Sequel: Love is Magic
Status: No really editing has been done yet so I am aware there are many mistakes. Please leave comments and let me know what you think!

Change of Plans


“Knock, Knock.” Gwaine yelled through the door.
Morgana cracked open her door and saw Gwaine standing there holding a tray of food smirking at her. She looked him up and down with a disapproving glare. She was surprised that he would go through all of this work just to be sure that she stayed unaware of his betrayal.
“Can I come in?”Gwaine asked a bit confused. He thought she would have been happier to see him, but then he realized she may have still been upset by the fact that he did not try and say anything to her about his quest. “I have brought dinner?” He held the tray up and circled it under her nose so she could smell the aroma of the cooked fish and vegetables.
“Where is Gwen?” Morgana asked coldly.
“Um… She went home. I told her I would bring your super. I… I…”Gwaine stalled his sense of confidence suddenly gone. He looked down at the plate and tried to reassure himself. “I wanted to see you.” He finally said.
“Why?” Morgana asked sharply.
“Why?” He looked up at her in shock. He figured she would still be upset about him leaving, but he did not think she would be so rude about it. “I have been gone, and I thought we were friends… I wanted to see you and apologize for everything. I know things have been a little strange between us lately, but I was hoping we could put that all behind us.”
“Things have not been strange between us.” Morgana said as she took the tray of food from Gwaine. “If you’ll excuse me I have some things to attend to.” She shut the door without waiting for a response from Gwaine.
Gwaine turned away from the door and cocked his head to the side as she tried to sort through what just happened. From the way Gwen was talking about Morgana earlier Gwaine was sure she had feelings for him. He just was not sure why she was so mad. Sure he left without saying goodbye, but still that was no reason to be so rude. Lost in thought Gwaine made his way down to see Gaius.
Gaius was hunched over his work bench flipping through one of his many old books. When Gwaine entered the room Gaius looked up and smiled at him. Then he cleared off a spot for Gwaine to take a seat. He waited for Gwaine to tell him how things went with the Lady Morgana, but when Gwaine did not say anything Gaius realized something was wrong.
“What happened?” Gaius asked Gwaine.
“Nothing.” Gwaine stated as he threw his hands up in the air. Morgana had completely shut him out and he had no idea how to fix things with her. Gwaine sighed as he explained what happened to Gaius. He told Gaius about what Gwen had told him, and about how he decided not to use the Reavaling Dust after all.
After Gwaine said all that he paused and started to reconsider. He knew if he used the dust on her than he would know why she was so upset, and maybe he could find a way to make up for it. Gauis must have figured out what Gwaine was thinking because the next thing he said was, “I wouldn’t do it if I were you.” Gwaine put his face in his hands feeling like there was no hope, he took the tiny bottle of dust out of his pocket.
“Listen to me Gwaine. ”Gaius said looking down at the bottle in Gwaine’s hand. “I know I told you I would help you with this, but I think you are better off letting things take their natural course. Messing with magic can have major consequences. Plus if you really think she may feel the same for you than just give her some time.”
“I just can’t shake the feeling that there is something she is hiding from me.” Gwaine looked up at Gaius. Gwaine’s eyes screamed out for help. He just wanted things to be easy again, and go back to when he was sure of his life.
“Why don’t you give it some time. Do not do anything rash.” Gaius reached out for the bottle and told Gwaine to rest for a while. He could make his choice after he woke up again.
Gwaine agreed, but decided to keep the bottle in his bag for safe keeping. He laid down on a beat up bed Gauis had set up in the corner of the room and tried to relax. When he woke up hopefully he would feel a bit better and have a clear mind in order to figure out a plan of action.