Status: Some chapters maybe a little steamy

My Captain

Big News

I really needed to hear from James, I had big news that I really wanted to tell him. I hadn’t heard anything for 3 months
I kept checking the death list in the newspaper every day, making sure he was still alive.
When James’s first letter arrived it was nearly Christmas, I was so relieved to hear from him.

Hello my darling wife
It feels so good calling you my wife, I will never tire of that
I hope this letter finds you in good health
I miss you so much my love
I’m sorry we haven’t got the job done in time for Christmas
Your father has your Christmas present from me
I have everything covered don’t worry
I hear from friends that an old friend turned up the day I left you.
I hope this William is looking after you
I leave you my love with this
Dream of my touch, my kiss. Dream of our time together
I love you with all my heart
I held the letter to my heart
I could still smell his cologne on the paper
I just burst into tears
I sat on the edge of the bed and just cried till I couldn’t cry anymore

I spent Christmas with my father and sister
As I left my father handed me the present James had left
“He said you weren’t to open it till you got home”
“Okay” I said taking the present
I ran home, I couldn’t wait to see what James had left me
I placed the box on the table and unwrapped it
Inside was the most beautiful jewellery box I had ever seen
Engraved inside the lid were the words
To my beautiful wife on our first Christmas

I wound the dial at the back and the music began to play
“Oh my”
It was the music we danced to the first time we dance
I started to dance around the kitchen
“I forgot you know how to dance” William said from the doorway
The music stopped and I looked at William
He was stood with a present in his hands
“It’s not much, but I knew today wasn’t going to be easy for you”
I took the present from William and opened it
“William” I said completely breathless, “I can’t accept this”
Inside was the most beautiful silver necklace with a heart pendant, the heart had the purest white diamond in the centre. I recognised instantly as his mother’s
“Mother always knew you liked it, I want you to have it”
I took the necklace out of the box
“Put it on for me”
William took the necklace out of my hand and gently placed it around my neck
“Perfect”, William said
I turned my head round, heart pumping like crazy in my chest
I couldn’t help myself; I put my hand behind William’s neck and drew his face to mine. I kissed him passionately on his lips
William pulled me close to him and kissed me back
I felt his tongue in my mouth, he tasted of champagne
I wanted more, so much more
I could feel William’s hands all over my body
I wanted him so badly
I felt William lift me onto the table as and start to lift up my skirt
“Just say the word and I will stop”
“I don’t want you to stop” I said breathless
I gasped as William entered me
He felt so good and so right
I couldn’t look at him the whole time
I clung to William’s neck
I screamed as William finished
I just lay back on the table and tried to catch my breath
“Dawn, I love you so much” William said
Guilt took over instantly
I just pushed William away
I couldn’t be near him
I ran upstairs and locked myself in the bathroom
I heard William come up the stairs
“Dawn, please talk to me, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for that to happen”
“leave” I yelled through the door
“I will come back tomorrow, we need to talk about this”
I couldn’t believe I had done that to James
I had cheated on the one man I truly loved
I ran myself a bath as I heard William leave
I sat in the bath for hours
I hated myself so much
I had only ever wanted James, Why would I do that to the man who changed my life?
I climbed into bed
I should write to James, I had news to tell him
But how could I tell him my big news after what I had done?
I got out of bed and went over to my dressing table, got a piece of paper and started to write

My dearest darling James
Merry Christmas my love
Thank you so much for the jewellery box, I love it, you know me so well darling
I hope you are keeping yourself well my love
I will need you to come home safe and fighting fit
I have some wonderful news my love.
I would have told you sooner, but I didn’t know where to send the letter.
My darling husband your wish has come true
I am pregnant my darling
The doctors think it was our wedding night that I conceived
I wish you was here, you should be here
You are missing everything
I leave you my love with this happy news
I love you beyond the stars
And can’t wait to be in your arms again
Till next time my love