Status: Possibly updating?

Just Hold My Hand and Jump

Chapter 1

Jaime's POV:
I was running back and forth between my closet and my bed, pulling clothes of off hangers and throwing them into my suit cases. Vic warned me not to wait until the last minute to pack before leaving for the Collide With The Sky tour, but of course I never put much thought into it. I really should have listened to him, he was always right; and he would be here in about 10 minutes to drive us to Mike's apartment where the bus waited for us. It had been a week or so since I've seen him, my best friend. I really missed being around him so I was excited to be back out on the road.

My phone buzzed so I ran to my side table to answer it.
"Hello" I sounded frantic, so I exhaled to calm myself.
"Hey man, I'm down the road! You about ready to go?" Vic. Oh god.
"Uh..." I hesitated, looking at the clothes strewn around the floor.
"Really Hime? I was serious about having all your stuff packed."
"I know, I know, I just...I don't know I forgot."
"Alright I'm coming up to help you finish."

I set my phone down and could feel a small knot in my stomach at the thought of finally seeing Vic again. You haven't seen him lately, that's all.

A few moments later I heard the front door open and close then foot-steps getting close to my doorway. They stopped so I turned around to see Vic, standing by the doorframe, mouth gaping open in disbelief at my room. He was wearing his 'Murica tee with black skinny's and Vans. Vic always looked really cute in that, especially with his small frame and curly brown hair. It put a small smile on my face.
My smile faded as I realized what I'd thought. But before I could delve any further, Vic finally walked into the room, mouth still open, simply pointing back and forth between my closet and half empty suitcase. I gave him a 'don't hurt me look,' lifting my hands in defense.

Vic sighed. "Go pull out the rest of the clothes you need while I start folding this pile," he glared at me with his last word.

I chuckled and got more clothes from my closet, tossing them towards Vic. He hummed an unfamiliar tune as he folded my clothes.

"What was that?" I asked when he stopped.
"I'm not sure yet. It's been in my head for a few days, but I haven't put any lyrics to it yet."
"Well it sounds really nice."

As did all of Vic's tunes and lyrics and everything else he did. Vic was basically perfect. He had the voice of an angel, I could listen to him sing all day to be honest. I snapped out of my thoughts as Vic slapped me in the face one of my shirts.

"This the last one?" he asked.
"Yeah, yeah I think so"
"Good 'cause we gotta move!" he said slapping my ass as he walked back to the suitcase.

I could feel my cheeks heating up from the contact he made. What is this?
Vic and I always had moments where we'd flirt a little, but it was mostly an act for the fans. They loved Fuenciado so we just played it up on camera or on stage.

I was staring at Vic now, the butterflies building in my stomach. Am I really getting feelings for my best friend? I couldn't comprehend the thought. There's no way this could happen. I'm completely straight. I think. And even if I wasn't, Vic wouldn't be interested in a goofy guy like me. With his beautiful hair, gorgeous tan skin and perfect lips, on top of his musical talents; I failed in comparison.

Vic zipped up my suitcase, releasing me from my thoughts once again. "What? Is there hole in my shirt or something?"
I laughed nervously. "No, no. I just..." I couldn't really think of anything to say. "You look nice today." I said, rubbing the back of my neck.
He looked down at himself, smiling sheepishly. "Thanks Hime." Fuck. He's so adorable.
"WELL, let's get this stuff to your car" I rushed, grabbing my backpack from the chair, heading for the door as quickly as I could. Great. I just made it awkward.</>
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First fic ever! Tell me if it sucks ok.
I know it's short and nothing's happened but it'll get better, I promise! I just kinda want feed back so I know if I should continue or give up.