Status: Active and comments are appreciated :)

Forever and Ever

Brothers and Brawls

A beautiful Russet wolf emerged from the tall green trees and trotted over to a cream colored wolf. They looked madly in love with each other. The cream wolf gently head-butted her lover and licked the side of his muzzle. The russet wolf grinned at his mate. But a sound interrupted their passionate communicating. Their heads shot towards the forest and there stood a pale man who had red eyes.
The wolves growled at him and the man charged them. The cream colored wolf tackled the man to the ground with a frenzied look in her eyes. The man hissed and kicked the wolf off of him. The russet wolf snarled and attacked the pale face with anger for hurting his mate. But the russet wolf made a careless mistake and the man snaked his arms around the wolf’s torso and was squeezing tight.
The wolf whimpered until he was knocked over and a loud crunch and howl was heard. The russet wolf looked to see what happened and saw his beautiful mate’s limp body fall to the ground. A group of wolves appeared from the forest and a gray wolf growled loudly and ran at the pale face, killing him instantly. The russet wolf whimpered as he walked to his mate. Her whimpers of pain killed him inside and………….

I shot up from my bed breathing hard, and sweat dripped down my face. My mom threw open the door “What’s wrong? I heard you scream!” She looked frantic, her hair was disheveled and she held a metal baseball bat in her hands. Her brown eyes gazed at me and she set the bat down. “Oh Ross, you had that dream again didn’t you?” She asked as she sat next to me and rubbed my back gently. I nodded as I ran my hand through my brown hair. “I just don’t know what it means. It’s always the same two wolves and it always ends with the female wolf saving her mate but getting hurt in the end,” mom's eyes gave me a sad look. “I think its best if you went to live with your older brother. Maybe he can help you,” My eyes widened. “My brother? I barely know him,” I was speechless. Mom sighed.

I looked at her. "I think if you got away from here for the summer, maybe these dreams will go away. Look at what these dreams are doing to you. You got so skinny and your beautiful tan skin has turned pale.” I nodded agreeing with her. Maybe moving would be a good thing, just as a get away. “Alright mom. But only for the summer ok? I hate leaving you here alone,” I said with a small smile on my face. You will come to learn I’m not one to disagree with someone unless what they say is completely preposterous. “Ok I will call him to make sure it is ok with him and then I will buy your plane ticket. You should pack when you get up. Get some rest sweetie,” she kissed my forehead and walked out of my room.
Paul’s POV

“Guys shut up the phone is ringing!” I yelled at the pack. They were wrestling in the living room causing so much noise. They stopped when I yelled.


“Hi Paul, this is Kathy. Your father’s........wife.”

M…my father? I haven’t seen him since the day he left my mother and I.

“Uh yea, um why are you calling?”

“Well, you see, I don’t know if you remember you had a little sister?”

I knew that I had sister, but its been so long and most memories were gone, except for a photo album I had when I was younger.

“I kind of remember. Anyway what’s up?”

“Rosalyn has been having these terrifying nightmares about wolves and vampires and each night they get worse. So I was hoping she could come stay with you tomorrow for the rest of the summer. I just don’t know what to do anymore. Considering you live on the rez, I was hoping there was something you guys could do.”

“O…of course she can.”

“Thank you so much Paul!”

“Bye Kathy.”

I hung up the phone and looked at the guys’ confused faces. “Who was that?” Embry asked with a mouthful of chips. “That was my father's recent wife, my sister Rosalyn needs a place to stay for the summer due to the dreams she has been having.”
“WOAH! YOU HAVE A SISTER!?” Quil shouted. “Heh she’s probably a hothead like he is,” Jacob said with a chuckle. “Watch it Black!” I shot him a glare and growled. “Anyway, she is coming to stay with me for the summer.” Sam stood up. “What kind of dreams?” I shrugged, “Something about wolves and vampires." I picked up a beaten photo album off of the shelf and flipped open to a picture of me when I was younger hugging my baby sister. “This is the only picture I have of us together.” I handed the book to Sam. “She has a paw print on her shoulder?” He raised his eyebrow. “She was born with that.” “I hope she is hot!” Quil said with a grin on his face. I growled and smacked him over the head.
Rosalyn’s POV

The next morning I got up early and grabbed my suitcases and filled them with clothes, accessories and anything a girl needs. I changed into some clothes.. My eyes caught the dream catcher my dad gave me when I was little. I took the intricate artwork in my hand and smiled. I carried it with me downstairs and into the kitchen. “Hey kiddo all packed?” mom asked as she set a plate of her famous chocolate chip pancakes on the table. “Yes I am. What time am I leaving?” I asked as I sat down and began eating the delicious hotcakes. “At 7, I am gonna miss you kid,” she said as she wrapped her arms around me from behind. “I’m gonna miss ya too mom,”

After I ate, we left for the airport. Needless to say we both cried.....hard, before I made my departure. I found my seat which luckily was right next to the window. I unfolded the note that mom gave me before I left. It gave me a description of what Paul looks like. For half of the flight I spent it imagining what my brother looks like after all these years. The other half was spent sleeping, since I really didn’t get that much sleep last night. Next thing I knew I was being gently shaken. “Excuse me miss, but the flight is over.” I opened my eyes to see a little girl with green eyes. I smiled. “Thank you sweetie,” I said.

I got my bags and walked off the plane. I stopped when I saw a man who matched the description I was given. I slowly walked over to him. “Paul?” I asked softly. His eyes widened and he smiled softly. “Hey Ross.” I dropped my bags and pulled him into a tight hug. I already loved him without even knowing him. After all he was my only family I had left. But when my skin touch him, I instantly pulled back. “Oh my god! You are hot!” I exclaimed as I looked up at him. He chuckled “Yea I know I’m sexy,” he flexed his biceps and grinned. I rolled my eyes, “Don’t flatter yourself that’s not what I mean. I meant are you getting sick?” I thought for a moment. “Hm nope, I am always this warm. C’mon we have a long drive back to La Push. You are going to love it.” He took my bags despite my protests and led me to his car.

He was right, the drive was long which resulted me in taking another nap. When I woke up he was pulling up to a two story house. “Welcome home Ross.” Paul and I got out and he again grabbed my bags. I must admit he was strong. He pulled open the door and I followed right behind him. I followed him into the living room and saw really tall guys in there. “Hey guys, I’d like you to meet my little sister, Rosalyn, I call her Ross.” I smiled as I waved at everyone. “Hi ,” I said shyly. I turned and one guy caught my eye. We stared at each other, my dark brown eyes meeting his chocolate eyes.

"Oh hell no Black!" Paul yelled and the next thing I knew was the two on the ground punching each other.
♠ ♠ ♠
So there is chapter one. Let me know what you think. This story was on my quizilla account but I'm moving here. So let me know what you think! Comments are much appreciated. I love hearing who likes my stories.

Have a nice day!