Status: Active

No Ordinary Love Story

Na Na Na

Yesterday, harry came back with the others and played Go fish again. Everyone kept asking me questions again like the day before. It was quite boring. My eyes suddenly fluttered open.

Wow, this is what my room looks like I thought. I looked over to see the beautiful multi-color roses, and the other gifts everyone got me.

"Oh, you're awake. I was expecting you to wake up tomorrow. You woke early." The nurse said to me.

I smiled. But then she did this snotty smirk back.

"I'm Nurse Conti, Just call me Nurse Lisa." She said.

"Now, that boyfriend of yours, how old is he?" The nurse asked me.

I started to get pretty mad. Nurse Lisa was pretty too. She had brown hair with brown eyes. She had an olive skin tone and dimples. I wanted to punch her in the face, but that wouldn't get me anywhere.

I had a hard time talking since I just woke up. I never felt this groggy before.

"He's 18 and not interested in you." I replied with a fake smile.

"Hmm. Sweetie, you look a little too young for him. How old are you? 15?" Lisa asks me giggling.

I DO NOT LOOK 15. Everyone usually thinks I'm like 19 meanwhile I'm 17. To her I guess I look 15 because of my height compared to hers. I think she was even taller than Harry and he's like 5'10.

"I'm 17" I mumbled.

"And he wouldnt go out with you because he's with me and always will be." I added in

"Whatevs." She said walking out of my room like a diva. It reminded me of lou when he snapped in a Z-formation in my face. I'd usually tackle Louis but I couldn't really get up to do anything to her. I cautiously leaned over and grabbed the bag Zayn put next to my bed with my minty perfume i got from Gilly Hicks.

Hm, my I love Harry hoodie, my yoga pants, fluffy socks, my phone charger, and Woah, They bought me a new green and purple phone customized one Direction phone case? Awwwwwwwww.. They are adorable. I noticed that my hair was curly. I am guessing they braided my hair. Thats usually what they like to do when I'm sleeping, besides waking me up with some sort of prank. I was starting to feel sore from leaning over. I grabbed my phone and saw many, many missed text messages,Facebook notifications, twitter notifications and emails.

I couldn't believe what Harold managed to do this time. He got on my phone (Damn I shouldn't of used my middle name as my password) but told everyone what was going on and to keep me in their prayers. He got #FeelbetterKaleigh and #WeLoveKaleighRoseSmith trending on twitter. I got loads of texts from people in my school telling me to feel better and one of my idols other than one direction, Nicki Minaj, even wrote for me to feel better and OMG SHE FOLLOWED ME.

Nicki Minaj



I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT! I've been waiting for this moment.

I feel like a celebrity.

Anyways, I blocked Caroline Flack, Harry's Old (I mean in age) Ex-Girlfriend, because she's honestly whacko and doesn't tweet very nice things about us.

"If Curly boy && Acne girl had a little more hair they could pass as animals in the jungle. Harry used to be my lion until he left me for that gorilla."

It was pretty funny though. A celebrity being mean to me.. I don't know. But Harry did stick up for me!(: It was cool.

It was 8:15 now so an hour and a half till Harry would be here.

Hmm Maybe I should text him and surprise him I thought.

I decided to write;

Haz The Love of My Life

Heey Baby! I'm up Love!(: I can't really talk well, but Im awake and I see my beautiful flowers and awesome presents you all got mee. C ya soon! Love you babe! xxxxxxxx - Kaleigh(:

After that, I texted Sofia, Jules, Lou, Liam, Niall and Zayn that I was awake. I liked Harry and Jules' responses the best.

Jules was;


AWWW HEEELLLL YESSSSSSSS I KNEW YOU'D BE FINE! YOU WOKE UP LIKE A BOSSS MANN. YO . Sorry i think I just got my ghetto on today ;)

I honestly couldn't stop chuckling. I could just see her saying this to me.

Anyways, Harry's was;

Haz The Love of My Life

Oh my Kaleigh. I've been waiting for you for 3 days, And I wouldn't of left till you woke up. I'm so happy you're okay. I wish you could talk though. Now, I can actually kiss you and it'll be amazing since you can kiss me back. I felt so alone while waiting. Ever since it happened, I haven't showered, eaten, or even change my clothes. The boys told me I had a goatee ( Or however you spell it ) Now that I have this amazing text from you, I can be with you again. So now I'm gonna actually do what I haven't done for days because I smell.. Like feet. Like Lou's feet. Yk thas not a pleasant smell. I love you && I will be there soon. You can finally come home!(: I LUV YOU HAWWWTTT STUFF ( What you would call me (; ) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx- Harry

I was so exited to see harry. Wow he wrote a long message though. I shut my phone off due to being asked a question.

