Status: Some chapters maybe a little steamy

My Captain

Birthday Surprise

“Come on guys, keep it down, my girl is trying to sleep” I heard James shout the door
“Sorry Captain Nicholls” came about 10 voices in unison
James turned to see me smiling at him
“What?” he said
“So masterful” I replied
James gave me the smile that made my heart skip a beat “All part of the job” he joked
“How about coming over here and mastering me?” I said in a teasing manner and a look of lust in my eyes
In less than a minute he was making love to me again
“This is getting hotter” I thought
My body started shaking as with each thrust the intensity grew
I looked into his eyes as my world stopped spinning again
All the intensity was too much, I screamed with ecstasy as I dug my nails into his back
James laid his head on my chest, “I love you” he said completely breathless
“I love you to” I replied
James fell asleep with his head on my chest; I lay there running my fingers through his hair
Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine it to be like this.
I love James yes, but Sleeping with him, after what had happened with my father may have been a step to far.
Father didn’t know I was here and if he found out he would kill both of us.
I fell into an uneasy sleep
James woke me with a kiss
“Happy Birthday darling”
“Thank You” I said a little blurry eyed
“I have a special surprise for you”
“What is it?” I asked, curiosity taking over
“Well let’s just say, I have to ask you something first, get up”
I stood up, as James knelt down on one knee
“Dawn, I love you darling more than anything in the world. I don’t want to leave for war tomorrow without making you properly mine. Will you marry me?”
I stood there completely frozen, is this for real? Could I really do this? I asked myself
Before I knew it “Yes” had escaped my lips
James slipped the most beautiful elegant ring on my finger, picked me up and kissed me
“I know it’s not a diamond” James said looking awkward
“It’s perfect” I said smiling, “It has come from my you, all I can give you back is my heart”
“And that’s all I could ask for my darling”
James walked over to the wardrobe in the corner of the room, “You will need to wear this”, he said handing me a coat hanger covered with fabric, “Don’t worry, I haven’t looked, I know its bad luck” he said smirking
Taking the dress, I looked into James’s eyes
“Thank you darling”
“Your very welcome my love, see you at the church in 2 hours”
“See you there” I said, smiling as James left the room
I removed the fabric, to reveal a long flowing white dress, with a lace veil
“WOW, how did he pull this off?” I asked myself as I put the dress on
I gripped my hair back so that it flowed down my back, and placed the veil onto my head
Taking one last look at myself in the mirror I headed to the door
Jamie was waiting outside
“I’m escorting you to the church” he said grinning, “part of my best man duties”
“Thank you Jamie”
Jamie led me to a horse drawn carriage
“Hello Joey” I said as I approached the front of the carriage
“James wanted Joey involved”
“He’s thought of pretty much everything” I said with a sad look in my eye
“Wait till you see the church”
I climbed into the carriage and Jamie sat next to me
“James is one lucky man, to have a wonderful girl like you”
I blushed as Jamie took the reins and we started off to the church
As we approached the church, I noticed someone very familiar standing outside
“Father”, I cried as I got out of the carriage
“Told you” Jamie said smirking
“I’m so sorry my daughter for sending you away from him” my father said with tears in his eyes, “never did I think you had fallen in love so deeply with him”
“Father, he is my world, my everything. I can’t live without him”
“You look so beautiful; I really didn’t see that you have grown up”
“Father please stop saying sorry, just give me away with pride and love”
“Anything for the bride”
I took my Father’s arm as we entered the church
James had made it look so beautiful, flowers everywhere
The organist started playing as my Father led me down the aisle
I looked up and saw James stood there, with his killer smile
I couldn’t take my eyes off him; he was my complete focus, my everything. This was my destiny
My father kissed my cheek, took my hand and placed it into James’s
“Take good care of her”
“I will” James said with sincerity
I looked at my hand in James’s, “our hands fit so well together” I thought, as his grip went tight
I looked from his hand into his eyes
“You look beautiful darling”
“You look so handsome”
James and Jamie both stood there in there green uniforms
“You both look perfect” I said smiling
The vicar stood before us and started the ceremony
“We gather here today to celebrate and dedicate the joy and deep meaning of the union of Dawn and James in this sacred commitment. The essence of this covenant is the acceptance of each other as Lover, Companion and Friend. It is therefore a decision which is not entered into lightly, but rather undertaken with great consideration and respect for ourselves and each other. This ceremony can set the tone for your entire life together. It is the visible symbol of the on-going wedding process in which the two of you grow in love and union. It represents the welding of two souls as one. It is also a demonstration of the bonding which will strengthen and free you to each grow in your unique way but yet still together.”
I never stopped looking into James’s eyes the whole time
“I, James Nicholls, take thee, Dawn Faulks, as my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.”
James’s voice sounded so solid, he meant every last word

“I, Dawn Faulks, take thee, James Nicholls, as my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.”
I never thought I would ever say those words to anybody, nor did I think I’d say them with such meaning

“You came to me as two single people and you will now leave as a married couple, united to each other by the binding contract you have just entered. Your cares, your worries, your pleasures and your joys, you must share with each other. The best of good fortune to both of you.”
You may kiss the bride
James lent down and kissed me, more deeply and more passionately than ever.

“Ladies & Gentlemen, it is my honour and privilege to introduce to you for the first time:
Mr & Mrs Groom’s Nicholls”
“WOW that sounds weird” I said giggling slightly
“You will get used to it my darling wife”
Wife? I was actually someone’s wife
As we left the church my father gave me a smile with a tear in his eye
“Your mother would be so proud of you”
“Please don’t father, you will make me cry”
James helped me back into the carriage, took the reins in his right hand and placed his left hand around my waist
“On Joey” he said with that masterful tone in his voice
I waved goodbye to our guests, as we started back to the base
“I’m sorry we can’t go on honeymoon” James said with sadness, but I promise you we will when the war is over
“I will hold you to that” I said grinning
“Doesn’t stop the wedding night” James said with a wink
I giggled slightly embarrassed
“Why the embarrassed look?” James asked
“I guess because now we are married, there will be no stopping us”
Laughing James said, “Better get prepared for one hell of a night”
Laughing back I said, “Behave yourself Mr Nicholls”
“Yes Mrs Nicholls”