Status: Possibly updating?

Just Hold My Hand and Jump

Chapter 3

Jaime's POV:
Avoid Vic. Avoid Vic. Avoid Vic. Avoid Vic. Avoid Vic... I kept telling myself, as much as I didn't want to. I lay in my bunk, my thoughts all over the place. This alone time was supposed to calm me down and get rid of these feelings, but it only worsened them. The longer I was away from Vic, the more I wanted to call him mine. To wrap my arms around his waist and bury my face into his neck. But he was straight and could have his pick of anyone he wanted. There was nothing I could do but try to push my growing feelings aside.

Sighing, I hopped out of my bunk. I was ready to be on stage already, hangin' with our fans. "Hey dude, you okay?" I looked up to see Tony in the back lounge, watching Star Wars of course. "You didn't say hi to anyone this morning."

"Sorry Tone. I just had a lot on my mind." I told him, wanting to forget it all.

"You wanna talk about it? Vic and Mike knocked out, so I'm all ears." Tony said with a small smile.

His offer was tempting. It would probably help to talk about this with someone. Get a second opinion. But could I trust Tony with this? He always was a pretty open minded guy, guess it couldn't hurt.

Taking a seat across from him, I sighed heavily. He gave me a concerned look. "What's up man? You're not acting like hyper Jaime at all."

I wasn't sure where to start. How do you tell someone something like this? "I, uh...well...ok..." I trailed off. Fuck. This was a lot harder to say than I'd thought.

"Whatever it is, you can trust me Hime. This will stay between you and me."

His words assured me a bit. "Um..." I began, "You know how Vic and I have our whole Fuenciado thing? But just as joke and something fun for the fans..."

Tony nodded slowly, encouraging me to continue. "Well, for the past, I guess couple of weeks, it's been MoreThanJustAJokeToMe." Rushing out the last words, I looked down, afraid of Tony's reaction.

I felt the seat next to me sink down and an arm around my shoulders. "You're falling for Vic." Tony stated matter-of-factly. It surprised me a bit.

"I-I guess so." My voice was barely over a whisper.

"Hey man, you don't need to be ashamed." Tony squeezed my shoulder lightly. "I'll admit, Vic's one attractive fucker."

I chuckled and looked up at a smiling Tony. "Yeah." Fucking sexy is what he is. "But-"

"You don't know if his flirting is true or still part of the act?" Tony interrupted, guessing what I was going to say. "I can talk to him about it if you want."

"NO!" Panic ran through me at the thought of Vic knowing my true feelings. I was mostly afraid of him rejecting me and having it ruin our friendship. I don't know what I'd do if I lost Vic as a friend.

Noticing Tony's wide eyes at my sudden outburst, I apologized. "Sorry. I just don't want him to know."

"But why?" Tony questioned, eyebrows furrowing. "What if he feels the same?" There goes Tony's open mind. But he could be right. Maybe Vic might be like me, just as confused and unsure of his feelings for his friend. It gave me a tiny ounce of hope. But the little voice inside my head kept telling me it'd never happen. He was far too good for me.

"I doubt it. You see the women he hangs around."

Tony just stared at me for a moment. "Yeah, but those are WOMEN, Jaime. You're a guy. Complete opposites. And even still, you're good looking guy!" He smiled wide and I smirked at him. "I'm straight, of course, but I can admit when a guy's got looks; and you got 'em Hime Time.

I blushed at his compliment. "Thanks."

"Of course." He replied, standing up. "Look, I won't say anything to Vic about you liking him, ok? I'll keep that between you and me, like I said. But maybe I can just casually bring up Fuenciado to him and see where he stands on it, sound good?" I nodded. It seemed like a nice idea, nothing too obvious. "Sweet. Well I'm gonna head for a nap. I'll catch up with Vic in a little bit."

I stood up as Tony started heading out. "Tony..." he turned around. "Um...thanks for understanding. It means a lot."

"Dude, of course. I actually think you and Vic look really good together." Butterflies everywhere. "Plus, I'm tired of him going back to Cara."

Ugh, Cara. Just the thought of her disgusted me. She treated Vic like shit. Cheating on him, sending mixed signals, getting pregnant with another guys child while she's supposed to be working things out with him. Even before my feelings for Vic came about, I hated how he always went back to her. She was no good, and we all knew it.

"...He'd be way better of with a nice guy like you." Tony finished. I smiled at the thought, my mind filling with images of Vic and I together. Tony chuckled. "Anyways, night, Jaimito!"

Even though it was mid-day, I replied "G'night Tone!"

I sat back on the sofa, still thinking of possibly being with Vic. I couldn't get my hopes up though, Tony hadn't even spoken to Vic yet; but he was going to. Tony was a great friend.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm really mad at google chrome. I had most of this chapter typed out, and I was really satisfied with how it was coming along... I don't even know what happened but I ended up closing all my tabs and losing everything I wrote. I tried rewriting it as best as I could. I'll probably be angry about this forever.

Vic's POV was supposed to be here to but ^^^
Anyways, isn't Tony a sweetheart?

Thank you for your comments and subscriptions! It makes me want to update often :)