"What would you like for breakfast? Pancakes, eggs, something, anything, write it down." Lisa said smiling.

I wrote down Chocolate chip pancakes with Chocolate milk. That's what I used to make with Lucy. Man, I miss her. I miss our family. I miss being home. I miss my room and everything. I love my life now It's just I miss it all. I just don't know If I'm permanently staying with the boys..

Oh well. I ate my pancakes and had my chocolate milk and watched TV.

I turned on channel 53


I saw the boys on there.

Oh no I thought.

"We just wanna hope Kaleigh will be alright. We all truly love her. She's a great person." Niall said Smiling.

"Yeah, but I love her most obviously" Harry mumbled. I started to laugh

Oooooooh Harry is jealous huh. Haha cutie.

I think this was like maybe yesterday or the day before, well I at least i think it was.

All of the sudden, Harry jumps up.


The boys just looked and ran after him. Then some weird music came on. I like how Harry texted that whole thing to me with like no time. He's super fast at texting. And he has huge hands. Haha. His hands compared to mine is just weird. I can't believe he said that on live television and just left. Like what .. I started to hear loud running footsteps down the hall.


It was 8:30 and some how managed to be able to see me earlier. Oh i forgot, he's fricken Harry Styles.

When He first walked in, I wanted to cry. I wanted to run in his arms and left him spin me around. He just walked up to me, and we had a very very very very very long kiss. Nurse Lisa ( Or Nurse I'mma kick her a*s ) interrupted us.

"Ooooooooh. Hello. Wanna call me soon? Come'on I'm 23 & You're 18. I know you want this." She said doing some weird thing with her eye brows. I could tell Harry noticed that I wanted to beat her a*s, I think he did too from the way he looked. She finally left and the other boys, sofia, and jules came in.

"HEYY BESTIE WELCOME OUT OF A COMA!" Jules said with a shy smile.

'We're happy you;re up, earlier than what they thought." Sofia said happily smiling at me. I smiled and thanked everyone for everything.

"So, Can we bring Kaleigh home with us now?" Harry asked the Doctor who just walked in.

He nodded. I slowly got up. I had to go in a wheel chair because of my cast. I felt real sore so for now I went in a wheel chair and later on I'll be on crutches. I texted Harry this;

You know since I'm crippled and need help changing, that's not your excuse to see me without a shirt or pants. Just so u kno. lmao xxxxxx - Kaili

His reply was very short.

:( U always ruin my plans huh(;

Isn't that a nice response? Whatttaa pervert. We call each other Pervert #1 & Pervert #2 because he said I was supposedly checking out his bum. So far, I've only stared at his abs… I'm not really dirty minded if you haven't noticed.

I slowly hopped into the car with everyone heading home.

"Boys, I'm not going to record at the studio today. I don't care what management says, I haven't been with Kaleigh for three days and I need to be with her right now." Harry said as he locked his fingers between mine.

He's so charming. My Prince charming. That was pretty corny. Haha.

We made it through the crazy fans as fast as possible. I think we ran over some toes on the way but YOLO(; Jk .

When we got inside, I asked if Jules and Sofia could hep me change because they're girls and I'm afraid Harry is going to get me back after that picture I took of him. DAM HE DELETED IT OFF MY PHONE. Grrrrrrr. They dressed me into my yoga pants and my harry hoodie. He had a matching I

"Aww, you're the sweetest." I said pecking him on the cheek.

"Teehee, not as sweet as candy." He replied laughing as he kiss me on the nose.

The boys asked to watch a scary movie. We put one on but Harry and I didn't watch the movie the whole time. We sorta texted and whispered during the whole thing. Let's just say I suck at whispering and everyone threw the popcorn at me to shut up. Harry started to kiss my neck. It tickled the heck out of me.

"Why does this make me ticklish.." I asked him laughing and twirling his curls. Haha it rhymes. He stopped and started to tickle me like crazy.

"Harry, please, stop I'm hurting babe." I said laughing histerically now. Yay he finally stopped and made some awkward puppy face at me.

"You know you want this." Harry said smiling.

I elbowed him in the rib and he pulled me closer the him while we sat on the couch. I Was able to get out of my wheelchair I just had to be sitting down to be able to not be in it.

