Status: Active

No Ordinary Love Story

Gotta Be You

"Thanks." I replied with a shy smile.

"So, when I was about to wash your sweatshirt, I checked what was inside the pockets…" Niall said with a worried look on his face.

"Oh no." I mumbled.

*Niall's POV*

What I found in her pocket last night made me worried and upset. I just couldn't believe it.

"So Kaleigh, why? Why would you take that stuff?" I said with an upsetting tone.

"Niall I'm sorry, my Ex-boyfriend, Kevin made me or else he threatened to kill my sister." She replied, looking like she was about to cry,

I gave her a big hug, she deserved one.

When she finished wiping away her tears, I gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Let's go back to the group." I said as I was tugging on her arm.

When I opened the door Harry looked really mad, and upset.

"So, what were you two doing in the bathroom?" Louis asked while drinking Yorkshire tea.

"Oh nothing, just fixing up her arm." I said looking at Kaleigh's beautiful, green eyes.

*Louis's POV*

I feel like Niall is hiding something from us boys. He looked at Kaleigh's eyes a lot.

Maybe he fancies her

Maybe he likes her too.

Maybe he's just being nice.

Or they are just good friends.

I can't tell. All I know is, I'm gonna find out, because I don't want Hazza to get hurt.

*Kaleigh's POV*

I saw Louis's face towards Niall. He wanted to know what was going on between us and what happened in the bathroom.

I hope he doesn't find out from Niall that I do cocaine. Kevin would make me do it or he threatened to kill my sister, Lucy, who he still killed even though I took his drug. Ever since I took it, I've been hooked and I really want to stop.

"Kaleigh, can I talk to you for a second love?" Harry asks me.

I walk into the other room with him and we sit on the couch. He stares right into my eyes while squeezing my hands.

*Harry's POV*

"Kaleigh, I just want to say that I really love you. And you're a beautiful girl. I've felt love at first sight ever since we saved you on Thursday, And if you love me back or not, I'll always love you." I said to Kaleigh.

As we were about to kiss, guess who barged in? Of course. Boobear.

"HEY GUYSS! What are you two love birds doing?" Louis said while he was putting on his suspenders.

"You interrupted something." I hissed.

"Sowey." Louis said as he closed the door really slowly.

Thank god, I thought.

"Now where were we?" I asked Kaleigh.

We leaned in to kiss again until another knock was at the door.


"I just wanted to say hi. You want some Yorkshire tea?" He asked me laughing so hard.

I push Lou out and go sit back with Kaleigh.

She was laughing hysterically.

"Does Louis always barge in like that?" Kaleigh asked.

"Yeah, Sort of." I chuckled.

"Now before he barges in again, I just wanna say love, that It's Gotta Be You. You're the one for me." I said to her

Finally without Louis barging in, we kissed. I knew she was the one. But then, Something fell out of her sweatshirt pocket.

"Kaleigh, what the hell? Is that cocaine?" I asked with an angry, worried tone.

She looked very embarrassed. I think she has a long story to explain. Looks like I have to tell the other boys, I thought.

*Kaleigh's POV*

Shit I'm screwed. Now Niall and Harry know. The two that I love and I think love me back. Well I think they do. But now I know that all of the boys are going to find out.

I'm screwed.

I wish I never took Kevin's stupid drug.

Screw You Kevin! I thought.
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Hope ya like it! :P