Status: Active

No Ordinary Love Story

Stole My Heart

I woke up the next morning. I was in an unfamiliar place. Where am I ? I thought. I got up and looked around at the room I was sleeping in. I'm in a queen sized bed with a red blanket wrapped around me. That walls are bare. The only window is covered by a curtain. The clock to my right says 10:34. I couldn't even tell if it were night or morning. I slowly pulled myself up. Wow, I was sore. I stretched my arms out. Shit! That wasn't a good idea. My right arm was in a lot of pain.

I really need to grow up! I need to get out of here! I unwrap myself from the blanket to see myself dressed in a huge white stripped t-shirt and black sweats.

"What the hell..?" I'm so confused. I don't remember last night at all.I went towards the wooden door at the end of the room and slowly opened it. I look out to see a long hallway. I hear a lot of yelling and laughter.

"Alright, so I have to get past whoever is in there to get to the front door, atleast I hope it's the front door." I whispered.

"So what are we going to do with her?" A british male voice asked.

"Well first we're gonna see if she's okay You guys should of seen her last night before she passed out. I haven't seen anyone so terrified in my life." Another voice says.

"So do you know anything about her Harry?" Asked another boy with an Irish accent.

"So basically, She told me her name is Kaleigh, and she doesn't sound like she's from here. It sounds like a Canadian accent--" I knew I shouldn't have but really

"AMERICAN! I have an American accent. As in I'm from America not Canada." I shouted as I jumped out from my hiding place. All of the boys jumped out of their seats because of my yelling. "Kaleigh make a run for it!" Screams my brain. I run towards what supposedly is the front door. I was hoping the door wasn't locked. "YES!" I gasped.

Suddenly, a hand comes from behind me and shuts the door. Shit.. I'm screwed. I turn around to see the super hot guy face to face with me. He keeps his right hand on the door and leans towards me. I leaned back so my back is pressed on the door.

"Hey Kaleigh, I'm sorry about that Canadian thing" he gives me a smile while rubbing my face. "Are you okay?" he asks with a worried look on his face.

"Yes, I'm fine Harry. I have major pain in my arm." I just remembered he saved me last night.

"Harry, you saved me.." I repeated but this time out loud.

"Well I can't leave a gorgeous girl like you, crying at night, What if something had happened to you?" I blushed at the thought of Harry thinking i was gorgeous.

"Well.. I did get hurt" I say nodding to my arm

"Oh my god babe! Come with me, I'll fix it for you!: He said taking my other hand and leading me back to the whispering group.

"Okay guys, so this sweatheart's name is Kaleigh-"

"Smith" I fill in for him

"Kaleigh Smith" He laughs. "And these lads are Liam--"

"Louis, Zayn, and Niall" I giggle.

"Hey look what we have here, A DIRECTIONER!" jumps up Louis giving me a bear hug.

"Ouch!" I gasp when he accidentally hit my arm.

"Oh my god! I'm sorry! Did I hurt you?!" says Louis quickly looking me up and down to make sure there wasn't any blood showing, I think.

"No! its just my arm.. I fell on it when I was running away last night" I said.

"Woah.. running away? What happened to you love?" says Liam staring me in the eyes.

They all looked at me. I felt very uncomfortable from their concerned, disturbing eyes on me.

"Can you just let me get my arm looked at? It hurts really bad" I whisper, trying to keep the tears from gushing out of my eyes. I turned my face away from them.

*Niall's POV*

When Harry brought Kaleigh back after she had that mini spa attack, I kind of felt bad for her. She woke up in some unknown place, waking up in a stranger's bed, not knowing where she was. I was admiring her for not freaking again. She seemed relaxed actually. I see her looking at me. I smiled. She just looked away. Something tells me something is wrong.

"Uh, can I just get my arm looked at? It really hurts" she whispers.

"Yeah, sure. I'll help you." I speak up. I walk over to her, put my arm around her waist and I walked her into the bathroom. I put her on the bathroom counter and turned to shut the door. I saw a glimpse of Harry's face. He looked pissed off. I started to laugh.

"What is so funny?" Kaleigh asks?"

"Harry is mad because I'm helping you and he's not" I laugh. "I think he likes you." I gave her a cheeky smile. That made her laugh. I like her laugh I thought.

"Just fix my arm." Kaleigh says laughing. I can tell we were going to be best friends.

*Harry's POV*

Why in the hell would Niall do that to me? He knows I fancy Kaleigh and I'm worried about her. What is he planning…

*Kaleigh's POV*

Niall is so sweet and kind. He handled my arm super gently that I didn't feel a thing.

"Kaleigh I'm going to need to bandage your arm. So your going to have to roll up your sleeve." He said

"Okay, no problem." I replied as he pulled up my sleeve.

"All better!" Niall says to me with a cheeky smile.
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Hope you enjoy! :P