Status: Active and comments are appreciated :)

Forever and Ever

The Truth

In front of me stood eight giant wolves growling menacingly at the man. One wolf stood out, that was the russet one. His eyes almost human like. His eyes held fear, anger and longing.

“Don’t take another step mutts or else she dies,” he hissed as jumped out the window with me and ran towards the edge of the forest. He was inhumanly fast. “Now I wonder what she will do when she finds out who you really are.

His strong grip tightened around my neck and I started gasping for breath. The wolves growled and the man laughed. “I will loosen the grip if and only if you shift back to your normal form.”

The russet wolf snarled and ran with the others behind the trees.
Sam, Paul, Embry, Quil, Jared ,Leah, Seth and Jacob emerged from the woods. My brown eyes widened and I became light headed.

“Let her go leech!” Paul growled as he took a giant step forward but was held back by Embry and Quil.

“Don’t move towards him. If you do he might kill Ross,” Embry hissed.

“Keep your end of the bargain,” Sam said politically with anger in his voice.

The man bent down and whispered in my ear, “I will be back for you love. Thomas is my name, remember it.” He pushed me forward and I landed on my knees. Then with a blink of an eye Thomas was gone and Jacob and Paul were by my side in an instant.

“Ross are you ok?” Jake asked as he pulled me into a hug.

“Don’t touch me Jake. You and everyone else have some explaining to do.” I glared up at him and I could see the hurt in his eyes.

Paul walked forward and I shot him a glare as well. This was a huge secret and not even my own brother could tell me.

At Emily’s house, I sat at the kitchen table with a cup of tea courtesy of Emily. The boys and Leah sat across from me. No one saying a word. Sam had told me the whole legend of Taha Aki and the tribe. He told me about vampires and that the Cullens were vampires as well. Through the whole story Jake watched me as if I would start yelling at him for not telling me.

“You guys do realize I am mad at each and every one of you for not telling me. More so at Paul and Jake. I though you guys could tell me anything. Sure I have only been here for a few days but I feel like we have known each other for a long time,” I took a sip of the Tazo Calm tea and sighed.

“Look I think its really cool you guys are….wolves. But this is so much to take in. I promise I won’t tell anyone. I think I am going to head to bed. Night.” I got up and headed upstairs.
Paul and I were staying at Emily’s house because of the whole vampire crashing into our window. I changed into shorts and a tank top and climbed in to bed. There was a knock on the door and Jake walked in.

“Hey can I talk to you?” he asked as he sat at the edge of the bed.

I nodded and I sat up and folded my hands on to my lap.

“I know this is hard to take in and I’m sorry for not telling you. The guys wanted me to tell you all of this but I was scared, scared that you would run away. I mean Paul finally has his sister with him, Emily has a daughter like figure as well as Sam, and I had gained a best friend.”

“I understand. I’m sure one day I will be ok with this and not get freaked out. After all I though vampires and werewolves weren’t real.” I looked into his eyes and my heart began to race, just like the first time I met him.

“There is something else about us. We uh, we imprint.”

“Ok what is imprinting?”

“Imprinting is like finding your other half. She is like an angel and she is the one holding you to earth. The one that you would die for.” He looked at me deep in the eyes.

“It sounds like you have imprinted,” I mumbled half disappointed.

“I did. On you. Ross you are my other half,” Jake took my hands in his warm ones and scooted closer to me, putting my legs on his lap.

My heart skipped a beat as his face moved closer to mine. I leaned in to his until our lips met. The feeling was wondeful. Sparks were flying everywhere. We rhythmically moved our lips as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He layed me down and held on to my waist. His tongue begged for entrance and I let him in. Jake’s warm tongue explored every inch of my mouth. Sadly I had to pull away to catch my breath.

“That was some first kiss Jake,” I whispered as I looked up into his chocolate eyes.

“Too bad the other’s are downstairs. I would have loved to continue. Good night Ross,” he kissed my head and left the room closing the door.

I pulled the covers over me and fell a sleep dreaming sweet dreams of Jake.

The next morning I changed into what I packed.

I brushed my teeth and applied some makeup and went downstairs where the guys were eating. “Morning sweetie,” Emily said as she came over and kissed my forehead and handed me a bowl of fruit and yogurt.

“Morning everyone!” I said happily.

“What has made you so happy?” Paul asked with a sly smirk. I figured Jake had already told them.

“Why ask when you already know?” I shrugged and started eating.

“By the way Jake, don’t ever kiss my sister like that when I’m in the house,” Paul said while chucking a piece of bacon at Jake’s head. Jake dodged it and ducked over to me and kissed my cheek. Everyone ‘awwed’.

“So what’s on the agenda for today?” I asked taking a sip of milk.

“We decided that we are going to take you cliff jumping. Sort of an initiation to our pack,” Jared said with a playful smirk.

“Yeah count me out,” Leah mumbled as she exited the house. I just got used to her mood swings.

“Sounds fun. I will try anything once,” I said excitedly.

“Perfect,” Quil replied with a playful evilgrin on his face.

I gulped now wondering what I had just gotten myself in to.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it is slightly short. But hey not bad right? Let me know what you all think. Leave me a comment. Message and or a recommendation! I love hearing from you all! Love you guys!