Her Name Is Poisonous..

Chapter One


"Oh Niklaus aren't the stars lovely?" she said walking towards the bench that laid in the beautiful garden.

He smiled, "Why yes, they light up the night sky don't they?"

He tookher hand and led her to the bench as she sat, he let go and sat with her. She was so fasinated by the stars, how each of them complimented the sky. He couldn't keep his eyes away from her, her beauty was so captivating. Her secent was intoxicating, he wanted her for awhile now. She turned to him and he couldn't help but smile at how her eyes glowed with excitement as so took in the night view.

"Niklaus what is on your mind?" Her voice, oh how her voice was a soothing melody to him.

He smiled and took her hand in his "You are my darling Charlotte." Noticing the blush on her pale complection.

"Me? Why me?" She really couldn't find the words to speak trying to hid her now bright pink cheeks.

He laughed "You are beautiful Miss Williams, how could i not think of you."

She smiled, she couldn't resist his charm. By all means he was quite handsome "Well Sir Mikaelson, shall we head back inside i'm sure they should be worried about us now."

He shook his head, at her question "No, let us stay here just awhile longer. I enjoy your company without having a crowd around us."

She nodded her head and smiled at him, it saddened him that he knew her life was slowing ending. He would one day be without her, all this time he had wanted this and when he finally had it in his grasp it was slowly fading from him. She was ill, you see she had no idea. Her parents kept it from her to protect her they had said. But he, he couldn't be without her not after he had fallen for her.

"Miss Charlotte?" He said, his voice just above a whisper. She turned her head towards him, away from the stars where her eyes had laid.

"Mmm?" She said, not needing words.

He leaned closer to her, "I seem to have fallen in love with you."

She couldn't believe her ears, was this a dream? He was in love with her? He had returned the emotion she had felt for him as well? But before she could speak, he spoke again.

"May I kiss you?" His hand slowly making his way to her face, she just shook her head and they slowly leaned in for a kiss. Their lips only met for a moment and he pulled away looking into her eyes. He whisper three last words to her before his eyes became black with vains underneath and he made his way to her neck.

After that pure darkness..
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