Status: Once a Princess soon a Queen

The Tales of Princess Ana

Chapter One - The Birthday

I woke up this morning with a sense of grimace but also with the slightest of grins.
Today was my 21st birthday, I'd soon become the queen of Genovia.
While I was happy to finally become an adult.
I also did have a lot of responsibility coming my way.
I mean can you imagine having to run a country all at the same time you're just learning to drink?!
I'm moving off track, this story begins where it all falls apart.
My birthday party.

"Wake up Ana Marie"
I awoke with the bright sun glaring in my eyes, I coward under my sheets.
"Grandma please! Why must you always open the drapes first?"
"How else am I supposed to get you up Ana?"
I felt my grandma lay down in bed next to me and turn to face me.
"You do know what day it is today Ana?"
I faced her with a grin.
"Of course gran, after all this is the day I was born. I would remember something like that"
Gran kissed my forehead and said to me 
"Happy 21st Ana. Now get up, your breakfast will get cold"
And with that my grandma rose and left me to myself.
I stretched with yawn thinking of what my life would carry from here on out.
Walking down the stairs these thoughts projected in my mind. 
A queen? Could I be a queen? Could I be the runner of this country and do the same job as my grandmother and those before her?
As I came down the stairs the thoughts continued until
The whole kitchen staff erupted with cheers and smiles.
I bowed playfully, thanking them as they set the plates.
This is what the morning and afternoon consisted of, errands were ran, dresses were brought in, the wait staff was running in and out of the grand ballroom like chicken's with their heads cut off.
So let's get to the fun part.

I glanced into the mirror one last time, my long brown hair cascaded down my shoulders in curls that were pinned back to accommodate the crown that would soon be placed on my head.
I selected a red ballgown, that shimmers softly in the light. One of the reasons I just had to have it.
My grand mother walked into the brown holding a polished cherry wood case.
"Darling, tonight is where you make your stance in the country. You present yourself no longer as a princess but as a queen."
She cracked open the case, and there lay the most beautiful diamond covered tiara, one single red jewel hanging from the center.
"Oh my"
"This was my great grandmother's tiara" 
She started.
"she received on her 21st birthday, then she passed it on to her daughter and so on and so forth"
I saw her eyes begin to water.
"This was supposed to be your mother's job.."
Her voice cracked.
"And as she is not here it is my duty."
She placed it on the vanity and removed it from it's velvet incasing.
"Ana, you are aware that this moment is to be one of the biggest moments of your life?"
I nodded.
"This is the start of everything, you are to be queen in less than six months, and this is just your starting point."
A couple tears released themselves from her eyes.
"Your mother would be proud of what you have become"
I hugged her tightly, bitting my crimson shaded lips hoping to stop myself from crying.
She patted my back and kissed the top of my head, she placed her hand under my chin and raised my eyes to hers.
"A queen must hold her head high." She said with a smile.
"You must be the face of our country, and it is to be a proud face indeed."
And with that she placed the crown on my head. 
Here is where I truly felt I had the weight of my country sitting here atop of my head in a million of tiny little jewels.

