DO You Love Me?

Chapter One: Have you see my boyfriend?

"Have you seen my boyfriend?" Jessica asks me as I open my locket. I look at her, her face look so worry. She wears pink Hollister shirt, jean, and white necklace. Her books are in her arm. She does carry her books, all the times.

"No," I look away from her; I start to search for my Calculus book in my locket. I grab it but I freeze, "Hey, did you wait fro him in his locket?" I pull my calculus book out of my locket as I wait for her to answer my question. Jessica look down, I hear her to murmur. I look at her, "sorry, what you say?" as my eyes brow rolled up.

"Oh sorry," she look up and stare at me. "I say, I did but he never been there," she frowned. I put my book in my bag then I shut my locket. I saw Jessica's eyes with fill of water, "How would he get his stuffs from his locket. I meant he needs his stuffs for his classes." The water drops down from her eyes.

"Oh, Jessica, don't cry," I give her a hugs. "Don't cry for your best friend. You know that your best friend can help you. That's me!" We have been best friend since we were in 1st grade.

"Hey girls!" Drake yells at them in the hallway as he walks toward to them. He saw Jessica's face with tear, "Oh my god! JESSICA! WHAT'S HAPPENED!? Did Jerk dump you? Or hurt you? Do you want to me bea-" I cut him as I hit his shoulder. "Ow! That's hurt, Molly!" He hissed at me. I snug at him.

"Hey, don't worry. We will help you to find him, I promise," I said to Jessica, I turn to Drake, "You better help her." I put my finger to point to his face.

"Why? Why I should?" he put his hand on his hip.

"Because...we are her best friend, you dumb." I slap his head. I give him an evil eye. He is our best friends, too. When I met Jessica before we met Drake when he moved here from West Virginia He was in 1st grade in half of season.

"Okay! I promise!" Drake gives me an evil eye back. Jessica rolls her eyes to us.

"Jessica...." the voice speak to her by behind her. She freezes to stand there as Drake and I are shock to stare at him.
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