldnt eat it. Zayn and liam were goign to come with us to the zoo but they already made plans with their girls to watch a movie and go shopping.

We arrived in front of the house.

"Bye ! See you guys later! Have fun at the zoo." Harry yelled waving out the window.

"BYE!" I yelled while opening the door to the flat.

Harry pulled out of the driveway, and drove away.

*Kaleigh's POV*

I heard some knocking at my door. Some foot steps headed toward me I felt someone's soft hand touch my face. I'm now sure that it's Harry because I can smell his cologne. It smelt pretty good.

"Hey babe! I brought you another bouquet of roses. These ones I thought you'd adore when you wake up, they are rainbow roses. They cost like $100 but they were so worth it for you love. I'm staying all day here with you until the hours are over." Harry said to me

I wanted to cry. I think he was crying because i felt something wet drip on my shoulder. I honestly never thought Harry was this emotional. It was really sweet though. He slowly came up to me and kissed me. and tried kissing back but I couldn't.

*Harry's POV*

I wanted some sort of sign from Kaleigh that she's okay. I don't know what but something. I tried kissing her and she didn't kiss back but she was still breathing.


"Kaleigh, listen to me carefully. If you can hear me right now put your thumb up as much as possible." I said as I was braiding a part of her hair.

I was shocked.

She slowly lifted her thumb. I kept asking her questions like what song to put on and stuff. She told me to put on More Than This and sing it to her. Then, I put the rainbow rose in her face so she can smell it perfectly. After that, I wanted to text the boys. I texted Louis first.


Boobear come to the hospital! Kaleigh is able to respond to me my lifting her thumb up and I just feel alone right now without her with me at home. I kno u r at the zoo but i need u PLZZZ. xxx Hazza

I saw on twitter that Zayn, Liam, Danielle, and Perrie were all together watching Halloween 2. My phone started to vibrate. I got a text back from Lou.


Hey I cantt cuz Im with Sofia, Niall and Jules at the zoo . We just got here Haz.. So uhh I'll come later not right noww i'm soorry . xx Lou

I shut off my phone and started to feel let down.

I was up all night last night. Hoping Kaleigh would be fine. The doctor said she would but you never know. I also felt really lonely without her. Everyone has there love except me. Oh and I brought kaleigh's phone. I should try guessing the password more. I kept trying a whole bunch of stuff.

I quickly looked on her facebook profile from my phone.

Hmm Maybe it's this I thought.

I typed in what I thought it was.

I was right! It was her middle name, Rose. I didn't even know that was her middle name. And it's weird because she LOVES roses. When I got onto her phone, I changed her background since it was still that awkward picture of me in the bathtub. Then, I deleted it off her phone. I saw a whole bunch of other funny pictures of me with that wig on and everyone sleeping and stuff. I saw the picture of us in the car on the way to the beach.

Before everything went wrong.

I decided to make that my profile picture for my facebook and twitter. I couldn't think of a quote at the moment to put as the desciption so I just left it. Then, I made a new status for Kaleigh and myself. On mine i wrote so far;

Hoping she's okay. Kaleigh Rose Smith stay strong. I love you babe I'm writing this as I look at you in the hospital while you're in a coma. Good luck. xxx

After that I wrote for Kaleigh's facebook;

Guys, Kaleigh will not be on for a bit, she's had an accident. This is Harry Styles and I'm in the hospital with her right now. All your prayers for this beautiful girl would be appreciated. Thanks loves xx

I turned her phone off. I wish I knew this was going to happen, so we could have our one last kiss and make it aamazing. I mean, the last one we had was our best kiss, but I just wish i knew this was happening so I could of protected her.

*Niall's POV*

Sofia, Lou, Jules and I were on our way home from the zoo.

"How about we go to the mall." Sofia said Holding my hand.

Jules agreed with Sofia. Lou and I looked at eachother and pulled into the parking lot of the mall.

Great, more pictures with fans. I'm already tired enough.

We all took a nice picture at the zoo. Jules and Sofi took pictures with Kangaroos. A Camel spit on Louis forehead. It was really funny because we got it on video tape.

Before we left, I bought Sofia A litte tie dye pink and blue monkey from the souvenir shop. I also bought Kaleigh a little sparkly green panda bear for her room. Lou bought Jules this GIGANTIC panda bear stuffed animal. She named it Louis Junior....

Anyways, Sofia and I got out of the back seats and out of the car. We all walked as quick as we could. Only a couple of fans got to us to take pictures. I saw that there was a new store that was opened.

"Oh my gosh guys! We NEED to go there now! Pronto! ASAP! JUST KIDDING NOWWWWW! IT'S A NANDO FAN STORE ! I'm going whether or not you guys come!" i yelled as I pulled my girlfriend along with me.

I knew how much of a Nando's fan she was too. I felt like I was in heaven in this store. It was like half of a food court and half of like fan clothes. Sofia put on an Orange I

"How do I look?" She asked smiling at me.

