Her Name Is Poisonous..

"Watch yourself Salvatore, i'm older which means stronger." Her voice was just above a whisper.

"What do you want!" Stefan struggled underneath her grip.

She chuckled her lips still close to his ear "Nothing, nothing at all Mr. Salvatore. I just dropped in for a visit." Grabbing the stake he had tried to pin her with, she shoved it into his back. He dropped to the ground in pain,

"You've grown weak Stefan, all that animal blood is not good for a vampire's health. Especially if you want to stop Klaus." And before Stefan could ask, she was gone. But he was assured that it wouldn't be the last of her.

Oh no she was here to stay, and it worried him deeply...

I don't not own any of the Vampire Diaries, anything that is involved with it.

I just own my little character, that is all. :) I hope you guys enjoy

Comments, Questions, and Advice is welcomed.

Also if you have any recommendations on Vampire Diaries stories or Twilight stories let me now. I enjoy reading them! <3
  1. Chapter One
    Her story..
  2. Chapter Two
    What did she want...