Status: Possibly updating?

Just Hold My Hand and Jump

Chapter 4

Vic's POV:
"Vic! Hey, wake up dude." Someone was shaking me. I opened my eyes to see Mike. "We're stopping at a little restaurant for something to eat. You gettin' off or what?"

I wasn't really in the mood for anything. Actually, I just wanted to talk to Tony. I needed to get some things off of my chest, and soon. "Nah, I'll hang out here."

"Suit yourself man! We're bout to grub!" Mike clasped his hands together, smiling wide. The man loved to eat.

He headed out as I jumped from my bunk. I checked Tony and Jaime's bunks but they were both empty. Fuck. I guess they went with Mike and everyone else to eat. How am I gonna get Tony alone to talk? What was I even going to say to him? My thoughts ran wild at all the possibilities. What if he was disgusted by me, and wanted nothing to do with me anymore? Do I really want to risk that?

I sat in the back lounge and lay my head against the seat, continuing my thoughts. I must have fallen asleep again because Tony was yelling at me to wake up.

"What is it? What's going on?" I asked, slightly panicking from Tony's urgency.

"Nothing. You've been sleeping too much, thought I'd be a good friend wake your ass up!" he chuckled.

"Ha, ha." I said sarcastically, trying to shake the sleepiness from my eyes.

"But really dude. You haven't done anything but sleep since we got on this bus."

Tony was right, I haven't spent any time with the guys; or the whiskey. But I wanted to get my thoughts figured out before I started drinking and letting them run freely from my mouth. What better way to distract myself than with sleep?

"AND you didn't come eat with us today! You avoiding us Victor?" Tony raised an eyebrow, smirking.

I knew he was joking but I could tell he was still a little worried. "Actually..." I started, dragging out the word, "I've been wanting to talk to you about something...something kind of private."


Ok, Vic. You can do this. Tony's a good guy, you've been friends for years. You can't keep this hidden forever. Just tell him. "Well uh, this isn't easy to say. I've been keeping this a secret from everyone since I realized and what I tell you won't change anything between us ok?"

"Of course not, Vic."

I nodded, looking at my feet, my eyes closed. It was silent for a few moments. I just needed a little more time to myself and thankfully Tony understand. He patiently waited until I was ready.

Taking a deep breath, I finally raised my head, not fully looking at him and said, "Tony, I like guys."

There was no shock on his face. No look of disgust. He just smiled at me. Why was he smiling? What did that mean? He stood up and walked over to me, giving me a friendly slap on the back. "That's great man!" Great? Did he hear me correctly?

"Uh, Tony I just told you I was gay. Aren't you shocked...or something?" Was it that obvious?

"Well I'm not really all that surprised. You and Jaime flirt like you're actually a couple as it is." Jaime. "I sorta figured there was a little something there."

I should have guessed the whole Fuenciado deal would be a giveaway. But the other bands did it too, it's just a thing among the music scene.

"So you're okay with this? You're not gonna lecture me or anything? You don't hate me?" I asked curiously.

Tony looked at me incredulously. "Dude, why would I hate you? You're one of my best friends. If you prefer men over women, that's perfectly cool with me."

Relief waved over me, and I could feel some of the weight lifted off of my shoulders. "Thank you so much, Tony. You have no idea how great that feels." And it did feel great, until I remembered I still wanted to talk to him about Jaime. "That's not all though..."

"What else could there be?"

"Well, first, I'm not completely gay. I still find women attractive. I mean, you've seen me with Cara." Tony rolled his eyes at the mention of her. I just chuckled. "And second, there's someone I'm kind of, really, interested in..." I paused and Tony waited for me to move on. ", i-it's uh, it's Jaime."

Tony tried hiding a smile. "You really like him?"

" I not?"

"No, no, it's a good thing!" Tony sounded excited. "See, the thing is...wait, you can't tell him because you aren't even supposed to know but this opportunity is too good to pass up."

"Yeah...ok...I won't tell whoever 'him' is." What the heck could he be talking about?

"Right, well after you went to your bunk, I spoke to Jaime and asked what was up with him, I was worried by the way he was acting, you know?" I nodded. "And he told me, well actually I sorta guessed, but he pretty much said he was falling for you."

My heart stopped. Did Tony really say what I think he said? Did Jaime, the man I've wanted since we met actually like me back?

"I mean he really likes you, Vic." Tony wasn't done. "And he's scared. He's so insistent that you're straight as board, and that you'll reject him is you know about him."

Yeah right. I wanted to welcome Jaime with open arms. I was ready to go out and find him right now, and kiss all over his beautiful face. But I knew I couldn't do that just yet. No one knew about me or Jaime besides Tony. Jaime was gentle and I needed to handle this with ease.

"I would never." I told Tony.

"I know man. But he doesn't know that. And he doesn't know you know either, so-"

Just as Tony was finishing his sentence, the bus door burst open.

Mike came rushing in, yelling, "WhiskeyHands in the houseeeeee!" but paused. " the bus!" he corrected himself.

They must have smoked. Tony and I just shook our heads and laughed as Mike walked to the back room. "Skyping with Frenchi, ok guys!?" he yelled again.

"OK!" Tony and I yelled back at him.

Before we could finish our previous conversation, Jaime walked in...


Jaime's POV:
Mike, Casey and I were headed back to the bus after their smoke session. I thought about taking a hit or two, to get my mind off of Vic, but decided against it. Tony didn't come with us, so I hoped he got a chance to talk to Vic already. I was being impatient.

When we got near the bus, Mike ran in screaming, Casey following behind him. I stayed outside before heading in, trying to prepare myself for facing Vic. My stomach was a big knot. Finally, I got the courage and walked inside. Vic and Tony were sitting across from each other, both of them staring at me; Tony with a slight smirk on his face and Vic...well I'm not sure what it was but it made me feel self-conscious to have him looking at me so intently. I sat down quickly.

"H-hey guys. What's going on?" my voice was shaky.

"Nothin' just talking." Tony said as Vic got up and sat next to me, placing an arm around my shoulders. His touch sent shivers down my spine. I hoped he couldn't tell.

"I've missed you Hime." Vic was looking into my eyes. "We haven't spent any time together." He was making his pouty face. Fuck me. I longed to brush my lips against his, we were so close.

"Missed you too, babe." I said, trying to make everything seem normal between us again. I watched as Tony got up from his seat, winking at me before climbing into his bunk. That's a good wink, I think.

"Let's watch a movie!" Vic jumped up and started going through the drawers. "What do you feel like?" he asked me.

"Something funny. I wanna laugh." A few moments later Vic walked back towards me with Get Him To The Greek in his hands. I smiled at him.

He grabbed a blanket from his bunk, put the movie in and plopped himself back next to me, covering us both.

As the movie started, Vic leaned into me, resting his head on my shoulder while simultaneously intertwining our fingers underneath the blanket. A grin spread across my face. I leaned into him a bit and rested my head against his own. Looking down, I noticed him smiling as well. Whatever him and Tony talked about while we were gone must have been good.

I sighed contently and focused back on the movie.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok the ending is poop but I'm tired and I really wanted to finish this chapter tonight sorry

Finally got some of Mikey in there yay c: