Sequel: St. Peter
Status: two of twenty-five



“I feel so domestic.”

Patrick looked up from a box of glittery ornaments to find Pete peering at him from between the branches of their brand-spanking-new plastic tree.

“Seriously, all I need is a flower apron, and I think I'd make a great housewife.”

Smiling, Patrick picked up a sparkling blue orb, holding it by the very top of the hanger. Pete finished stringing the lights, which he insisted he could do himself, even though he tangled his feet up within the first two seconds of taking the lights out of the box and Patrick had to save him before he fell through the window. He perched on the arm of Patrick’s chair, draping himself in a way that was just so Pete-like; he commanded attention with the smallest action. Though that could have been the incredibly gaudy neon sweater he was wearing, looking especially lurid next to the plain gray of Patrick’s long-sleeve shirt.

“Do you think we have enough ornaments?” Pete asked, taking the ornament from Patrick and spinning it, showering them in glitter. Patrick let his eyes fall on the ten other boxes of ornaments.

“I'm not sure we have enough tree,” he replied, returning his gaze to Pete. Pete appeared puzzled until he glanced around, finding what Patrick had been looking at. He let out a laugh.

“Maybe I went a little overboard,” he allowed. Patrick hummed, and Pete replaced the ornament so he could wrap his arms around Patrick’s shoulders, pressing their cheeks together despite the fact that he was squishing the bridge of his glasses into his nose. “I'm just so excited.” He got up suddenly, grabbing the box from Patrick’s lap. “It’s our first official Christmas together.”

“What about last year?” Patrick questioned, joining Pete in front of the tree. “We were together during Christmas.”

Pete handed him a green ornament and shook his head. “We didn’t live together.”

Hanging the ornament at eye-level, Patrick nodded like the fact that they hadn’t been living in the same apartment really made a difference. It didn’t take long until both of them were covered in glitter; considering the fact that Pete was rubbing the glitter off and transferring it to his and Patrick’s clothes, it was amazing they weren’t inhaling it…yet.

“Do you realize this is never going to come off?” Patrick asked as Pete chose another box of ornaments. He held out his shirt to frown at it. Pete grinned and patted his cheek.

“We’ll just have to take a lot of showers.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for reading and stuff.