Sequel: Love is Magic
Status: No really editing has been done yet so I am aware there are many mistakes. Please leave comments and let me know what you think!

Change of Plans

The Cottage

Morgana awoke the next night tossing and turning. The hay that was piled underneath her had been pushed and shoved into piles that surrounded her. She had the same horrible nightmare again. The one where she led an attack on Camelot and Gwaine killed her. Morgana curled up on the hard ground as a chill ran through her. She was terrified that her nightmare would become reality. As she laid there trying to erase the haunting images from her mind Morgana heard a something stir just outside her door. She tried to sit up and see what made the noise, but she was too tired and weak. She was able to prop herself up on her elbows. Just as she began to sit up the door to her prison was pushed opened.
“Morgana! Oh my!” Morgause gasped as she ran to Morgana’s side. “What has happened to you?” Morgause asked her friend.
Seeing Morgause again gave Morgana the hope and strength she needed. Morgana knew that since Morgause was there things were going to be better. She was one step closer to having that perfect life she imagined.
“It is nothing.” Morgana said as Morgause helped her stand.
“Uther is an evil man, to do this to his own daughter!”
“It does not matter, as long as we are together.” Morgana smiled.
Morgause carefully led Morgana out into the hall. When she entered the castle she used a special knock out powder to put the guards asleep. If they could move quickly enough they would be able to make it out of the castle without being seen.
The two of them swiftly slid from shadow to shadow as their way was lit by the stars and moon above. As they passed the stables Morgana got an idea. She stopped in her tracks causing Morgause to turn around and tug on her arm.
“Horses.” Morgana said. “We can take the horses and ride farther away.”
Unsure whether or not she wanted to waste the time trying to saddle horses or if it would be safer to just continue on foot, Morgause stopped and debated. Then agreeing that on horses they would be able to travel farther on horse Morgause used her magic to unlock the door to the stable. Then Morgana picked two horses that were rarely used by Arthur and Uther so that no one would notice that they were missing. Trying to speed up the processes Morgause used a spell to saddle the horses. With the thumbing of hooves against the stones Morgana and Morgause were speeding into the woods and away to safety.
“Just a little farther, Morgana. Over that mountain there is a clearing and a river. We can stop there for a bit. Once we have rested we will continue through the forest until we come to my cottage.”Morgause explained as the road out of Camelot.
The sky grew light as they moved through the forest. Birds began to emerge and chirp at the round ball of light that was rising over the horizon. The rows and rows of trees finally broke and exposed the clearing that Morgause had mentioned. So Morgnana and Morgause tied up the horses and sat down for a rest. After siting in silence for a while Morgana finally said, “I wonder if anyone has noticed I am missing yet.”
“I am sure they have so we cannot rest for long. We need to travel farther into the forest and get to my cottage we will be safe there.” Morgause said as she filled her flask with water.
Morgana sat down on a rock and slid the hood from her cape off. She watched as a doe came out into the clearing and began to graze. The young animal seemed so innocent and naïve compared to Morgana. The doe did not know anything of betrayal or hurt all it knew what how to survive. Morgana felt a strange connection to the animal. Morgana was once like the little doe, she too was naïve to the world around her. It was not until a few months before that Morgana was exposed to the cruelty of the world. Since being exposed to the real world Morgana’s only objective was to survive.
Startled by something the doe dashed off deep into the woods. In an instant the peaceful moment that the doe was enjoying was gone. He was back on the run and back to fighting for his life. In moments Morgana would also need to dash into the woods and find cover.
“Morgana, we should start moving again. Who knows how long it will take for Uther to alert the guards and Arthur.”
They rode for another hour or so when Morgause stopped suddenly and dismounted her horse. Morgana followed her lead and also dismounted her horse. Then Morgause lead Morgana down a small hill and through a wall of thick ivy. In front of them was a small cottage that was almost unnoticeable among the trees and vines. The cottage was nestled up against the side of a mountain so that the mountain served as a sturdy wall for the cottage. Vines climbed up the other three walls of the cottage acting as a sort of camouflage for it. There was also a large tree branch that went through the back wall and through the front of the cottage. It was perfectly hidden within the forest. Morgause cautiously opened the door and looked around the inside of the cottage to be sure no one had found her hiding place. When she was sure the cottage was safe she waved for Morgana to follow her into the cottage.
“It isn’t exactly the castle with warm beds and fancy decorations, but it is in a perfect location. Not too far from Camelot and still perfectly hidden from those pompous Knights.” Morgause boasted.
“It is perfect.” Morgana said.