I took a picture of her in that Nando's shirt.

"You look gorgeous as always." I said giving her a cheeky smile.

I started to grab for some chicken. The food was amazing. We gobbled our food down and bought some more weird souvenirs from Nandos. I bought this hat that has chicken wings on the sides and says Nando's makes you fly.. We met back up with Jules and lou, I think they went to the candy store or something. We headed towards the arcade. We looked like huge fails. After that, we decided to leave to see Kaleigh.

It was 7:30 right now while we were on the way to the hospital. I put her little bear in a bag. Lou texted Haz that we are coming now. Liam, Dani, Zayn & Perrie were either going to come soon or just come tomorrow to see Kaleigh, Because they were still shopping. Harry was still sitting by her side talking to her. I think he was talking about getting a cat to her, or something.

"Kaleigh, It's Niall, can you hear me? Thumb up for yes." I said smiling.

She slowly lifted up her thumb.

"Wow, she was able to do that pretty fast. Usually it takes like 2-3 days to do that but she got it like right away." I said. While Kaleigh was sleeping, we all played go-fish. Just being around Kaleigh made us all closer for some reason.

*Harry's POV*

"Niall got any 3's?" I asked

"Damn, here." He replied throwing the 3 at me.

Sofia asked me if I got any 9's . I didnt have any. Jules was talking to Kaleigh at the moment so it ws just me, Lou, Niall and Sofia playing.

"GR NO I WAS GONNA MAKE A PAIR WITH THE 7'S GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! I QUIT!" Louis yelled as he threw his deck of cards in the air. He walked over to Kaleigh.

" I wish I could wake you up with the cold water but that could disturb you. " Lou said chuckling. We all put on this paraody Kaleigh and Jules always watched, I Know That She Wants me ( A paraody of As Long as You Love Me ) We couldnt stop laughing. Jules knew like ll of the words. Some weird guy dressed up as a girl named Rolanda, and a guy dressed up as Richard and Alex. It was a funny paraody ( JUST SAYING THIS PARAODY IS ACTUALLY REAL TO ALL OF YOU WHO WANNA KNOW )

Then, We all started to braid Kaleigh's hair. She looks so beautiful. I took a picture of her while she was asleep. It was now 8:30. Liam, Zayn, Danielle, and Perrie came in to see how Kaleigh was doing.

*Jules' POV*

I think Kaleigh is doing pretty well. We all took a break on asking her questions because we didnt want to make her like weaker from moving her thumb i guess.

All of the sudden i heard a mumble

"Nom no-" I heard come from kaleigh's mouth while she was still in a coma.

"Kaleigh! She just mumbled something!" I said as everyone surrounded her.

"I la- lov-love- you guys" Kaleigh mumbled again.

Aw ! She loves us.

"Haz i lo- lov- love- you." I heard Kaleigh literally say.

*Harry's POV*

"Harry! Close your mouth! It's been open for a good five minutes, I wont be surprised if a fly went in your mouth!" Lou said elbowing me.

That made my day. Out of this whole day, that and her thumb moving for me.

I can not wait for when she wakes up. I'm going to throw her an amazing party after a couple of days so she could heal. We all played truth or dare. Yes, we all fit in Kaleigh's room. It was so big We could have a party in this room.

That nurse who flirted with me came in.

"Hey babe, Are you thinking about calling me?" the nurse asked me.

"Uh, Sorry no, I have a girlfriend ms. uh Conti." I replied looking at her name tag on her nurse outfit. I didnt want to hurt her feelings by telling her that I crumpled up her phone number. No one would get in the way between Kaleigh and I.

I didn't EVER want to leave Kaleigh's side. She has that One Thing thats just amazing about her. I love her.

I started to sing one Thing with the boys, even Danielle, Perrie, Sofia, and jules sang too.

I think Kaleigh enjoyed it actually.

She better know she has that one thing.

"Shot me out of the sky, you're my kryptonite." I sang Kryptonite super slow because she loves when I say it super slow mo. Gah i miss her but just being there with her was great. We wrote on the cast they gave her. I picked out the color, pink. They didn't have green for her but I knew she liked pink too. Jules drew a piggy and wrote her name next to it on her leg, Lou wrote his name pretty small surprisingly but drew a pretty big banana on her cast, Zayn and Perrie wrote their names with smiley faces, Sofia made a heart and wrote her name in it, Danielle made a little flower and her name near it, Liam and Niall combined their name as "Niam" on her cast because they thought they were cool cats, and I wrote a huge paragraph on her cast and taped a picture of her and I to it. it was a super funny picture of us doing the duck face, the picture she said was pricless of us. Gr I miss her.

It was now sadly 10 and we all had to leave.

"Bye sweetheart." I said as I kissed her neck.

I wrote on a sticky note on her forehead;



I finally walked out.

She does have that one thing.
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