In a couple of days I can go on my crutches.

We were cuddling now while we were watching another Horror movie. It was kinda boring. I think I seen it already. Harry decided to sign the bandage wrapped around my stomach. It tickled as he signed it. He made a huge smiley face and the technique of how to make a piggy i taught him on there. He signed so big there was no room left to sign at all for the front. On the back, He wrote a long paragraph. I had to lay on him just for him to write it. Then, I heard something unclip. I sat up.

"Harry! Why did you do that! Sofia can you reclip my bra back together?" I slowly got up and moved to the opposite side of the sofa. He sat right next to me putting his arm around me with some smirk on his face.

"Dont you dare think about putting me on your shoulder. I'm crippled." I said laughing. He quickly grabbed my arm and wrote with sharpie marker on me. I just let him. When he finished, it was all the way up to my shoulder. It said;

If only you saw what I could see, you'll understand why I want you so desperately right now i'm looking at you and I can't believe you dunno oh oh you dont know you're beautiful

Kaleigh Rose Smith has Stole my Heart!


Little circle little circle bigger circle, little circle little circle bigger circle, half circle half circle bigger circle, w, w, e, e, e, and that's how you make a pi i gy ding!

We've been together for almost two months Love


If anyone tries to steal you imma hold em in a head lock and scream


Yeah I'm cool, because i'm harry styles.

I couldnt believe all that he wrote. It was kinda funny. Then he wrote on my wrist "I Love Harry's Abs." When he wrote that I said I really do. Everyone kept telling us to shut up. We kept talking anyways. Out of nowhere Louis lifts me up, puts me in my wheelchair, the boys pick up harry, put a chair against my wheelchair and tied us up with tape over our mouthes so they could watch the movie "in peace" Louis quoted. Harry and I were texting eachother.

When the movie ended, they untied us and the tape came off our mouthes

"OW!" We both exclaimed while we rubbed our faces where the tape was ripped off.

*Louis POV*

I decided to text Harry while he was tied up with Kaleigh

I texted him;

To haz(: : Soo next saturday are we throwing Kaleigh that party??? We betta be gettin' a pinyata or however you spell it. I like them. I want a rainbow donkey one for her. && Are you enjoying the tape on your mouth? You look so sad :) It's funnaaay. Hahaha . U also really gottaa take her dress shopping && Jus say for the future for special occasions or something. She's going to luv this parttyyy. Where r we having ittt againn? :D Also I needaa know who else to invite cuz Jules is planning out the whole party with me!(:

I have been waiting like 10 minutes for Harry to text me back. I felt my phone start to vibrate in my pocket.

From haz(: : Yup Saturday 19th 3pm till like 1 in the morning. This partttyy is gonnaa be crazy. && Yup we are gonna get her a pinyata. And no i do not enjoy this tape it doesnt smell good && it's sticky -.- I'll get you tommo . && Your face is funny :3 && Idk if she's gonna do it, it's already bad enough I unclipped her bra I dont thinkk she found that so funnyy . But iff she does, I'll let her pick ANY dress shee wants. This party is going 2 b awesome ! She will love it. I gotta find out other celebs that I can get in touch with that she likes to invite to the partty(: I know Miranda Cosgrove wanted to come because she heard what happened to kaleigh. Hmm. I'll ask people later. 4 Now, I'm just gonna get decorations tomorrow && Then monday her & I will go dress shopping. Make suree u bring Jules dress shopping with u. Tell Niall to bring sofia with him. We all need to go to separate places. Except Liam, Zayn, Perrie and Danielle. Theyy can all go 2getha. Okk Well untie me now. Uh bye. :)

So this party is going to be pretty fancy. I had to text Harry back.

To haz(: : Ok so dress shopping monday.. I'll bring Jules wherever she wants to go. We will probably be out all day but it's ok I like to watch her model dresses for me(; AND HELL YES PINYATA TIME. && Too bad, It probably smells better than Paul's armpits in the morning haha. && Have fun getting me >=) And ik but its not as funny looking as urs(; And She will, if she doesn't, i'll make her I got this. Haha I know this party is going to rock ! Also, we need to bring them bathing suit shopping. They worn their other bathing suits too many times they are starting to look flabby haha. It iz a pool partttyy also so yeah.. Uh. NO IM NOT UNTYING YOU SEXY STYLES. Jk I will. But say I love you to me first :)

He texted me saying I love you and I untied the two. They were a cute couple. Jules wants me to watch Adventure Time with her. I left everyone just to go watch it with her in our bedroom when she would stay.

"When am I dropping you off home?" I asked putting my arm around her.

"Ehhh, Well it's a saturday night and I don't think it's a good idea to drop me off late just in case drunk people are out, so how about like 10-10:30???" She replied smiling and rubbing my back. It was like 5:30 now.

"LET'S GET NANDOS!!!!!!" Niall yelled.


I guess Niall knew what everyone wanted. He grabbed Sofia's hand and ran outside into the crowd of screaming fans and quickly got into Sofia's car, since Niall didn't get his driver's license yet.

*Niall's POV*

We were on our way to my favorite place in the world, Nando's. I went there so many times even before I was famous, that they know my name and everything. They are friendly people. I told them what everyone wanted.

"Ok, That will be $43.78 please." The cashier lady said.

I handed her a 50 dollar bill and got $6.22 as my change.

"OH MY GODDDD!" Sofia and I yelled at the same time.

"THIS IS MY FAVORITE SONG! WELL OTHER THAN YOUR MUSIC" Sofia yelled while she started to sing Somebody that I used to Know.

I thought she was screaming because of the spider in the car. I am scared of spiders.

"Sofia, there's a spider in the car-"

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She yelled as she quickly rn out of the car. Thank god it want moving because we parked in the parking lot to check our phones quickly. I quickly smooched the spider with a tissue, threw him out and chased after Sofia.

"Love, come back!!!" I yelled. I quickly turned around.

"BOO!" She yelled and started to laugh. It made me jump.

How did she do that.. That was weird. We got back in the car and drove home. I barged inside with the amazing smell of Nando's

"IM BACK. FOOD GUYS!!!" I yelled. I sat down with sofia and we started to eat. Liam, Louis, Jules, and Zayn were at the table. Kaleigh and Harry weren't here.. Where were they? I went to look around for them

I heard them in the guest room.

They didn't see me standing at the door so I started to spy on them.

"You know you want these." Harry said pulling up his shirt.

"Not as much as you want this." Kaleigh replied sarcastically throwing her bra in his face. No not the one she was wearing, she's not like that. I'm surprised Harry never mentioned sex to her. Maybe it's because she's said that she's been a virgin and that she's waiting to do it when she gets married like me. Well, I honestly don't have feelings for her like i used to, but I still love her. Anyways, they kept doing stupid flirts back and forth to each other. I wanted to laugh so much but I didn't. She was like made for Harry, they are like exactly the same, except Kaleigh doesn't really like Family guy haha. I barged in saying.


"NO DONT INTERRUPT US AGAIN! WE WILL BE OUT IN A FEW!" Harry replied to me as He pushed me out of the room. Let's just say I think they were snogging. By the time they got out, we were almost finished. Their food was somehow still warm. They gobbled down their food and we decided to play Just Dance 3.

"I can't believe WMYB Is going on Just Dance 4" Kaleigh said smiling.

"You should buy it for us." Jules teased.

I think Sofia really wanted it though because she agreed. I'm going to get my little princess everything she wants.

All of us sat down and braided the girls' hair. Harry said no one can braid Kaleigh's hair except him, Lou actually let Zayn help braid jules' hair, and I let Liam braid Sofia's with me. It was kind of fun. The girls were singing Our Song "Nanana"

Everytime We tried to talk to them they were like,

"We're like Nanana and we're like yea yea yea." Maybe thats what they told us to do since we wouldn't tell them about the party. After we braided their hair we all sang Nanana.

*Kaleigh's POV*

I haven't had this much fun since 3 days ago. I'm happy to be with everyone again. Jules kept calling me Hot wheels because I was in a wheelchair.

"Don't listen to her babe, your my hot wheels." Harry said with a charming smile.

"Yeah. NANANA !" I said to jules laughing.

I couldn't wait. Somehow in 6 days I'm able to walk again. Today, tomorrow, and Monday I need to be in a wheelchair. Then Monday through friday I need crutches (Jules is calling me flash when I'm on crutches) and then Saturday I am able to walk again. Hooray.

I started getting tired. Today actually was a long day.

"Shall your prince charming carry you into bed??" Harry asked as he stroked my hair.

I nodded and laid my head on his chest. He picked me up and brought me into our room. I think Jules and Louis were watching another movie since she had like another hour with us. I got into my fluffy pjs Harry bought me and went to sleep. I fell asleep snuggling with him humming in my ear.
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