Status: First story on this site. Hope you all enjoy!

Wasted Youth

Four: Walk On Home, Boy.


"I swear to God if the bitch stares at me one more fucking time, Brian..." I mutter from our seats in the back of our English class. Its only the first day, yet, I already hate Payton's guts. A bemused smile plays on the edges of his lips.

"Does this entertain you, Mr. Haner?" I ask, crossing my arms. Bad move on my part, because he's now staring at my chest. Perv.

"Pretty much, yeah," he grins. I feel eyes on me again, and before I know it, my blue orbs meet her muddy brown ones.

"Do we have a problem?" I finally ask, tired of her childish behavior.

"Yes, we do," she sneers. "You really have no respect for anyone. Just because you're new doesn't mean you're the shit."

"Just because you're spoiled doesnt mean you can be a bitch to everyone," I scoff, rolling my eyes.

Not able to come up with a good response, she turns around in her chair and sulks, talking shit the entire time.

"She doesn't like me very much. But she adores you.. How strange." I say as she makes eyes at Brian.

"Ugh. She's been trying to hook up with me since the eighth grade," he groans. "I hate her."

"Both of your egos are big enough though. Perfect couple," I say, grinning when he slumps in his chair. "Kidding, jeez, Bri. Lighten up."

"No, I'm offended," he pouts. "I've never felt so terrible in my life until this very second. You really know how to bruise the soul."

"That's deep, dude," I reply honestly. He crosses his arms over his chest, covering his ratty Metallica shirt. "Oh, come on, I'm only joking!"

He doesnt reply.

"Well, I'm gonna awkwardly stare at you until you finally decide I'm worthy of a reply," I shrug, fixing my gaze on him. I gladly let my eyes roam over every inch of him. I loved the way he made his bedhead work, it was so dishevled and sat perfectly around his chocolate eyes. His high cheekbones and prominent jawline were very smooth, his face unblemished. His lips curve into a slight smile. I wish I could see his torso again, but it was hidden by his shirt. Oh well.

"Have a good look at me?" he asks finally. I only grin wider.

"And the look was all for free! I'll say, Mr. Haner, you aren't bad looking," I say dreamily, batting my lashes at him.

He laughs, "You're such a charecter, you know."

"Oh, that time, I wasn't joking," I wink as our teacher finally walks into the classroom.

"Sorry guys," she apologizes quickly. I wished she'd apologize for not wearing the right bra; all we could see were her nipples in her silk blouse. It wasn't a pretty sight. "There was a tow truck blocking the entrance to the lot."

My eyes automatically dart to Payton, who gives a smug smile as she waves around her bedazzled cell phone.

"You bitch!" I roar, lunging for the Barbie. Brian somehow manages to figure out what I'm doing as soon as my mouth had opened, and easily slips his arms around me, holding me back.

"You seriously had my car TOWED because I parked in your spot? Are you fucking kidding me?!?! Do you know how much thats gonna cost me to get it from impound? Or how I'm gonna explain that to my mom? You're a spoiled, rich cunt and that's all you'll ever be," I spit to her with acid dripping in my voice.

"Yet we live in the same neighborhood, too. Hippocritical much?" she dares to reply.

"My dad works his ASS off fighting for our country for us all. He walks headstrong into a country that hates him for where he's from just so you can be able to live FREELY. You make me sick, you ungrateful bitch," I say quickly, shocking the room.

"Girls, girls!" the teacher says sternly, glaring at me. She looks at the attendence roster. "You must be my new student, Ashlynn Monroe. Leave my classroom. Now."

"What?" I ask. "I'm not the only one in this!"

"You used foul language and I, nor will Principal Jones, tolerate it. Leave."

"Mrs Berger, that's unfair-" Brian begins to defend me, though she cuts him off.

"Would you care to join her, Mr Haner?"

He exhalez through his nose. "Fuck it," he shrugs, picking up his hoodie and handing me my bag before taking my hand and leading me out. Once we're outside, I shove my foot hard into a locker door, thankful I decided my Dr. Martens as my shoe choice.

"Fucking cunt," I growl as I kick it again, anger coursing through my veins. "Why'd you hold me back? This could be her face right now!"

"Well," he begins, leaning casually on the alabaster wall, oblivious to the kicks I gave to the surprisingly weak metal. "As much as I'd love to see you kick her ass, you can get exspelled for shit like that on the first day. Middle of the school year? Suspension, detention, and maybe a few days of ISS. You pick."

"But why do you care?" I ask, ceasing the blows to the locker. "I'm just the new girl with too much attitude and adequate music taste."

"Exactly that. You're the new girl, with a fiery attitude and kick ass music taste. I'm not letting you leave so soon, you've barely gotten here." He stands up straight and glances around. "We should dip, before someone sees this-" he points to the locker- "or us."

"Okay," I say after a couple breaths, following him outside to his car, at the hidden end of the lot.

"Get in," he says, but I only raise an eyebrow. "I'm not gonna kidnap you, I promise. Its just easier to hide here than in the open."

"Oh, that's reassuring," I roll my eyes but get into the Suburban. "Kidnappers totally don't say that, by the way."

"How would you know?"

"Well, how would YOU know?"

"You're difficult, you know that?" he mutters, flipping through a CD case. Almost every one he had, I had a copy of in a box at my house.

"If I were easy, I'd be Payton, so thanks for the compliment," I reply, putting my feet on the dashboard. He laughs quietly as he puts the disk into the player, keeping the volume down low.

"So do you normally try to fight people on the first day?" he asks conversationally.

I shake my head. "Everyone at my old school knew better than to piss me off."

"I can see why," he grins as I roll my eyes.

"Has anyone stood up to her? Ever?"

"Yeah, before you came, Maci did at the end of junior year. She flat knocked Payton out after one swing."

I smirk. "Good. Barbie deserves it. I bet I could break that fake nose of hers."

Brian shakes his head and chuckles. "I bet you could, babe."
♠ ♠ ♠
Another chippy-chappy. I was afraid I wasn't going to be able to update this weekend since I went to my best friend's sixteenth sleepover thing. I've gotten maybe four hours of sleep this entire weekend, lol. I really hope you enjoy.
By the way, I can see you readers. And subscribers. DON'T BE SHY TO COMMENT!!! I already love you guys for the fact that you've even clicked on this story.
Alright, I'm gonna stop rambling. Toodaloo, motherfuckas. (;