Sequel: Love is Magic
Status: No really editing has been done yet so I am aware there are many mistakes. Please leave comments and let me know what you think!

Change of Plans

Harpen and Morgause

Tossing and turning Morgana could not awake from her horrible nightmare. The sweat dripped off of Gwaine’s forehead as he stood breathlessly in front of her. He had just fought his way through the battling groups of Knights and Brutes to get to Morgana. Her own heart raced at the mere sight of him. A wave of panic and relief washed over her as she saw him in the Great Hall standing proudly with Arthur. She knew he had made it out of Camelot alive after Uther banished him so she was relieved to see him alive and well, but just as soon as she could take a breath of relief the sheer bone chilling feeling of panic set in as she realized Gwaine was not on her side. He was here to fight her and he was still loyal to Arthur.

As the battle raged on around the two of them Morgana watched the series of different emotions flash across Gwaine’s face. Starting with surprise and shock then ending with hurt and disappointment as he said, “Morgana… how…” Aware that Morgana was having the same nightmare again she anticipated the feeling of the sharp blade against her throat and the brutal stabbing pain of her heartbreaking over the love she obviously lost. Just as before Gwaine held the blade against her throat and left it there for a moment before Morgana used her magic and tossed him on top of a table.

Although this time something was different. Instead of just holding the blade up against her neck this time Morgana noticed Gwaine open his mouth to speak. His eyes full of pity and his normally cocky smile was a curved frown of worry. Moments before Morgana’s spell sent him flying across the room Gwaine opened his mouth. He was about to say something, but it was too late. Morgana could not control her own actions. She instinctively said the spell just as she had done all of the other time she had the nightmare. Gwaine went flying and the dream continued on just as before ending after the moment when Gwaine stabs her.

“Morgana!” Morgause shouted as she tried to shake Morgana awake.

When Morgana finally did wake up she was startled by the state of the cottage. Shards of broken pottery were scattered all over the floor. The two wooden chairs that were once neatly placed around a small table in the middle of the one room cottage were toppled over with pieces snapped off. Even the bed Morgana had been sleeping in was torn apart. Her thin pillow had been ripped to shreds and the single wool blanket she had was tossed on to a hook across the room by the door.

“What…”Morgana was still shaken by her dream and could barely speak.

“Oh my poor Morgana.” Morgause said as she rushed to the bedside to comfort Morgana. “You were having another nightmare. I tried to wake you, but you were too far in.”

Morgana nodded already knowing she had a nightmare, but that still did not explain how the cottage ended up so trashed. It looked as if someone had come in and tried to rob them. Almost everything was shattered or torn apart.

“What was your nightmare about, my dear?” Morgause asked. “Whatever you dreamt about it caused you to get so worked up you began to uncontrollably release your magic. I watched your eyes flash open and spark gold as you raised your hand and mumbled something. Then before I knew it you were breaking pots and sending things flying across the room.” Morgause was clearly worried about Morgana, but she had an impressed smirk on her face as she told Morgana what happened.

“You mean I did all of this… In my sleep?” Morgana replied shocked at her own ablity.
With a chuckle Morgause said, “Yes my dear, your power has grown a lot over the past few weeks.”

Slowly Morgana sat up and smiled as she took another look around the destroyed cottage. The mess and destruction was proof that Morgana was stronger than Uther ever imagined possible. It was proof that with the help of Morgause, Morgana would be capable of gaining her freedom, and granting freedom for others like her in Camelot.

“Actually…” Morgause said as she picked up one of the chairs and used a spell to put the chair back together. “I think your power has grown enough that you can start doing harder spells. Move away from those silly house spells.”

Curious about what Morgause was leading to Morgana stood up and walked over to the table. She took her friends hand and sat her down in the chair she had just fixed. Morgana knew that while she was asleep Morgause had been busy planning and plotting their next attack on Uther. The only thing that worried Morgana was that this new plan of Morgause’s was going to require Morgnana to use her magic. Having only learned simple spells like how to make apples disappear and how to write notes without ink, Morgana did not think she was ready to do any more difficult spells. No matter how much Morgause said her power had strengthened she still was not confident enough to agree to such a plan.

“Don’t look at me like that, Morgana. I have an idea, but I want you to promise me something.” Morgause stood up and squeezed Morgana’s hand. Then she led her back to the bed and opened a trunk she had hidden under the bed. Inside the trunk was a few books, pieces of jewelry, and the thing Morgause pulled out was wrapped in a black piece of cloth.

“Years ago I met a by the name of Harpen. He taught me all kinds of spells and I spent a lot of time traveling with him. He too lost his family thanks to Uther.” Morgause ran her fingers over the cloth as she smiled down at the round thing that was covered by the cloth. “We were in love.” She said as she lifted her head and smiled at Morgana. “One day he brought me here to this cottage. He told me he had built it for us. Then he brought me to the clearing we stopped in on the way here. He sat me down next to the river and told me he loved me. He pulled this out of his pocket and handed it to me.” Morgause told Morgana as she handed the object to Morgana.

The cloth was worn, dirty, and wrinkled but Morgause still loved at it with love and admiration. Morgana carefully lifted the corner of the dusty cloth and unfolded it so it would reveal a silver bracelet. The bracelet was in perfect condition. The engraved leaves and vines were not tarnished or rusted, and the beautiful bracelet was barely even dusty.

“It is beautiful.” Morgana said as she held the cloth and bracelet in her hand.

“It is. Like many things Harpen gave me it is more than it seems. I too experienced nightmares and Harpen helped me overcome them. He gave me this bracelet in the form of a proposal, but with the right spell put on it the bracelet serves as a shield that can block your dreams.”

“You mean I would not have nightmares anymore?” Morgana clarified.

“Yes, my dear.”

Morgause picked the delicate bracelet up and examined it before placing it around Morgana’s wrist. Then she explained that the spell is a powerful one and requires the power of at least two sorcerers. Since Morgause saw the increase in Morgana’s powers she was sure that the two of them would be able to do the spell and make the bracelet work.

“I hate to see you go through this. I know how horrible those nightmares can be. I feel terrible for not coming sooner. If I came sooner you could have been using your magic, and your power would not need to be released through these nightmares.” Morgause patted Morgana on the hand and smiled as she said, “Plus at this rate I will not be able to fix all the furniture you destroy in your sleep.”

“Morgause… This is beautiful.” Morgana said looking down at the bracelet around her wrist. “I am so grateful to you for sharing this with me. I really am, but I do not want to do the spell.”

“My dear, I know you are nervous. I know you think you are not ready, but I know you are. It would be great practice for you. I want you to promise me something first. If this spell goes well and you are able to do it then you will agree to help me with a spell to take down Uther and Arthur.”

“What?” Morgana asked. She forgot that Morgause mentioned something about a promise.

“We can use the spell for this bracelet as a test. If you pass then you will be able to use magic to help me take down Uther and Arthur. Magic is the only way we will be able to surprise him. Morgana, I know you are scared to try a harder spell, but this will be good for you.”

Without another word Morgause took Morgana’s hands and closed her eyes. She bit her lip as her arms and legs began shaking. Slowly everything around them grew blurry.

“Morgause! Morgause, what is happening?” Morgana yelled over the whipping wind that was circling around them.