Status: Active

No Ordinary Love Story

Same Mistakes

I woke up the next morning before everyone else. I was even up before Paul.

I think we're going to LA today I thought.

I changed into my favorite denim shorts and a green cami tank top. As I was changing I heard coming towards our room where Louis, Jules, Harry and I were.

"Oh my god Kaleigh I'm sorry I didn't know you were changing! I just wanted to see who was awake" Niall said looking away getting embarrassed.

"It's Okay." I replied.

I finished getting dressed and then went back to talk to Niall.

"So two more days of your tour huh? You excited?" I asked

"Yeah, who wouldn't be?" Niall said chuckling.

I smiled at him. Then I looked over at Harry. He looks so cute when he's sleeping.

"Hey Kaleigh, wanna go for a walk since we aren't traveling love?" Niall asked

"But people will be all over you. You sure you wanna go out there?" I said.

"Yeah, It'll be fun. Just let's leave a note for the others." Niall Said As he started to write a note. When he finished he grabbed my hand and pulled my out of the bus.

We walked to a deli close by the tour bus. For breakfast, I had a cheese omelet with 2 pieces of turkey bacon.

"Are you sure you don't want me to pay for myself?" I asked Niall

He just smiled at me.

"I'll pay for you love. It's all good." He said as I saw what he ordered.

DAMN I thought. All the food he's getting is like all the food in my refrigerator at home.

We sat down in one of the red booths and ate our food.

"Wow, you're tour went fast. Tomorrow is the last day." I said as He shoved a whole piece of bacon in his mouth.

"Yeah it did. Tomorrow is going to be awesome. I have a good surprise. For everyone." Niall said smiling at me.

Man, that food was so good I thought. I'm pretty sure Niall enjoyed his food.

As we were walking towards the LA souvenir shop, 4 teenage girls came up to us.

"Oh my god! re you guys dating? I thought you were dating Harry Kaleigh!" They said

"No we're no-"

"Yeah, we're dating. We love each other so much." Niall said putting his arm around me. I looked over at him.

Excuse me. Don't make me look like i'm a cheater I thought.

"No girls, him and I aren't dating he's just saying that because he's jealous." I said as I took his arm off of me.

"Oh, Okay. Well can we take a picture with both of you. You are both Amazing!!" One of the girls asked sorta confused.

"Sure." Niall and I said at the same time.

When the picture was over, the girls hugged us and left.

"Niall what was that about?" I asked with a made tone.

"Well Kaleigh, I don't know about you, but I've loved you since you came. I wanted to be the one to protect you. I wanna love you and know that you love me back. You're the one for me, not Harry. You deserve better than him, like me." Niall said with a shy smile.

*Niall's POV*

I just told Kaleigh my real feelings for her. Well, I've told her before but Harry would always be around. And, he isn't now. That's why I took her with me to walk around.

"I'm sorry Kaleigh, but even if you don't love me back, I'll always love you. My feelings won't change for you. Ever." I said hoping she would give in to me.

The rest of the time walking into the souvenir shop, was silence. I knew she wanted to say she loved me because she was blushing. I know how to treat a girl, just I know she's the one and she obviously can't see that.

I whispered into Kaleigh's ear," I will not give up till you're mi-"

"Oh Just kiss me you leprechaun." Kaleigh said.

We actually kissed. Not as a dare, a real kiss. But then, I heard yelling and screaming from outside. It didn't sound like good screaming either.

*Harry's POV*


Louis ran inside and grabbed the back of Niall's shirt and headed back into the bus.

Kaleigh came over to me but I looked away.

"Harry, I can explain. Please let me." She begged.

She literally begged. She was on her knees in public asking to explain.

How can I say no to that I thought.

I looked at her waiting for her to explain.

*Kaleigh's POV*

I knew Harry was hurt but the only thing I could think of was to beg in public so he'd talk to me. It works though.

"Okay. Well, Niall decided to bring me with him to get breakfast and then on the way to the souvenir store for LA, a couple of fans saw us and asked if we were dating."

"Well.. What did you say?" Harry asked coming closer to me.

"Well, I didn't answer first. Niall did. But he said We were dating and love each other so much." I said looking at Harry's tearful eyes.

"And then I told them we weren't dating and that he's just jealous. He made me look like i was cheating on you! Which I wasn't." I said trying to hold Harry's hand as he backed away.

"Then what about that kiss?" Harry asked me.

Oh crap. The kiss.

"Well, Harry, Niall was telling me how much he loved me and won't stop till I'm his. I felt so touched, I told him to kiss me. But Harry, What I realized was, when I was kissing him, I noticed you're the only one for me. I don't love him. I love you. I know I shouldn't of kissed him but I just felt horrible about what's going on." I said giving harry a hug.

'And I'm really sorry. I won't do that ever again because I know i hurt you and I regret doing that to you." I said As a tear streamed down my face.

*Harry's POV*

I was angry at both Niall and Kaleigh. I'm gonna forgive her though. What she told me made me melt. At least I know she didn't mean to hurt me. I'll always love her no matter how mad I am at her.

"Aw Kaleigh, I'll forgive you. But please, don't ever do that again. It tortured me. But you know, I'm gonna get you back. Not by kissing a girl or anything but just watch yourself babe." I said giving her a peck on the cheek.

We walked back inside. Jules was still sleeping but when I saw Lou, I wanted to freak out.


His face had a huge bruise. It was already purple.

Kaleigh started to cry.

"Well, I was telling Niall how much of a jerk he's been to you and you know, he punched me. He was telling me how he can't handle you two being together. But then he ran off that way, towards Nandos." Louis said.

I wanted to yell at Niall. He's done this too many times.

I grabbed ice for Lou's eye. Then Liam, Kaleigh and I went to go find Niall.

We left Jules and Zayn there to comfort Louis.

"NIALL WHERE ARE YOU?" Liam called out


*Kaleigh's POV*

We were looking for Niall. I didn't see him. I started hearing foot steps. Someone came up from behind me and put their arms around my waist as they whispered.

"I want I want I want I want to be loved by you."

Then went to kiss me but i slapped him in the face.

"Ow What was that for!" Niall yelled as Harry and Liam noticed Niall.

They all came running over, Harry leading them over.

"Niall, Why do you keep trying to steal my girlfriend? I love her and she loves me. Can't you just stop?" Harry said as he was so close to his face.

"And you hurt Lou Niall. Please, Just stop." Liam said

Niall finally let go of my waist and pushed my into Harry's arms.

"I'm done with you. Bye b*tch. I keep making The Same Mistakes thinking I can get you to love me and not harry. Just screw it. Bye." Niall yelled as he started to walk away.

I think Harry and I's jaws were stuck where they were, open. What he said surprised me. Harry was going to go start with him but I made him stay.

You've made the same mistakes I thought.
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