Status: Active

No Ordinary Love Story

Live While We're Young

In the morning, I woke up to my alarm that I put on my phone to wake up before everyone.

"We're like Nanana Then we're like yeah yeah yeah

No we can't make up our minds Cause when we think we've got it right" I heard before I poked my touchscreen phone to turn the alarm off. It was right next to me. I tried to get up but Harry pulled me back in his arms.

"Noooo! I'm comfy!" He yelled as he fell back asleep.

And this is why cuddling with Harry and falling asleep isn't fun.

1. Because you cant get up if you had to pee.

2. You will fall asleep. Then in the morning, he will probably wake up before you, get lou, and pull a prank on you.

I was going to use my crutches to go to the bathroom but ya know. Harry has to be comfy.

I turned on the TV. I was watching Family Guy, Harry's favorite show. When Peter Griffin was singing bird is the word Harry started to mumble sing it. It was kind of funny. He finally let me get up to use my crutches because I bit his arm.

"What was that for?" Harry said rubbing his arm seeing if there was any remaining marks.

"DAMN, YOU MADE A HUGE MARK IN MY ARM!" Harry said sarcastically as I saw like nothing there.

I quickly moved into the bathroom with my clothes and went to the bathroom.

"Hmmm, aren't you going to need help with putting your clothes on?" I heard Harry say.

"Haha you wish Haz." I replied.

"Oh and By the way, that night we saved you and wechanged your clothes, I peeked, a little too much. And I took some pretty interesting pictures." Harry said as he started to laugh making my mouth pop open as I was peeing now. I quickly put on my shirt and then my denim shorts and chased after him with my crutches.

"Get back here bitch!" I yelled as I almost fell. I saw Lou put Harry in a head lock.

"I got him Kaleigh! Here!" Lou yelled as he was pushing Harry towards me. I felt kinda bad because let's just say I accidentally hit Harry in the wrong spot as he came towards me.

"I'm feeling so loved today." Harry said sarcastically as he pecked me on the cheek. I quickly grabbed Harry's phone. He has to put a password on it. I saw all those pictures taken of me. Why would he take pictures of me looking how I did..

Liam, Niall and Zayn got up. Sofia and Niall I think were up earlier since I heard one of them meow. I couldnt tell. They both made weird cat noises before. Anyways, after they ate breakfast, Sofia and I said goodbye to the boys and they left to record LWWY. Whenever the boys left us alone, we would have dance parties to their songs. At least that's what I told Sofia thats what Jules and i usually did. We both decided to do that too. For some reason Nanana has been like our song.. The awkward thing is.. None of us broke up and made up.. Oh well. We watched tv, ate pancakes (and made sure we didnt burn the house down this time), watched the boys' videos, went on our secret fb pages that we will never show them (at least i won't), and texted the boys when they were on breaks. We even texted Paul. Yes, Paul.

It's been 4 hours now. Just sitting here doing nothing. They were supposed to be home like 2 hours ago.

Where were they? I started to get worried. Jules wasn't with us since she had to go home to spend time with her family. She had to check on her gerbil, Louis and change his cage and stuff.

The boys came walking in the door singing the fresh prince of bel air.

Oh god I thought. I'm pretty sure sofia thought the same thing.

"In west Philadelphia born and raised On the playground where I spent most of my days Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool And all shooting some b-ball outside of the school When a couple of guys, they were up to no good Started making trouble in my neighbourhood I got in one little fight and my mom got scared And said "You're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel-air" The boys took parts singing as liam was beat boxing. When they finished, Sofia and I looked awkwardly at eachother. Usually when the boys came home from something, the boys would come and give us hugs. Louis, Niall, and Liam walked into the room as I saw Zayn and Harry run

"Woah I'm offended. No hugs today... What up guys?" I asked. I went to follow them but they came out of their rooms.

"Sorry love, we're just cleanin up" Lou said smiling.

Lou cleaning? Yeah ok. He wouldnt even do it if pigs were able to fly.

I doubt it.

