Status: Active

No Ordinary Love Story

Another World

This morning did not seem like a good morning. For once, the boys were up before me and didn't wake me up, well purposely. I woke up to Louis yelling.


Oh no, Eleanor thinks he's cheating on her with Jules. This isn't good.

I got up to see Jules screaming at Eleanor.


"I KNOW YOU'RE LYING. SCREW THIS I'M LEAVING. LOU, WE'RE THROUGH. HAVE FUN WITH THAT B*TCH! BYE." Eleanor yelled. Jules really wanted to kick her a*s

"YOU B*T-"

She walked out of the tour bus, and started to run while bursting into tears. Niall was going to go stop her, but it would of just made things worse.

Then, we started to hear crying.




"Harry, looks like you gotta give Louis one of your signature hugs." The boys said.

"Boobear, come over here. It''s okay man. I've been waiting for that b*tch to leave anyways." Harry said.

Jules came over and gave Louis a big hug.

"Louis, I'm sorry what happened with her, I didn't mean to make you to fight.I feel like it's my fault. I'm sorry I just really like you an-"

"No, save it Jules. I know you're the one for me. If she got jealous over me being nice and talking to you on the tour bus, than she's not worth it. I mean like when I first met Eleanor, I never felt the way I felt for you. I just can't believe what she said." Louis said under sniffles.

"It's okay Lou, It's all over now and maybe you can pick things up with Jules." Liam and Niall said.

Louis started to form a smile. I knew we all made him feel better. Then, Harry and I left Louis and Jules alone.

*Jules POV*

"Louis, I know you just broke up, sorta, with Eleanor and I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable, so if you want, until everything is better, we can be just friends if you'd like." I said with a shy smile.

Louis looked at me. I felt like this was all a dream. I can't believe it.





I hope he's not mad at me. I really love Lou and it'd be horrible if he was mad but I totally understand.

"I don't wanna make you move on so qui-"

"No. Jules, I think I should move on right away. She's now just somebody that I used to know. But now that I have you, I'll take you to Another World." Louis said smiling at me.

I was amazed on what Louis said to me. We leaned in to kiss until someone interrupted on us.

"HEY HEY HEY. I MADE SOME TEA. TEEHEE. PAYBACK BOO" Harry yelled laughing hysterically.

I was kinda creeped out.

"Uh Louis, What was that about.." I said as I burst out laughing

"Oh uh, well whenever Harry and Kaleigh were kissing I'd-"

"Uh never mind. Too much info." I said Laughing again.

