Status: Active

No Ordinary Love Story

18: Plot twist + Best One yet! In my opinion

*Liam's POV* "Get up sleepy head, you need this boot off. Your leg is probably all white now." I said picking Kaleigh up out of bed. "Liam my best lad, no i only do that to my lady." Harry said grabbing Kaleigh out of my hands. Damn Harry usually isn't a jealous type. He's never been when he was dating a girl. Harry even gets jealous if one of us talks to her before he does or if he's not involved in the conversation. Anyways, everyone was dressed and ready. Today Zayn was finally going to hangout with us because Perrie had to record at the studio with Jade, Jesy & Leighanne. We missed Zayn well, at least I did. We all packed in the mini van and headed off to the hospital. "You excited to not be part robot anymore?" Lou said poking kaleigh's cast. She nodded in satisfaction. I love how Kaleigh would either go to me or Lou for anything if there's a problem with her and Harry. She said we were her big brothers she never had. It was adorable. We wwalked her slowly into the hospital room he had to go in. As they were taking off her cast, Kaleigh was holding Harry and Lou's hands. "We're all here for you." I said smiling. We just were worried if her leg didn't heal or else she would have to get another cast on. "Her leg looks perfectly healed. I never seen anyone heal so fast like you." The doctor said. This party is going to be awesome. We have now EVERYTHING. I hired a dj for the party . I have to ask Justin if he's going to sing anything with Selena. All i know is.. We are going to have beer.. and this might get out of control. IM DADDY DIRECTIONER NO BEER FOR ME. *Kaleigh's POV* "Zayn! I haven't talked to you in forever man! How's it going??" I said smiling giving him a hug. He was telling me about him and Perrie's relationship. "So it's complicated? Noo I love you two as a couple this is so sad!" I said pouting. He was explaining about how they think they need to focus on their music now and that they should break up. But it isn't confirmed yet, because they don't know if they wanna break up or not yet. "I say what ever makes you two happy, do that. But you two will still be great friends right?" I asked. He nodded with no hesitation. "Obviously." Zayn replied. After, I asked him why everyone seemed so crazy today. "Oh it's nothing trust me." Zayn said trying not to smile. When we arrived back inside, the boys were scaring me. "ALL OF YOU SEXAYY LADIES GO CHANGE INTO THE OUTFITS WE BOUGHT YOU. GO GO GO!" Harry Niall & Lou yelled. Why was I the only one confused on what was going on? Jules and Sofia looked like they knew. Oh well, maybe it's a good thing. i changed into my over the shoulder shirt and denim shorts. Then, I put on my sparkly heels. *Harry's POV* Kaleigh is going to love me tonight. "Kaleigh, are you ready to do.. you know what yet?" i said wiggling my eyebrows up and down. I mean like I'll wait for her but im starting to get impaitent. I wanna spend the rest of my life with her, but i dont wanna rush her. She looked at me and backed away and smiled. "No harry, I am not ready. But one day I will be!" She replied running into my arms. "Damnn You lookin fine love." I said smiling. When all the girls worked into their outfits, we told them we bought them tickets to a scary movie. "But harry I dont like scary movies.." Jules complained. "Just go to keep kaleigh occupied while we get ready." I whispered into her ear. She nodded and grabbed Sofia aong with her. "BYE BABYY WE'LL BE BACK!" Sofia yelled to Niall. She blew a kiss to him & Niall pretended to catch it. That's usually my thing.. Since Kaleigh was wearing heels, she didnt have to stand on her tippy toes. "Bye sweetheart. I'll tell you how it goes." Kaleigh said pecking me on the cheek. I smiled and squeezed her ass as she walked out the door. *Kaleigh's POV* It's been a while since we've had a girls' day. Something must be going on. The boys always wanna be with us. hmmm.. "COME ON MOVE YOU A*S HOLE YOU'RE SLOWER THAN MY GRANDMA!" Sofia yelled. Jules and I yelled along with her. Well all have road rage, but i think sofia has it the most. She pounded her fist on the horn/ "ARE YOU SURE YOU AREN'T DEAD? COME ON WE'RE ONLY GOING 8 MILES AN HOUR." Sofia yelled. I started to record sofia's road rage. "AYE ARE YOU RECORDING ME? STOP ITTTT! NOWWWW!" Sofia yelled. I started to playfully laugh. I should send this to niall. I stopped recording and sent it to Niall and Harry. I think I embarrassed Sofia really bad, since the boys uploaded it to youtube. "FUTURE STYLES I'LL GET YOU BACK." Sofia said clenching her fist and actually moving over 30 miles now. We finally got into the movie theatre. I smelt the buttery, salty popcorn. Jules walked