Status: Possibly updating?

Just Hold My Hand and Jump

Chapter 5

Vic's POV:
As I lay my head against Jaime; which actually fit perfectly into the crook of his neck, I grabbed his hand and wove my fingers with his. We had only held hands a few times before so it was still new to me. Especially with it meaning something much more this time around. The feeling of his hand in mine sent the already crazy butterflies in my stomach into an all out frenzy. I smiled wide as Jaime lay his head on top of mine.

This is something I've wanted for so long. Just Jaime and me, together like this. But I couldn't help but wonder if I was moving too fast or maybe scaring him. From what Tony told me, Jaime would never believe that all of this was something more than an act. He's a romantic; yes, but it takes a lot for him to actually trust someone with his heart. When he loves, he loves hard. I knew I was going to have to work at getting him to believe that I really loved him and that I wanted us to be together.

Well I want us to be together eventually. My sexuality has been a secret for so long, I don't know if I'm ready to come out just yet. It's a huge step and not knowing how people are going to feel about it scares the shit out of me.

For now though, in the privacy of our tour bus, I was just going to enjoy this glorious moment with the man of my dreams.

Tony's POV:
I watched as Vic and Jaime got back into their normal, flirty selves. Deciding they needed some alone time, I got up and headed for my bunk. Before climbing in, I noticed Jaime looking at me. I gave him a wink to let him know I spoke to Vic and that things were looking good.

I know I told him I'd keep his feelings a secret from Vic, and I actually felt a bit guilty for breaking my promise, but when else would I have gotten an opportunity like that? I hoped Jaime wouldn't be angry with me. But if it all works out for them, and god I hope it does, then he should be happy.

Get Him To The Greek was coming from the speakers in the front. I wanted to watch but I really wanted Jaime and Vic to be alone and have time to talk are make out or whatever they do with each other. Instead I just listened and played around on my phone, responding a few tweets from fans.

After a while the movie finished but I didn't hear any movement from the front. They must have fallen asleep.
Until I heard humming, that sounded like it came from Jaime. It was Yeah Boy and Doll Face, from our first album. It sounded nice, very soothing. Jaime had one of those soft singing voices that kind of hooked you in. The humming moved to soft words,

Can I even complicate your breathing?
I guess I'm just your average boy
This is me with a knife in the back
And a grip on the grass
It's cold and I don't want to be here
I guess I'm never comfortable or situational

Are we losing or beginning
To try a new life without you?

The moment that's where I
Kill the conversation, wrap this up
With a lie that I'm enjoying every minute with myself
And she could make hell feel just like home
So I'm never leaving her alone
But if your lightning lips aren't mine
Then I don't know the awkward stranger to my right
(But she's crying)

I only need one hand to drive
When you're with me
You are my getaway

He's singing to Vic. I smiled as Jaime went back to humming the last verses of the song. When he got to the last few lines he sang again.

But I couldn't let you go; no, I'd never let you go my dear

But instead of finishing the last line of the song himself, I heard Vic sing out.

So keep talking 'cause I love to hear your voice

There was silence for a moment, then Vic spoke. "I love when you sing."

"Eh.." Come on, Jaime. He's trying to be cute.

"I mean it! I've been thinking, we should put more of your vocals on the next album." Great idea Vic!

"I don't know...I think we should leave the singing to you. That's what the fans want." I sighed and slightly rolled my eyes at how clueless Jaime was.

"Are you kidding?!" Even though I couldn't see, I could just tell that Vic jumped up at that. "Have you seen the tweets they send? They LOVE your voice, Hime. They keep saying we should put you on the albums."

"Well, we'll see what happens when we get back in the studio."

I heard Vic sigh. "Ok, Jaime. But you really do have a beautiful voice."

"Thanks Vic."

More silence. I wondered if they were just sitting there or being couple-y.

"Um...Jaime, I have to talk to you about something..." Here we go. I know what's coming.

"Is everything ok? Are you ok?" Jaime sounded worried.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. It's nothing like that."

"Oh, ok, good. You know you can tell me anything."

"Well...I was talking to Tony earlier. While you were with Mike and everyone else."


"Um...w-what did he say?" I could hear the nervousness in Jaime's voice.

"He said that you like me."

"Of course I like you Vic. You're my best friend." Don't play it off Jaime! Use this opportunity!

"No, Jaime. I mean, like me." Vic added emphasis to the word like, trying to get the point across.

"Oh." Oh? Just oh?!

Another pause.

"It's okay. I...I l-like you too Hime." Vic's voice was shaking.

ANOTHER pause. My heart was beating fast, anxious for what was going to happen. I wanted to yell at them to say something, but I shouldn't even be listening to this in the first place, so I remained silent, still waiting.

"Vic, I-" and just as Jaime was about to finally respond, the back lounge door swung open.

"Yo! What's goin' on? We almost there?" Mike yelled as he walked passed my bunk.

FUCKING MIKE! How many times is he going to do that? THEY'RE TRYING TO HAVE A MOMENT!

"I don't know man, I think." Vic responded monotone.

"Yeah, we've got about an hour left." Casey, who seemed to show up out of no where answered them both.

"Well shit, let's get everyone out here! TONY!" Mike yelled my name out.

Groaning at his untimeliness, I slid off of my bunk and out where the guys were. Mike was grabbing a bottle of Jameson from the cabinet as I sat across from Vic and Jaime, who were looking away from each other. I gave them both apologetic looks.

Mike walked over with the bottle, taking a swig. "To a fucking great tour!" We were all too tense to respond after what happened, so I grabbed the bottle from him and took a large gulp.

After being passed around twice, we were all getting pretty loose and pumped for the first show of the tour. Jaime and Vic were mostly back to normal, being a little flirty, but cautious. They're gonna have to talk about this. But not yet, apparently.

Before we all got too shitfaced, Kevin, our tour manager put the bottle away. We spent the last half hour of the drive laughing and talking about how excited we were for this tour and before we knew it, our bus pulled up to the first venue.

♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's been a while, I'm sorry! It's been an absolutely terrible week so I've been very uninspired.
But I tried c:
Comments make me happy.