*Harry's POV*

We quickly waved to the girls and ran into a hidden room we didn't tell the girls about, where we would put things like presents or something in. We put all of the decorations for Kaleigh's party in there. After that, we came rushing out and Lou made a lame excuse. He knows he doesnt clean I only do that. Anyways, now, I have to take Kaleigh dress shopping. I walked behind her and put my hands around her waist. She was on her crutches once again.

"Soo Hotwheels, I'm taking you dress shopping today, and obviously you can't change so well into the clothes so I'm gonna help." I said giving her a cheeky smile.

She actually is letting me help her after what I did. I pulled Kaleigh's arm to show her what I put on her wheel chair. It was a license plate that said "Harry's Hot Wheels" On the back of her wheel chair. We all went to seperate places. I put Kaleigh in the car and we drove to the mall. I decided to push her in her wheel chair because she had a hard time doing it herself.

"Okay babe, where do you wanna go first?" I asked while a fan asked to take a picture with Kaleigh and I. After we took the picture, we went to Mandees. She grabbed some shirts and shorts and then she grabbed two super pretty dresses. We asked for a fitting room and I told them I had to go in with her. A lot of girls wanted to take pictures with me but I ran inside the changing room while I pushed Kaleigh in her wheel chair to help her try them on. I helped Kaleigh into this outfit she picked out. It was a black and silver over the shoulder shirt with denim sparkly shorts.

"You look stunning love." I said wrapping my hands around her waist.

She pecked me on the cheek.

She tried on her other outfits. We ended up getting two outfits, the black and silver outfit and this pink and purple outfit. We also ended up getting one dress.

"Okay Harry, I'm going to change back into my other clothes, look away again." Kaleigh said. I looked away for a second. Then, being the pervert that I am, I turned around, and pantsed Kaleigh. She didn't even have underwear on now..

"HARRY! WOAH. WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?" She yelled slapping my cheek.

"Things." I replied. I helped her get her clothes back on. I knew she was gonna get me back.

"I wanna spoil you so now we're going shoe shopping." i said. She kept

I texted Lou asking how he's been dress shopping.

To lou(: : Hi hope dress shopping is going well(: Make sure she gets a dress && two outfits :) lata we needa order a cake there's 3 more days till her party. We gotta start ordering the beer & wine. Saturday is gonna be a crazy night. ALSOO , HELP ME PICK PEOPLE TO COME FOR HER PARTY. Txt niall for me i gtg im going to go spoil kaleigh w/ shoes! Bye.

I shut my phone and we walked into Payless. Kaleigh liked these silver sparkly high heels.

"Haha, you're still not taller than me in those heels. Here stand up I'll help you up." I said giving her my hands. I slowly got her up and she was still shorter than me.

"Watch it Styles, I live in the same house as you, well at least for now. i can get Lou on my side." Kaleigh said winking at me and poking my stomach.

She found these other pink heels. We finally bought her shoes and started to drive home.

"I can't wait for you to hear our single Live While We're Young. It's an amazing song." I said smiling at Kaleigh.

I got a text from Lou.

From lou(: :

Getting the cake now. Ladyy wnts to know what color frosting to write on for the cake. Bright Pink? Green? They dont have blue or purple so Idkk.. But I told her 2 put some stuff on there that u & kaleigh r gonna like(; It's a really nice cake though. It's huge... Lol. But I amm the only 1 getting the cake u rnt coming i dont want u seeing whats on it til the partyyy!(: LIVE WHILE WE'RE YOUNG WILL BE ON THE RADIO SOON. HELLZ YEAHHH. Ok im gonna start inviting people to the party. I'll let u know how many people fangirl on the phone(: Lol bye.

I replied back;

LIVE WHILE WE'RE YOUNG IS GONNAAA ROCKK! But uh.. I say do both pink & green .. I know that she loves hot pink but that sucks they dont have purple cause i kno she likes tht too.. Oh well lolol . Ok so far Miranda Cosgrove, Victoria Justice, Ariana Grande, Rihanna, Katy Perry, Selena gomez, Justin Bieber, and Nicki Minaj are some celebrities that wanna come to the party. Atleastt soon kaleigh will be off her crutches. I dont get how she is healing so fast.. Im dating a ninjaaa

Live While We're Young is seriosuly going to be awesome though. Everyone was back and The boys explained to their ladies that we are throwing a party for Kaleigh. Tonight, everyone except Kaleigh and I went to sleep.

