Sequel: Love is Magic
Status: No really editing has been done yet so I am aware there are many mistakes. Please leave comments and let me know what you think!

Change of Plans

Death Of Love

Patiently Morgana waited for Morgause to come and get her out of the castle. Finally Morgana would be free. She would not need to keep her power hidden once she was a way from Uther and Arthur. I dim glimmer of light seemed to be shining at the end of the long dark tunnel Morgana was traveling through. As soon as Morgause came for her they would be able to devise a plan to put an end to Uther and Arthur. Morgana’s so called family, she snorted at the thought. It was her father who locked her down in that room to begin with and her brother who left her there to rot. They were no family of hers. Morgana’s true family was the one she had grown up with until Uther had them killed. Her true family included Morgause, a woman who stood by Morgana when she did not have anyone to help her and guide her. It also included Gwaine, the only man Morgana ever loved. Gwaine was the only person who was able to see past her barriers and help her open up and enjoy the small things in life.
Once Morgause and Morgana got rid of Uther and Arthur Morgana would be free to be with her family and the people she cared about. She and Gwaine might even get the chance to be together. Morgana closed her eyes and imagined what her life would be like if Uther and Arthur was gone.
Morgana imagined the castle being full of light and joy as she glided down the halls towards the Great Hall. She felt the warmth from the rays of sun that broke through the windows in the hall. People lined the walls of the hall smiling and cheering as she made her way to the throne. Morgana looked ahead at the empty throne in front of her and saw Gwaine and Morgause standing on both sides of the throne. Both of them smiling at Morgana as she made her way to them and the throne. Once Morgana was just a few feet from the throne Gwaine stepped forward and extended his hand out to her. Graciously Morgana placed her hand in his and felt his grip tighten as he pulled her close and smirked at her. Then he walked her up to her throne and knelt down on one knee in front of her, and kissed her hand. Morgana felt like she would explode with happiness when Morgause rested her hand on Morgana’s shoulder. With the support of her family Morgana stood up proudly as Gwaine stepped aside and took his place by her side. Morgana greeted the people of Camelot and took the hands of both Morgause and Gwaine as she declared that the law banning magic from Camelot would be abolished.
Happy with what she imagined Morgana opened her eyes and smiled at her wonderful idea of a life. A life without Uther and Arthur would have been a perfect life in Morgana’s mind. Unfortunately it was too perfect to be real. Until Morgause came for Morgana her idea of the perfect life would be just a dream. Morgana closed her eyes and let herself drift off to sleep. If she couldn’t have her perfect life she might as well stay asleep dreaming of what will be.
When Morgana awoke a few hours later she awoke in a cold sweat, panting, and her heart racing. It had been a while since Morgana was awaken by nightmares. The last one she had was about Gwaine fighting the Masked Man. It was absolutely terrifying. Morgana thought Gwaine would die, and when her dream came true Morgana was even more terrified. Thankfully Morgause explained to Morgana that her dreams were visions caused by the overload of built up magic within her. From that point on Morgana began to use her magic to prevent any kind of over load. She used simple spells to be sure that no one would see her.
Morgana had just used magic when she wrote Morgause the letter a few days before. That meant that the dream was not caused by an over load of magic. This time the dream was a warning. It was trying to tell her something. As Morgana gained control of her breathing she played the dream back in her mind. Just thinking about the dream made her catch her breath and gave her chills. She dreamt that she was walking down a long and dark hall way, her heart was racing as she pushed open two heavy wooden doors. On the other side of the door stood Arthur and all of his Knights, Gwaine stood just behind Arthur. He drew his sword as an army of brutes emerged from behind Morgana.
Everyone began fighting around Morgana who stood still watching Gwaine swerve around couples battling and dogging the points of swords flying through the air as he approach her. Morgana felt a warm sensation travel through her body. Similar to when she is about to do a spell, but this time it was because she knew her beloved Gwaine was coming to save her. He stood in front of her staring down at her with eyes full of disappointment and confusion.
“Morgana… how…” His voice trailed off.
Morgana looked up at Gwaine and realized that he had not come to save her. He had come to kill her. Morgana stepped back in fear and tried to find a way for her to slip out of the room and get away from Gwaine. She quickly turned around towards the door to see that the door and all the walls caught on fire. Some of the Knights began shouting and directing people out of the room, but Gwaine stood in his stop by Morgana refusing to let her out of his sight.
“We need to leave!” Morgana shouted as she turned to face Gwaine again.
Gwaine quickly lifted his sword to Morgana’s throat watching as the fear engulfed her. The bright emerald eyes that he admired had turned pale, her skin was pasty and drained of the bright color it once had, and her long shiny hair had become brittle and dirty. When Gwaine looked at Morgana he did not see the woman he was in love with. Instead he saw a woman who was consumed by power and hatred. He pressed the sword against her neck and a tear fell down Morgana’s cheek.
“I….I…” Morgana gulped. “I love you.”
She closed her eyes feeling the sharp sword rubbing against her neck. She mumbled the words to a spell that would help her escape Gwaine. When she opened he eyes again the warm sensation had reached her face and her eyes flashed gold. Gwaine was forcefully shoved way from her and smacked hard into a table. As Gwaine flew through the air Morgana reached out her hand in an effort to help him, but it was too late the spell worked and Gwaine was knocked out.
Morgana knew she should run. The fire was spreading throughout the castle, and if she was going to make a clean escape she needed to leave. Torn between freedom and love Morgana did not know what to do. She could not make her legs move. She looked over at Gwaine’s still body covered in chunks of wood from the table he landed on. She could not just leave him to burn, so she ran to his side and cleared away pieces from the broken table.
“I am so sorry, my dear.” She cried.
Gwaine opened his eyes and looked up at her in a daze. He smiled and held her hand on his cheek. Then he moved it so he could kiss her hand. Morgana bent down over him and geantely kissed him on the lips. For a brief moment Gwaine smirked, but as his surrounding became clearer and he remembered what happened he quickly slid out from under her. In a panic his felt around for his sword, and the moment his fingers gripped the weapon he plunged it into Morgana’s stomach. Sure that Morgna was too weak to move Gwaine carefully stood up and said, “I loved you, but….”
The dream was so vivid Morgana could have sworn that it really occurred. She rested her hand over the spot where Gwaine stabbed her and saw that there was no blood and no sword, but the spot was sore. Morgana began to cry at the memory of the horrible dream. She tried to remind herself that it was only a dream, but then she remembered what happened the last time she had a nightmare like that. The dream came true…