Status: Active

No Ordinary Love Story

Chapter 17

*Kaleigh's POV*

I'm so happy tomorrow I can get my stupid cast boot thing off my leg. I dont even need crutches to walk on it. My scratches healed but I do have some scars on my stomach and my arms. I had to be careful walking without my crutches today so I dont move anything thats inside my leg.

I turned to my side to see Harry staring at me.

"I've been waiting for 2 hours to see your beautiful eyes flutter open. It was worth the wait." Harry said As he kissed my neck repeatedly.

I got up and tackled Harry to the floor and just layed on him, giving him the biggest bear hug I could.

"Don't mind me Im just staring at your cleavage." Harry said. I flicked his forehead as I pulled my shirt up more.

"I think I'm gonna start wearing turtle necks around you so you don't act like a perv." I said teasing him.

"It's okay I like your as* too." Harry said chuckling. I was about to speak but Harry interuppted me by kissing me, now laying on top of me on the floor.

"Harry get off of me you're crushing me!" I exclaimed.

He kept kissing my neck.

"Nooooo I love you don't make me get up!" Harry moaned.

I sighed. He decided to kiss my forehead and then my nose. By the time he was done I was wet, I felt like I got licked my a dog.

"Okay, toots, now it's my turn." I said smiling ear to ear.

I giggled as I kissed behind his ear, then his neck, and then his lips.

"Ow! Harry stop doing that!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry I have a habit at biting your lip." Harry said laughing.

I got up and changed out of my pjs and into my casual outfit for today. I looked over at harry.

"You know you want this." Harry said showing off his amazing abs.

I nodded in jealousy, usually im not jealous but like, his abs are amazing.

"Well you can have some of this later, I made you your favorite this morning, chocolate chip pancakes." Harry said. I smiled and he carried me away.

He sat me down next Sofia and Niall. The table was full so I didnt now where Harry was going to sit.

Then some bony as* sat on me.

"Harry! Get off me! Let me eat!" I yelled. He stayed on my lap and started to steal food off of my plate.

Oh no he didn't just leave with my pancakes. I jumped on top of him and put his hands on the ground.

"Don't steal my food again mr. Or else...." I said.

I helped him up and sat back down. I started chowing down my food until Sofia and Niall start histerically laughing.

Oh no.

Yes. It was one of Niall's signature farts. We all ran out of the room holding our noses.

"That could probably kill somebody." Louis said.

Sofia even ran from Niall. He was just in there by himself, finishing everyones left overs.

Tomorrow is going to be awesome! I get to take off my boot cast and I can actually wear two shoes again. Usually since it's friday we sing Friday by Rebecca Black but i guess today everyone was lazy, except for harry and louis. They kept making phone calls and everything.. Oh well. I sat down on the couch watching tv where Harry was eating alone.

"I'm sorry you couldnt eat with the rest of us. Well you could of pulled over a chair." I said smiling. He ignored me. I moved his plate and wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Harry, come'on I said I'm sorry." I said. I started kissing his neck. He still just sat there.


I didn't get what was going on with Harry.. Usually he like kisses me back and takes me to our room to cuddle.. No we do not have... I'm a virgin. Lou came up from behind me.

"Well.. aren't you going to do something?!?!" I asked.

I pushed Lou infront of harry. He whispered something into Harry's ear.

"Follow us outside." Lou said pulling my arm.

Everyone was gone. No one in sight. I walked behind them outside. SPALSH!

"AHHHHHH. I'm wet!" I yelled.

Sofia Niall and liam popped out of nowhere and threw water balloons at me. Zayn, lou, Jules and Harry shot me with water guns.

"Why do you guys always pull the pranks on me?" I asked laughing.

I chased after all of them, carefully and cautiously though since i had the boot on my leg still. I hugged them all and got them as soaked as possible. For Lou and harry, it was the best. Lets just say I sprayed them with the hose and i dropped a huge water balloon on their heads.