Louis was the one

The one



~~~~~~~AS TIME GOES BY~~~~~~~~~

*Harry's POV*

Before the concert, we were all playing Truth or Dare, and with Lou, all the dares were evil.

"Okay Jules, truth or dare?" Kaleigh said to Jules as Kaleigh decided to sit on my lap.

"Hmmm.. Dare." She said as she smiled at Louis as he played with her dirty blonde, curly hair.

"Hahaha. Okay, I dare you to hmm.. Kiss Louis." Kaleigh said smiling,

Jules looked so mad at Kaleigh, her face turned so red.

"Shall we?" Louis asked as he stared into Jules' hazel eyes.

When they finished, it was Jules' turn to ask someone.

"Hey Niall, truth or dare?"

I looked at Jules with my what the hell look.

"Dare." Niall said as he was laughing hysterically.

"Oh my god Niall! It smells horrible in here! Stop farting!" Liam yelled as he sprayed air freshener in the tour bus.

"Hmm okay. I dare you to kiss Kaleigh for as long as you can and yes, on the lips." Jules said with an evil smirk on her face.

Kalrigh looked just as mad as I did.

"Uh Jules, Kaleigh and Niall are SURE a hell not kissing. She's my sweetheart." I said looking at Kaleigh with my "why would she say that look".

"Oh come-on Haz. Let me kiss your little sugar puff for at least two seconds. A dare is a dare." Niall said as he winked at Kaleigh. I started to panic. What if she enjoys it? What if she ever dumps me for him? Shit. Lets hope everything gonna be okay. She looked worriedly at me. I knew she didn't want to hurt me.

"Go on babe, do it. Pretend that two second kiss is with me." I whispered into her ear.

*Kaleigh's POV*

We leaned in to kiss as I was still mad at Jules. But I knew I had to get over it, she's my best friend and I might have things to tell her, like I told her about what Niall has been saying to me.

As we are kissing, I notice Niall was a little bit of a hard kisser. Not like Harry, Gentle and soft. And then I hear Harry yelling:

"Hey hey hey! The two seconds are up!"

Niall put his hands on my cheeks to stop me from moving and still kissing.


I kept trying to move but Niall made me stay. It made me look like I enjoyed it. Well I did but I wanted to keep it to myself.

"Oh come on Harry. I know she enjoyed it. She would rather be with me than a boy who wears leopard thongs." Niall said as he embarrassed Harry.

I was finally able to breathe. I looked at Jules. She knew I wanted to talk to her pronto.

"Niall, stop it. You got what you wanted okay. Oh and just saying, I didn't enjoy it. I don't have feelings for you. My feelings are for Harry. I'm sorry but you gotta stop making Harry and I's relationship complicated because he's the best thing that's ever happened to me." I said As I was smiling over what I was about to say next.

"And besides, I love Harry. He's my man." I said as I gave Harry I huge hug,

As I walked away from Niall, I knew he was pissed. But now, I gotta talk to Jules.

"Kaleigh, I'm really sorry for giving you that dare. I know I shouldn't have made you do that after what you've told me that had happened between you two. I won't do something like that ever again. Please forgive me best friend?" Jules said with a shy smile.

"Please, please, with me on top? Haha" Louis added on.

"Pshh, Jules, I can never be mad at you forever. I just gave you that dare to get a little more love with Louis. I'm sorry if it were a little too much." I said as we made up.

"Okay, now let me go apologize to Hazza before he flips out." Jules said.

*Harry's POV*

I was so pissed at Niall and Jules. But I think I was more mad at Niall. I'm happy Kaleigh didn't enjoy it and stood up for me. She knows we're here to protect each other. Jules came up to me.

"Hey Harry. Look, I'm really sorry what I did to you and Kaleigh. I already said sorry to her so I thought you deserved one too. I'm sorry, I didn't know what I was thinking. You must of felt broken inside. Harry I won't do something like that ever again. Can we be curly buddies again?" Jules said as she gave me a shy smile.

"Jules, It's okay I know it was a mistake. And Hell yes! We will always be curly buddies! High five!" Harry said to me as we slapped hands.

*Harry's POV*

I think Jules was really happy to hear what I said. Now I have to tell sweetie pie everything's all good with my curly buddy.

"Hey sweet stuff." Kaleigh said to me as I walked towards her where our bed and Louis and Eleanor's bed was. Well, used to be Eleanor's.

"Hey Beautiful." I replied giving her a peck on the cheek.

I felt bipolar. Half happy, a quarter mad and a quarter sad.

"So everything is good with Jules." I said as I broke our silence while she gave me a back massage. It felt so nice.

"Oh. That's good. Now you really need to talk with Niall." she replied as she massaged the top of my back.

"Kaleigh, babe, this feels so good." I moaned.

"Oh and I know. If he says any shit he's getting his ass kicked." I said slowly.

Then, I saw a flash.

"Hehe. I'm posting your massage face to my Facebook and twitter. I want you to see how sexy you look right now." Kaleigh says as she kissed me on the forehead. I see she likes payback I thought.

"Fine, then we'll play it the hard way." I said as I winked at her. When she finished giving me a massage, I asked her to see my picture on her phone.

"Hold on Let me type in my password." Kaleigh replied.

I saw her background. She was blushing. I start to laugh. It was me doing funny faces. I saw six dots for her password.

Hmm I thought.

"Hey Kaleigh, I know your password." I said as I teased her.

"Oh shit. Well what do you think it is?" She asked me.

I grabbed her phone and ran. I locked myself in the bathroom so she couldn't get in.

"Harry! Stop! Don't go on my phone! I don't want you seeing all my One Direction stuff! Please Babe! Stop!!!" She said a I was laughing.

"Haha I was right. Your password was Harold. Nice background. I'm gonna look on each pa-"

"Oh my god. Just please, don't hack my Facebook or upload any stupid pictures of me." She replied.

"Kaleigh.. You have a lot of One Direction apps." I said.

I wanted to surprise her by putting her number in her phone. And Louis' and Niall's and Zayn's and Liam's. And you know, change her lock screen to a funnier picture of me.

When I finished doing that I slowly unlocked the door.

When I was slowly opening the door, Kaleigh jumped on me.

"Harry give me my phone you buttface!" She said laughing hysterically.

"Buttface? That's a new one." I said.

I finally gave her her phone. Then, I decided to text her a cute text saying;

Love you babe xx

She told me she went on her Facebook and the status I made got 27 likes. It read;

Hey It's Harry Styles I just wanna say I love Kaleigh Smith. She means everything to me and I hope I can protect her through thick and thin. Love you babe;*

Then, she started to cry.

"Kaleigh, babe, what's wrong?"

"Look, Look what that bastard said!!!!" She replied to me.

She got a Facebook message .

It read;

When Damn One Gay Direction is back at their flat, I'm coming to get you and you are gonna end up like your sister. You b*tch. And I know exactly where you are. Bye b*tch see you later.

And Then I noticed,



Kevin her Ex-Boyfriend.

That a*s. Has taken it to Another World with me.
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