up to the snack counter. "Hello, can we have an extra large popcorn with a little butter, 2 medium diet cokes and one medium iced tea? Can it have no ice please? Also can we have 1 pack of m&m's, 1 pack of gummy worms, and 1 pack of Hershey's air delight?" She said as she grabbed the $100 bill Liam gave us. "That'll be $24.56" The cashier said. The remaining money was for the tickets, refills, and any other food we wanna get. "When the movie is over, Niall told us to buy him a box of Herhey's Air Delight so we can't forget or else he said he wil tickle me to death." Sofia said. We satisifly nodded in reply and headed into the movie theatre. We ran up to the top row. Once we sat down, the lights slowly dimmed out and the movie came on. "We arrived just in time" Jules whispered. *Harry's POV* "Harry's secretary, Louis speaking?" I heard Lou say when he answered my cell phone. "Okay Rihanna, so are you performing a song for her tonight right? OK, ok, alright. See you soon. Toodles." I saw Lou walk over to Niall. "No no no. You;re doing it all wrong. The pink goes on top of the purple . And the blue goes under the green." Lou said fixing the decorations. "FINE THEN DO IT YOURSELF I WANT FOOD." Niall yelled running to grab a cupcake. CRASH! "Oh no You are not touching any of it. Once you eat one, you'll eat them all! ZAYN TIE HIM DOWN!" Liam yelled. Next thing you know, Niall is tied up crying. "YOU MEANIES. IF SOFIA WERE HERE SHE'D KICK YOUR ASSES. I'LL GET THOSE CUPCAKES I WI-" Niall yelled as Lou shoved a glove in his mouth. An hour till the party & we aren't even done.. People were going to start coming in an hour. "Guys, erm ... We only have an hour so uhm.. CAN YOU GUYS JUST HELP?!?! Except leave Niall he will mess up the food." I said. I got a missed text from kaleigh. ~I love You Kaleigh Heyy baby i wish u were here to watch this movie with us! I smiled and continued to put up decorations. Liam and Danielle were blowing up balloons, Zayn was getting music together (since he wants to be the dj which i find awkward) & Lou is deciding what to wear. He's also admiring the wine cup I bought for Kaleigh. "Why couldn't mine be fluffy?" Lou complained. He went up stairs and changed. I quickly changed into my koala shirt Kaleigh loved so much and my trousers. I heard someone walk through the door. "Sup Justin! Tonight is going to be awes-" I got interupted by Niall's yelling for justin to untie him. "Just ignore him. Anyways, Can you set up the table outside and put up the lights for me?" I said handing the stuff to him. He nodded and put his snapback on Niall. Then he put the earplugs in Niall's ears. At least it kept him occupied. "I was supposed to bring a swimsuit right?" Justin asked walking out the door. I nodded. I knew tonight was going to be perfect. Nothing will screw it up. After putting up the decorations, the boys, Justin, and I tweeted about this awesome party. We will are so excited. When Niall found out he couldnt get the cupcakes he was sad.. Let's just say I locked the refrigerator with a lock. Now it was 10 minutes till people would start arriving. Kaleigh was supposed to be coming in a half an hour. We headed out in the back yard. We got Paul to Wow. Rihanna just walked in and she looks amazing. Some of Kaleigh's friends arrived as well. "Riahanna! Hello Love! I just wanna warn you, some of Kaleigh's friends are here and you might get fan mobbed." I said laughing giving her a peck on the cheek. Next thing we know, a whole bunch of screaming girls come up to us. "OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU GUYS! HARRY, LOU! I CANT BELIEVE YOU TWO ARE DATING MY TWO GOOD FRIENDS. IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU GUYS! IM ABBY!!! CAN I TAKE A PICTURE WITH YOU??" She said giving us all hugs. We took a group picture and did the weirdest faces. Then other people keep coming and coming. It was so crowded, thank god us boys were wearing tall hats to find eachother. "GUYS! I JUST GOT A TEXT FROM JULES! THEY ARE ALMOST HOME ! THEY ARE BRINGING HER BACK HERE! HIDE!" Lou yelled. I was smiling when i heard their conversation from out front. "Kaleigh, Don't go in the backyard I don't want you to see harry nude. He's waiting for you." Jules said. Haha she listened to me and used what i told her to . "Bye Im leaving i gotta see this!" Kaleigh yelled running back here. "SURPISE KALEIGH!" We all jumped out and yelled. She came running into my arms. "What is all of this for?" She asked smiling. She interupted my answer with a long kiss. Her friends snickered. "You got better baby, And im really happy you're here." I said. Her smile was like a mile wide, the mile to my heart. She ran right into my arms as I swirled her around. "Aww." Everyone echoed .

"LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" Louis and Niall yelled chugging down their first of like 7 beers. Too bad I usually drink 9(;

*Kaleigh's POV*

This party is just perfect. I'm with my friends plus amazing celebrities. I can't believe Harry put this all together for me. It was just a huge surprise. I couldn't believe who i've been seeing tonight. I made a huge bear hug with my best guy friends, Andrew, Mike, Nick, and my ex-boyfriend Dave. I've missed them for the longest time. I haven't kept in so much touch with them after all of this. "How are you guys? How's Ms. Gleden? Still the elderly bird I mean principal?" I said laughing at our inside joke. Where is she i thought. I was looking all over for a specific person. I said hello to all the celebrities here tonight, well the ones who werent super drunk. Then, I see her.

"ABBBBBBBBYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!" I yell charging over to her. I gave her the biggest hug I could. I haven't seen her for 7 months.

"So how was your lovely cruise with Danny? I knew you weren't really able to keep in touch so I just left some texts here and there for you girl. But I missed you for the longest time!" I said.

She was teling me about Danny and how he's been. I looked over seeing Justin doing the moon walk.

"Is that justin bieber?" Abby asked a little creeped out but laughing at the same time.

"Yes, and yup he's drunk by the way. Come'on, let's go get a drink. I gotta go get Jules she was looking for you too!" I said pulling her along with me.

When Abby saw One Direction, I think her heart stopped.

"OH MY GOD. IT'S THE AMZINGLY SEXY TALENTED ONE DIRECTION. I LOVE YOU GUYS WITH ALL MY HEART. LET'S TAKE A PICTURE LIKE NOW." Abby yelled. We all leaned in for a picture. "Baby, catch!" Harry yelled throwing a beer at me. Thank god i have good reflexes or else i would of been an epic failure. I chugged it down as fast as i could. "Uhm.. Harry, are we gonna end up like Niall and Sofia tonight?" I asked pointing over to them chuckling. They were doing the sprinkler and Niall was grinding on Sofia. It was very funny to watch. I heard from Lou Niall is on his 4th beer. Zayn and Perrie were making out in the corner... it was weird. I finally found Jules and brought abby to her.

Yes. Us three best friends together again. The last time we were all together was 7 months ago, 3 months before what happened with Kevin. I handed Jules a wine bottle. "Jules, you dont have to drink the whole thing if you dont want to, dont feel pressured. Drink how ever much you want." I said smiling. I was started to feel a little dizzy. "Harry take off your shirt, show off those sexy abs I get to see every night." I said laughing. He was flexing and everything. It made girls from my school that i am friends with really jealous.

