Status: Active and comments are appreciated :)

Forever and Ever

What Was A Bad Day Turned To Be A Great Day

You're all I wanna do.
I only wanna dance with you.
Whatever I got to do.
I want you to myself tonight,
All right.
I only wanna dance with you.

I groaned as Ke$ha's voice awakened me from my sleep. I hit the alarm and got up feeling all groggy.

During the night I had woken up to howling outside in the woods somewhere. And it seemed like everytime I actually fell asleep, the howling would start all over again.

While walking out of my room I grabbed my makeup bag and and Proactive. I locked the bathroom door and started my morning routine of taking a shower, washing my face, brushing my teeth, doing my hair and of course applying only the slightest bit of makeup.

Once satisfied I peeked my head out of the door making sure Paul was still asleep downstairs. How I know? Well Paul snores like a freakin' bear.

I tied the towel around my body and hurried to my room just in case he did wake up. The floors were squeaky and every small move I made sounded like I was stomping my way to my room.

Although my room was only two doors down I still made quite a lot of noise with the annoying floor boards.

I got dressed in some shorts and a blue flowy top. When I got downstairs, Paul was still asleep so I made my way to the small kitchen and started to make pancakes and hashbrowns.

I made at least two dozen pancakes because I saw how much he ate at Emily's yesterday and let's just say he gave no mercy to the poor sandwiches he scarfed down.

Just as I was placing the food on the table, a very tired Paul came walking in; his hair disheveled and bags under his eyes.

"Pancakes? Since when did you know how to cook?" he asked amused.

I rolled my eyes. "I've known since I was thirteen doofus. Besides the last time you saw me was when I was three and you were six."

"Speaking of which how is dad?" he asked. I felt a lump in my throat. It has been six years since our dad passed away. And apparently no one told Paul.

"Oh, um Paul, our father died six years ago. He was diagnosed with lung cancer."

I seen his face go from confusion to sadness then to anger all in thirty seconds.

"How come no one told me?" he clenched his fists around his fork and knife.

"We thought you knew. Your mother said she would tell you. And when we asked her to bring you to his funeral she said you guys would be there. You never showed up." I took a small bite of pancake.

Paul blinked looking conflicted. "Mom had me stay with my grandparents during the summer, when was his funeral?"

"In July," I mumbled hoping he didn't yell again.

His grip tightened around the fork but then he let it go and took deep breaths.

"Paul, I'm sorry. I had no idea."

"Its my mom's fault that she kept it from me. I'm not mad at you." He got up and ruffled my hair then went upstairs. I waited for a minute until I heard his bedroom door slamming shut.

I sighed and pushed my plate away. I had lost my appetite and thought that my first real day in La Push had been shitty so far. Besides of this little mishap, today I was going to find a job. I couldn't expect Paul to pay for my stuff.

I grabbed the keys to Paul's truck and left a note saying I was taking it to Port Angeles and I will be back in a few hours.

As I pulled into the recreation center of Port Angeles I seen a bright neon sign that read "NEW ZUMBA CLASS".

I smiled wide. I loved Zumba and I hoped they had a job opening as a choreographer.

I walked through the doors and found the room where women of all ages congregated in 80's clad attire.

In the front of the room was a cute blonde leading the class to a hip hop number from the program.

I admired how gorgeous she was and how perfect her body looked. She was definitely a 'Zumba girl'.

As I watched her move to the hip hop routine.I became slightly jealous. She was the epitome of beauty. Now I am not one to judge but back in Miami these types of girls were snooty and thought highly of themselves. But somehow she seemed different. She wasn't snarky when someone asked a question about how to do a certain move and she had a soft gentle voice.

Before I knew it the class was over and everyone left. I walked up to the beautiful girl and cleared my throat.

"Excuse me. My name is Rosalyn Lahote, I was wondering if you were looking for a choreographer," I bit my lip, feeling my own voice shake from nervousness.

The blonde looked at me and smiled. "Hi Rosalyn, I'm Alaska Romanov, but please call me Ali. We are looking for another choreographer to do early morning shifts. I would love to see you do a routine for a mini audition before I have you fill an application."

"Ok. But I didn't bring any workout clothes. I didn't plan on this actually." 'Great I probably ruined my chances at this job.'

"No worries. I have a spare workout uniform," Ali reached into her bag and pulled out black capris and a maroon workout top. "There is a locker room down the hall."

"Thank you!" I hustled to the locker room and changed as quick as I could.

"Ok so look through this playlist and pick a song you would like to dance to." She handed me her iphone and I scrolled to the hip hop section. I chose 2 Step by Unk.

I looked at myself in the mirror and nodded to myself and as soon as the song came on I began to perform.

Once I was done I heard clapping and saw Ali with the biggest smile on her face.

"Dang girl, that was amazing! I can see this routine being a favorite for some of our clients. Here is an application." she handed me a single sheet of paper and had me fill it out right then and there.

I handed her the paper and she scanned over it. "Welcome to the team Rosalyn!" I look dumbfounded.

"Huh but shouldn't your boss see that?"

She giggled. " I am the boss."

This girl couldn't have been older than 19. She looked my age.

"Ok so your hours are from 6am to 10am. Then I will come in and do the other shift. At 6pm you and I will come in and to create a routine for the next week. We meet everyday at these times. But we only have to meet at 6pm on Saturday. Here is my cell number and as for your uniform, just wear work out clothes."

"Thank you for this opportunity! I can't wait to start. By the way which is when?"

"You will start next monday." She said as she wrote downn my times and days on a schedule sheet then handed me the copy.

I took it then went back to the locker room and changed from her outift then gave it back to her.

"See you then Ali!"

"Call me if you just want to talk or if you need to take some days off!" She said as she waved and sent me off.

I was grinning from ear to ear as I got into the truck and headed back off to La Push.

So far today starting to be a great day.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well here is the next installment. I'm sorry Jake wasn't in this one but he will be in the next one! Tell me what you think! I went crazy with youtube I know. But hey I love Zumba. Have a goodnight and day lovelies. I will try to update as soon as I can! hayden panettiere portrays Alaska!