Sequel: Love is Magic
Status: No really editing has been done yet so I am aware there are many mistakes. Please leave comments and let me know what you think!

Change of Plans

Search and Rescue

Bells rang out throughout the castle when the guards finally awoke and realized Morgana was missing. Everyone scrambled about trying to find traces of the person who broke her out. There was no way she could have left on her own. If she could she would not have waited so long and let herself wither down to practically nothing before escaping. It was clear she had help getting out of the castle without being seen.

“I want her found!” Uther hollered at Arthur and a group of Arthur’s closest Knights.

The men nodded at Uther’s commands. Uther was panicked and furious at the fact that Morgana was missing. He did not understand how she could be missing. Who would help her? How would anyone know where she was? How would anyone know she would need help? Nothing made sense to Uther the only thing he knew was that she was missing and needed to be found. Uther knew that the moment Morgana got the chance she would tell people that he was her father. She would use that information against him the first moment she could. If she told the wrong person the truth it could be used as blackmail to start a war.

“Heaven forbid something has happened to her.” Uther said to the men. “Morgana is very important to me. She is like a daughter to me. I couldn’t bare it if anything happens to her.”

“Don’t worry father, we will find her. I have my best men ready.” Arthur reassured his father.

“This is Morgause’s doing.”Uther stated. “Whoever did this must have used magic. This sorcerer is after something. I wouldn’t be surprised if she is going to try to use Morgana to get whatever she is after.”

“What do you think she is after?”

“I don’t know, but I am sure she has learned of how important Morgana is to me and is trying to use the relationship I have with Morgana to get what she wants.” Uther said.

Uther paced around his chambers as he tried to figure out what was going on. All the events of the past few months were completely random, but Uther knew that they all must be connected. Based off of what he knew Morgause was the leader. She had magic and wanted something from Uther. What she wanted Uther was unsure. He had never heard of her before so he assumed that she was not seeking revenge, and because she was not royalty there was no bad blood between her and the Pendragons. Uther went through every scenario he could think of and could not figure out why she would be formulating attacks against Camelot. It was clear she was trying to get to Uther by attacking the people closest to him. First she set up an attack in the Market targeting Arthur and now she was trying to use Morgana to get to Uther.

The thing that worried Uther the most was that Morgana would tell Morguase that Uther was her father. With that kind of knowledge Morgause would be even more powerful. She would become an even greater threat to Uther.

Following his father’s orders Arthur prepared to ride out with a few of his Knights. Sir Leon, Arthur’s right hand man rode directly behind Arthur. To the left of Sir Leon was Sir Percival. Arthur was sure that with his most experienced Knight and strongest Knight they would be able to find and save Morgana. Along with the Knights was Arthur’s man servant, Merlin. Merlin had only been working for Arthur for a few weeks, but had already proven to be a loyal servant. He followed Arthur wherever he went and was prepared to do anything Arthur asked of him. The group of men rode out of the castle gates and into the forest. They had nothing to go on, but they were sure that a powerful sorcerer would not choose a home in the city to hide in.

“Ok men, fan out. The best way to find a lead is to split up. We have nothing to go on, but just like when we are hunting a stag we need to be careful, quiet, and observant. Nobody is perfect. I am sure we will find a trace of this Morgause somewhere. It will give us a lead on how to find Morgana and why Morgause is going after Camelot.” Arthur announced once they reached the forest.

Percival took the left flank while Leon took the right. The men searched for any small trace of a traveler. Maybe a footprint, a broken branch, or even a piece of ripped clothing to help give them a place to start. Arthur and Merlin continued forward and slowly looked and listened for any sign of human life.

“Keep quiet! I am trying to listen.” Arthur commanded to Merlin.

“I am not saying anything.” Merlin responded.
Arthur turned and gave Merlin a confused look. Merlin shrugged his shoulders and glanced around trying to figure out where the sound came from. It started as a quiet mumble, and as they continued farther the noise came in much clearer.

“It is perfect.”

Immediately Merlin and Arthur recognized the voice as Morgana’s and dismounted their horses. They continued on foot in the direction the voice came from. Unfortunately that was the only thing Arthur could hear Morgana say. They stopped and listened for someone to reply when Merlin noticed a hoof prints in the mud. Arthur followed the footprints until he ran into a thick wall of vines. The foot prints stopped at the vines.

“How is that possible?” Arthur asked.

Merlin stepped around Arthur and examined the footprint. The horses could not have just disappeared. Then Merlin heard the sound of horses tapping their hooves into the ground so he cautiously pushed aside a few of the vines. He noticed a small cove on the other side of vines and a small cottage.

“Merlin, go find Percival and Leon. We need to see what is going on before we do anything.” Arthur said as Merlin quickly jumped up and ran after the Knights.

Once everyone regrouped the set up camp a few yards away and spent the next several hours watching the cottage. The men sat in silence as they listened for Morgana and Morgause. Sir Leon stood a few feet away with a torch to keep guard. They had no idea how many people Morgause had working for her. In an instant Morgause could find out that Arthur was watching them and send men to attack them. Sir Percival sat on a log near the fire warming his hands while he waited for Arthur to tell him what their next move would be.

Arthur waited until he was sure Morgause was alone. Then Arthur huddled around the fire with Merlin, Sir Leon, and Sir Percival to discuss their plan. Arthur explained how they were going to circle around the cottage and sneak up on Morgause.

“If we can catch her by surprise at least we will have that to our benefit. “Arthur said as they broke their huddle and spread out around the cottage.

With careful and precise steps each of the Knights cautiously moved towards the small cottage. They kept eye contact with the cottage and each other as they stepped closer and closer. Arthur and Merlin approached the cottage from the front. Merlin tried to peer into a window while he carefully stepped around piles of leaves and twigs. He could see the flicker of a candle burning inside and the shadow of a woman’s silhouette. He smiled at Arthur knowing that they had caught her. They were going to trap her and save Morgana.

Sir Percival reached a side of the cottage and stood ready in the shadows waiting for a signal from Arthur. Just on the other side of the cottage was Sir Leon carefully watching as Arthur and Merlin took their last steps towards the door. Arthur tightened his grip around his sword as he readied himself to barge in. Just as Arthur rose his fist to the door Merlin saw the candle go out and the shadows of the woman disappear.

“Arthur!” Merlin whispered as he pointed to the window.

Arthur slammed through the door with Merlin half a step behind him and the Knights protecting him from behind. Arthur looked around the cottage to find it empty and torn apart. It looked as though there was a fight. All of the men entered the cottage and saw the destruction. Their jaws dropped at the sight if the cottage.

“Where did they go?” Sir Leon asked.

“They could not just have vanished.” Percival replied.

“Of course they could. Morgause has magic!” Arthur said furiously kicking a piece of broken wood across the floor.