But for me, sadly, they picked me up and are carrying me now.

"Throw her in the pool! One, two-"


Harry grabbed my phone from my pocket.

""That was my as* you pinched harry." I said

They threw me in and ran away with my cell phone.. my android cell phone..

I got out, and dried myself off in the bright, warm sun light. when I finally was dry, I went to find harry.

"There you are!" I yelled. I jumped on top of him, tackling him.

"If you want your phone, you're gonna have to kiss me first." Harry said puckering his lips.

I leaned in and kissed him

"NO LONGER THAN THAT!" Harry yelled. Oh god he was starting to go crazy again..

I kissed him longer. "LONGER!!" He yelled. I kissed him for so long Lou had to pull me off of harry since he wouldnt let me go.. All day todaya we sat around and did nothing. I decided to make bracelets . It was now 4:30

"I'm going to take a shower." I said.

I got up from cuddling with Harry on the couch. Harry followed me.

"What do you think you're doing?" I said poking his arm.

"Uhm.. We're taking a shower.. doyyy." Harry replied putting his arm arond me.

"No I said I was ... BYE HARRY!" I yelled, I quickly ran into the bathroom and locked the door.

"What are you gonna do now?" I teased.

I heard him pouting as I turned the water on. I undressed and went into the warm water. I started to rub shampoo in my hair and singing LWWY. My elbow bumped into something. I looked over.

"Harry! How did you get in here?" I said backing away.

I couldn't help but stare...

"Don't look there! You little pervert you." Harry said laughing. He grabbed me in the shower.

".. You have an obsession with squeezing my as* dont you..?" I asked.

He nodded. He grabbed me close rubbing soap all over me.. It was awkward. I was just sitting there like Hi dont look down there Styles kay thanks. I decided to text Lou from Harry's phone in the shower since he had a water proof iphone case

To lou:):

Its kaleigh On the count of three im gonna push harry out of the shower and when i do open the door and dont let him back in. Then take pictures of him. Plllllllllllz lou? Thank u

He wanted to know what i said.

"Oh nothing babe." I said.

I counted to three.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH" Harry yelled as i pushed him out. I can only push him when he least expects it. otherwise, he doesnt move and lays on me.

"Tommo, i know you wanted to see some of this you're so jealous aren't you?" Harry said. It made me giggle. I kept hearing Harry moan.

*Louis' pov*

This wasnt really worth stop snogging with Jules. Shes probably hugging Gladus, the stuffed octopus i got her. It smells like me.

Anyways, I dont know where Kaleigh wanted these pictures. Harry was now modeling. It was quite awkward seeing him like this. Well, Atleast for Sofia. She was standing right there with niall. Her mouth dropped open.

"I didnt even see Niall naked before harry!" Sofia said laughing at Harry. I ran to get harry clothes, and a towel, just in case fans can see him, you know, nude. I made Niall stay with him so he couldn't get inside and interupt Kaleigh showering again.

*Kaleigh's Pov*

I finally finished my shower. I wrapped the warm towel around me and wrapped a small towel in my hair. I walked slowly out the door. I come to see everyone snogging and Harry eye balling me.

"Harry, no." I said backing away. I ran into our room, locked the door and quickly changed. Time went by so fast. It's now 5:43. I quickly changed into my denim shorts, a red tank top, fluffy socks, and put on my One Direction Hoodie the boys bought me. Harry grabbed me.

"Can we kiss now?" Harry asked as I felt him breathing on my neck.

"Uhm, are you sniffing my hair?" I asked laughing.

He picked me up and sat me on his lap with his hands around my waist.

"I love you babe." He whispered.

He started to kiss my neck.


Harry and i sarted laughing. We were all cuddling. Sofia and Niall, Liam and Danielle, Zayn and perrie, Jules and Louis, and then us. We were watching some stupid movie louis picked out.

"Oh kaleigh, I forgot to tell you, your boot thing comes off tomorrow at 10 am so dont go to bed that late with Harry and do some uh "stuff"" Louis said laughing Handing harry a condom.

