I May Pour Spirits in Thine Ear


I took a sip of the hot, steaming coffee in my hands; the sweet liquid slowly warmed my insides. I always needed a good cup of coffee at the end of the day, particularly when it has turned out to be another bad one.

James sat across from me. He was always there for me and I was immensely grateful. We knew each other better than we knew ourselves. We were the two best friends: Jamie and James. He stirred his hot chocolate, the white melting marshmallow and dark substance twirling around in the mug in front of him.

‘You’re letting them get to you,’ James told me. I’ve had this lecture so many times. I didn’t look at him, just down at the table in front of us.

The slurping sound of coffee being made in our ears, the smell of coffee in our noses and the pitter-patter of rain which drizzled down the glass beside us was bliss. I felt more comfortable here than I did at home. James felt the same, which was the reason he was so content spending so much time here as we did.

‘That’s what they want – to get to you.’

‘I’m aware of that,’ I almost spat at him. He’s said those words at least 200 times.

‘You need to forget about them.’ I rolled my eyes in response. ‘Roll your eyes all you like; you know it’s the truth. You should listen to me, Jamie.’

‘Don’t I know it? Don’t you understand? I’m sick of listening to my “parents”, social services and those harassing idiots telling me I don’t fit in! I already know that, for heaven sake! Forgetting is easier said than done!’ Both James and I looked around the coffee shop. No one had taken much notice at my outburst.

‘All right, all right! No need to yell. What the fuck are you going to do about it then? Be a pussy for the rest of your life, too scared to do anything? Or, be a bitch and complain about it, over and over again?’ he argued. Even he was sick of me. The only friend I had was sick of me. I’d done it now.

I drank the rest of my coffee quickly. Seeing my actions, James did too. We left the warm coffee shop and stood outside, hearing the plops of water touchdown on land. I lit up a cigarette. The smoke drew out of my mouth, contrasting with the darkening purple and orange stripped sky. The sun was making its way into the next hemisphere.

‘I want out.’ I told him. ‘And you’re going to help me.’

‘You’ve made up your mind?’ he asked with a serious and stern face.

‘Yes.’ I chucked the finished cigarette on the concrete and stomped it out.
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