"Come'onn Haz, let's go dance!' I said as he carried me to where everyone was dancing. "DJ MALIK NOW IN THE HOUSE EVERYBODY SAY HEYYYYY. MY HAIR IS SEXY. HEYYYYYY ZAYNS HAIR IS SEXYYY" he yelled as everyone echoed. Harry and I were doing the weirdest dances ever. I started to do the robot with Justin and Harry. Everyone started doing the wave... I ran over towards Paul.

"Alright babe, you know, just leave me here it's all cool." Harry said sarcastically and started to fist pump with Miranda Cosgrove. I was hoping Paul was drunk because I think he's sorta flirting to Abby.. "You look like my future girl friend.. Wanna get a drink with me sometime?" He said as he started to dance with her.She was just going along with it since she was sorta drunk too. I pretty much tied him to a chair because i dont want Paul out of all people to do stuff like that..

Hours later passed by. Yes we were all wild now. We started making conga lines and playing beer pong, which Niall was master at. Liam and Danielle were protecting Jules from Lou. I walked over seeing Lou trying to air hump her.. He's awkward.

"Lou stopp I dont wanna do that stuff up there.. I'd rather dance not do those weird humps of yours. Stop trying to grind on me!" Jules said backing away. Jules, Liam and Danielle were the only ones not drunk.

"Lou, leave her alone. Go do that by yourself." I said.

I felt someone squeeze my ass.

"Comeon baby , We're gonna show Niall and Sofia that we're a sexier couple. Let's go." Harry whispered in my ear as he wrapped his hands around my waist and started to kiss my neck. I left Jules, Liam and Danielle. Zayn was dancing! Like dancing for real.. He's really drunk i see..

We were all continuing to dance. "Heyy sexyy lemme come dance with you." I heard someone sweet but drunk sounding call out. Oh no. It can;t be. NOT HER .

I turned around to see the worst person to b here right now starting to dance with Lou, Eleanor. They were both so drunk it wasn't even funny."I knew you;d come back baby I knew you;d do what i wanted to do. I love you." Lou said as what I just saw broke my heart. Their kiss. The longest kiss I've ever seen. Not with jules either, Eleanor. Why the hell was this bitch here? To win him over while he;s drunk so jules breaks up with him? no. Just no. I oculdnt let Jules see this. Harry went to go tell danielle and liam to get her distracted. I went over to talk to Eleanor. What they were doing now was something you wouldn't wanna know..

"Eleanor get outta here you're gonna cause problems." I said pointing towards the gate.

"No kaleigh, we're together again see? I love her and she loves me." Lou replied to me. I was literally about to cry, I mean i know im drunk but like wtf I would be serious if eleanor showed up. "Uhm no Lou, remember... you have jules??" I said. He looked very confused. I think he started to remember. "El.. why are you here? Jus leave! If you dont leave now you're gonna have to deal with Jules!" I warned. I got Paul to kick her out. "No get off of me I'm here with my booy friend. He even said we were together." Eleanor said. I can not believe this. "Boo bear what the hell, you have jules. What are you doing???" Harry said like slapping him in the face. If they weren't drunk this wouldn't be happening. I stood between the both of them and called over for Zayn and Niall to help me. Eleanor and Lou started kissing again. "El, stop it. He has a girl friend and he doesn't love you like that anymore." Harry said. Lou looked over at El and kissed her as she kissed back. And that's when I saw the biggest Jaw drop from Jules ever since I told her I was raped. This is going to be a long night.

"What the f*ck is that b*tch doing with Lou? Get the hell outta here!" Jules yelled starting to run towards Eleanor.

I ran right in front of her. "No jules, don't do this talk to lou instead you dont wanna fight that b*tch." I warned.

"Lou, what the hell is going on? See what happens when you get drunk? I'm very mad at you. Good bye." Jules said.

"Noooo wait! Let me explain! Wait ! She kissed me first! Baby please!" Lou yelled as he started to cry.

Tonight is going to be really long.

This party started to go downhill...
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