Harry grabbed me and brought us into our room. I heard the little nose the door makes when it locks. Harry tore off his shirt and jumped on top of me.

"Haz! No , I can't do this! I'm not ready!" I yelled. He didn't let me finish because he started kissing me.He started pulling down my shirt.

"No! babe stop Im not having sex." I said pushing him off of me.

"LIAM SAVE ME!" I yelled. I was guessing everyone else was in bed.. considering I heard lots of moaning from Danielle and Perrie. Sofia, jules and I weren't ready. But this was harry's first attempt doing that to me..

We decided to have McDonald's for dinner.

"I'll have 3 big macs, 4 salads, and 5 large fries. Okay what do you guys want?" Niall said sarcastically.

Thank god we weren't really at the thing where we tell the people what we want. I ordered a small fry and a 10 piece mc nugget. Louis and Harry ordered Big macs and fries. Liam ordered a 10 piece nugget along with medium fries and Zayn ordered a double cheesburger. I rather not say what Niall ordered. It was alot of food. When we grabbed our food we started to eat it.

"Turn around I got 11 mcnuggets instead of 10!" Liam yelled.

"But that's a good thing.. don't give it back!" Louis replied.

Liam just then got out of the car, walked up to the window and handed the lady a chicken nugget.

"Why is Liam so cute like that??" Danielle asked.

"I dont know i find it stupid." Louis replied sarcastically.

We were now on our way home.

Because You know I'd run a thousand miles just to see you.. tonight Harry sang to me.

It was now 7:34. Less than 24 hours to get my stupid boot off. The boys, Jules, Sofia, and Danielle have been acting really hyper and weird.

It was like they were hiding something from me..

Maybe they got me something. I saw them earlier carrying bags inside. They didnt let me see what was inside of them

*Jules' POV*

TOMORROW WILL BE THE BEST DAY OF KALEIGH'S LIFE! A whole bunch of celebrities are coming for her. They invited people from Kaleigh's friend list & from her phone contacts. I wonder if im going to know anyone that is coming. They also said anyone can come to the party . This is going to be amazing. Right now, Lou is braiding my hair.. I dont even know why. My hair looks like Katniss .

"I want your hair to look like this tomorrow with your outfit." Lou said stroking my side bangs.

I kissed him on the cheek and Went to go get a blanket since I was cold.

"Why are you getting a blanket? You have me to cuddle with!" Lou said opening his arms.

I grabbed the blanket and layed on Lou.

"Don't move I'm comfy." I said.

We were watching some comedy movie. It wasn't really funny though.

Out of no where all I heard was screaming.


Lou and I sighed at the same time.

We see Niall running in here with mashed potatoes all over his face.

"Do you enjoy stealing her food?" I asked

"You got a little somethin something all on your face." Lou said scooping some off.

Niall nodded and finished the bowl of potatoes.

"It's Okay I'll just eat your chicken since there's nothing else!" Sofia yelled.

Right then and there, Niall dashed out of the living room.

"3..2..1" Lou and I said. Yup, right on time. The plate crashed onto the kitchen floor.

Lou and I walked outside so we didn't have to help clean up.

"So, where's Kaleigh and Harry?" I asked Lou.

I started to hear moaning from their window.

"Uhm.. Lou.. What are they doing?" I asked

I ran inside ignoring Sofia and Niall tellling me to clean up.

I opened the door...


Oh what a relief.

"So you were just giving Harry medicine because he wasn't feeling better? That moan sounded like a uh.. a uh.. 69 moan." I said inbetween chuckles. After I said that, they both turned really red.

"Well jules and I will be leaving now adios!" Louis called.

Lou leaded me to our bedroom.

"You wanna snog tonight love?" Lou asked me.

I changed quickly into my shorts and one of Lou's shirts. It was a little baggy on me but oh well.

And lets just say, we snogged pretty much the whole night until we fell asleep.
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