Sequel: Pears
Status: three of twenty-five



Frank stomped up the stairs to Gerard’s bedroom, throwing the door open without knocking. He couldn’t find Gerard in the mess at first, forgetting again that his hair was fire truck red, but there he was, sitting against the wall with ear buds in and a sketchbook on his lap. Yelling at him would have been useless, so Frank crossed the room and yanked out one of the ear buds. Gerard jumped, looking up at Frank with wide eyes before dissolving into a fit of near-maniacal laughter.

“It’s not funny!” Frank fumed, eyes narrowed dangerously. Gerard slid down the wall, to the point of tears. “I told you I hate! And what do you do? Put it in my fucking hair!”

“It wasn’t me,” Gerard managed. He calmed himself, but upon looking at Frank again, he lost it. Three different colors of tinsel were gelled and tangled in his long hair. “I swear.”

Frank shook his head, only making Gerard laugh harder. “You bastard.”

He stormed out of the room, slamming the door.

“Frank, you look beautiful!” Gerard shouted. Another door slammed. Frank wasn’t going to talk to him for a while.


Gerard was on the phone with his brother when Frank screamed his name across the house.

“What’s up his ass?” Mikey questioned. Frank came barreling out of his room, carrying a shirt in his hand

“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” he yelled.

“Let me know if he kills you,” Mikey said quickly. Gerard put his phone on the counter. Frank’s eyes might as well have been made of ice the way he was glaring at the redhead.

“Did you drop your shirt by the tree?” Gerard asked, covering his mouth as his shoulders shook in a laugh. Letting out a wordless yell, Frank threw the shirt at Gerard’s face. It missed by a mile, landing in the sink.

“I don’t know how you’re doing it, I don’t even care why,” Frank said, voice wavering. “Stop covering me with this shit!

“Frank, it isn’t me,” Gerard replied.

“No!” Frank shouted, moving directly in front of Gerard. He pointed an accusing, tattooed finger at Gerard, making him cross his eyes to see it. His voice dropped to a near-whisper. “It’s you. It’s you, and I hate you for it, you vicious fuck.”


Frank woke up to Gerard screaming. He crept out of his room and peered down the hall. Gerard was just coming down the stairs, and he was covered from head to toe in shiny strips of foil.

Upon seeing Frank standing in the doorway, he cried, “Frank, what the fuck?!”

“Payback is a bitch, isn’t it?” Frank replied calmly. A small smile snuck onto his lips. “Now we’re even.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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