My grandmother and I walked out of the room hand in hand making our way to the staircase that would lead to the grand ballroom.
We let our hands part. 
She was to enter first into the ballroom.
It would be one of the last balls as queen for her.
"Now arriving your royal highness, Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi. Queen of Genovia!"
The pound of the stick hitting the marble is a sound I will never quite get used too.
As I watch grandma ascend down the stairs make her way to the bottom waving to her people.
They admired her so deeply, would they feel the same about me?
There was no time for thoughts, as it was now my turn.
"Introducing, Princess Ana Marie Antonite Thermopolis Nikolav Renaldi."
The double doors opened and once again that sound came.
I took a deep breath and headed down the stairs.
A room full of people glaring, waiting for a a mis-taken breath.
I wave to the people with a smile on my face.
If I am to make a mistake it will not be in this event.
I reach the last step and release my breath.
"Good evening everyone"
My grandmother's voice echoes off the walls.
"Tonight we are here to celebrate the 21st birthday of my grand daughter, Ana.
 I thank you all for coming out to tonight and I ask of you to enjoy your evening, or as Ana would say 'party it up!' "
She guided me towards all these diplomats, council men, government officials.
They all gave me the same song and dance 
"Happy Birthday Ana." "Congratulations Ana!" 
"Are you ready to be the queen Ana?"
Each time I answered the same, "why thank you."
"I am as ready as I'll ever be."
 And on to the next person for another round.
A felt a light tap on my shoulder I turned around to see the tiniest little prince.
"Ello! I am Prince Olivier Montpieser of ze  French Montpieser's"
"Hello Olivier, how are you today?"
"I am lovely today, ju are incredibly beautiful tonight!  your eyes are ze loveliest sparkle in 'zem."
"Uh, how old are you Olivier?"
"I am fourteen and a 'alf, Princess."
"So you are aware that this is my 21st birthday right?"
 "Of course Princess, I do know that 'zis is your twenty first birzday but you are in need of a suitor. And 'zis I will do for you!"
"Well how about this, I'll think about it and for now we dance?" I smiled.
 I had to give the kid credit for trying. 
We danced a waltz his head barely able to see over my shoulder.
As the dance neared a close another tap and a voice that could have frozen this room spoke.
"Princess Ana, can I have this next dance?"
I turned around to face the most piercing blue eyes.
I stammered.
"um.. Yes, yes of course."
" 'Scuse me Princess, what about me?"
"Oh Olivier, I promise you another dance later!  Mr.. Oh I don't know your name, sir?"
"Nicholas, Nicholas Foster"
Even his name made me a bit weak at the knees.
"Mr. Foster may not be here all night and I have to be available to all my guest."
He smiled as Olivier just shooed away.
 "Later Princess, we dance again" 
A new song started up as Nicholas grabbed me by the waist.
"So happy birthday princess, how is your evening?"
"Thank you, my evening is delightful. Don't you see waltzing with 14 year olds is where the party truly is Mr. Foster."
"Please call me Nicholas" 
He said with the slightest grin
"Okay, Nicholas why are you here?"
"Can't I just be here to enjoy a  few dances with a beautiful birthday girl?" 
the smirk growing on his face followed with a quizzical eyebrow raise.
"You could if this was an actual party, but as this is mostly a political party with cake. I can only assume you have to be here."
I retorted with a cheeky grin.
"Well you're only half right Princess, my uncle is related to your grandfather's cousin."
"Grandfather's cousin.. "
I murmured 
"Oh! Yes is your Uncle, Natalia's son?"
His smile boar from ear to ear
 "Yes Natalia is my grandmother."
"Ah Natalia was a wonderful woman, I met her a handful of times but she was always kind."
"Yes she was very kind, marvelous."
Our bodies swayed back and forth, his hands pressed against my waist. There was hardly space between our bodies. 
I won't say something cheesy like
"I could be this way forever"
But hell he had a really nice grip, If he hadn't my knees would have buckled.
"Ana, can I call you that?"
I nodded 
"Of course."
He leaned in incredibly close, his breath warm against my ear.
 "This dance is almost over."
I could not form a sentence at this point all I could manage was.
Very Un- Princess like, but had you been that close you would understand.
"I'd like to maybe see you again, Ana?"
The song finished before the answer could leave my lips.
He began to pull away, and though I could not slink up to him as he did to me. 
I did try to muster some kind of response.
"Tomorrow we are having a private dinner party, you and your uncle can join us." 
Though much of grandfather's side of the family did not always enjoy grandmother's royalty they did respect it.
So with a grin, he bowed down placed his lips gently against my hand.
"I'll be here then, perhaps you can show me the rose garden?" 
He looked up with those stunning blue eyes.
This time I would be the one to carry the smirk.
"Goodnight, Nicholas Foster."
"Goodnight Princess Ana." 
His uncle bum rushed the crowd. 
"What are you doing?!" 
He exclaimed in a hush tone.
He grabbed Nicholas by the elbow and pulled him away.
They spoke in quick murmurs and continued  away.
In that moment, I had to wonder what his uncle meant.