"Goodnight love." I said kissing Kaleigh's forehead. We put on a movie. She fell asleep with her head on my chest.

Life couldn't be better than it is right now.

*Niall's POV*

We decided to watch White Chicks because it was a pretty funny movie. "Babe, I'll be right back I'm going to change into my pjs." Sofia said pecking my cheek. I watched her close the door. I slowly got up. She kept the door open with a crack. I barged in.


"Niall, Watch yourself.. I share a bed with you." She said shooeing me to get out. This time, she locked the door.

"Oh come on quit teasing me!" I yelled to her as she laughed.

I decided to go through the closet door connected to our room.

*Sofia's POV*

Niall is dirty. Thank god he came in when I still had my bra and underwear on. I still felt kind of violated looking at me like that. Well Niall is my Prince so it's ok. I finally felt safe after locking the door so I got changed. I felt something grab me from behind.

"Niall! How did you get in here? And dont grab my a*s again.. that was awkward." I said covering myself. He just kept staring at me.

"I'm ninja. And you're gorgeous without clothes on. You are perfection." Niall said. I quickly changed into my pjs still feelings creeped out. How did he get in? After I changed I was pulling nIall to join the others inside.

"Nooo i wanna stay in here with you love." Niall said. I leaned in and we kissed. Some slow song came on as we kissed. It was like a dream. Then, I heard someone barge in.

"AYOOOOOO. You lovie dovies come join us! Lou and I are bored and he keeps mooning me." Jules said as she turned off the TV.

Niall looked mad.

"Niall it's okay come'on let's join them." I said pulling him inside.

*Jules' Pov*


I like how he found it entertaining to moon me. My head now laying on his chest watching The Last Song.

"Lou, you're comfy. I might just fall asleep." I said looking up at him.

"Well then love, go to sleep. I'll be here to wake you up. I love you sweetheart." Lou replied kissing my forehead and then my nose.

I think the last line I heard before I fell asleep from the movie was "TRIPLE T K-A. TIME TO TOTALLY KICK A*S." I heard Niall doing an impression of it. I slowly fell asleep as Lou was rubbing my back.

*Louis' Pov*

Jules looked so cute while she was asleep. I knew she liked it when I mooned her. She can't deny it. Anyways, when the movie ended, I had an idea.

"Niall! Go get me some ice water! We are gonna pour it on Jules and Sofia!" I whispered.

"These ladies have to learn not to fall asleep." Niall giggled.

We threw the ice water on them. All they did was moan over how cold it was.

"Lou Im wet. thanks. Carry me to bed please" I heard Jules mumble.

Ugh I cant say no to that.

"Okay babe here I come." I said picking her up. I put her on my shoulder. Then, I felt a huge tug.

"OW! MY BOXERS!" I yelled. I heard everyone laughing.

"I think you got a wedgie Lou huh?" Liam said laughing. Danielle took a picture and I made an awkward face. I put Jules back on the couch and fixed my bottoms. After that, I picked jules back up.

"Nice payback." I said laughing.

"Thanks, I get it from the best." Jules replied.

"Me?" I questioned.

"NO. From myself duhhhhh." Jules replied sarcastically.

I tucked her in && then went to check on Niall and Sofia.


"Probably. Ignore the noises you hear tonight." Niall said sarcastically.

"Have fun wild animals. Live While We're Young" I joked.

I fell asleep to some boring classical music.

Now, 2 more days till Kaleigh's party.

BLEH SORRY THAT TOOK SO LONG TO WRITE. School, friends, family, cleaning. Just so much to do . So yeah. I know there wasn't really alot of drama but oh well. 17 Will be pretty dramatic haha. It'll be good trust me :D SOOOOOOOOOOO Yeah :) Hope you enjoyed it!(:
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