Status: WIP

Silver Wheel: Beginnings

Mind Games

Chapter 7 – Mind Games
I went downstairs dressed in a black cocktail dress that had cuts outs around the neck, with black 4inch heels, a silver bracelet set with bright blue topaz that matched my eyes, and my ring. My hair was left to fall down my back, and I had black eye liner and eye shadow on.

I walked down the grand marble stair case and walked into the dinning room. It had a long polished oak dinning table that sat about 50 people. But, only two places were currently set out at the head of the table for breakfast. I walked down to the end of the table and took my place at the owner’s right hand. A breakfast of pouched egg and toast with freshly squeezed orange juice awaited me at my seat, and I dug in gladly.
“Good morning, Arianrhod” Thanatos said, not looking at me. “Today I will start with your lessons. That will last until lunch, and then you can spend the rest of the day in the library.”
“I can’t wait.” I said after I had taken a sip of orange juice. We stayed silent for the remainder of breakfast.
Once I had finished, Thanatos stood and started for the door. I quickly got up and followed him. He led me out into the neatly kept back garden. It looked like I had just stepped into a history book the garden was so much like a Victorian terrace garden. It was full of neat lawns, well tended rose bushes, and sweet smelling plants that were all either soft pink or white.
“Now,” Thanatos said, leading me to one side of the lawn. A woman no older than 21 walked over and stood just off for us. She had short black hair and I couldn’t see the colour of her eyes as they were cast down. She was slight and her clothing suggested that she was a maid. “I want you to use this things energy to lift that plant pot over there.” He pointed to the maid and then a cement flower pot of red roses about three meters away.
I didn’t even bat an eyelid. I looked at the woman and imagined her strength seeping into my. I then quickly used this gathered energy to lift the pot off of the floor by about a meter. I then brought it over to us and put it back down with a thud. There was then a second thud and I turned to see that the maid had collapsed. Again, I didn’t bat an eyelid.
“You need to learn not to take too much, although it doesn’t matter much now.” He said, clicking his fingers. Another two servants stepped over and took the woman’s place.
“Now, try and take a little for each.” He said. He paused before adding, “Don’t kill them this time.”
I did as I was told and took a little energy for the two. They both seemed to sag a little, although neither of them seemed too effected. Not that I cared much, they were just servants. I then used the energy I had collected to pick up the pot and put it back where it had been originally.
“Now try and use the plants themselves to fuel it. You may find that you will need to use a lot of plants to get the same effects as a person. Taking too much energy from a plant will also result in the same outcome as that of a human, so don’t take too much from one plant.” He ordered.
I then set about doing various tasks involving taking energy from both humans and other living things, as well as learn how to stop my own energy from being used. The lesson left me tired as Thanatos had managed to take a fare bit of mine during one exercise, but it was nothing some rest wouldn’t cure.
Thanatos and I had a lunch of bread and cheese, and then I was sent to the library to study. I was supposed to be studying Humanity’s knowledge of mythological beings, such as mermaids, fae and demons. Of course, this was no easy task as practically all of Thanatos’ books where old, which meant they were faded and in Latin. I cannot read Latin, other than a few basic things that are similar in English. For example, I know that Aqua means water.
Anyway, that meant that I had to hunt the room for modern books. That was another near impossible task. The library was huge, being at least being nearly three medium size rooms long and nearly as wide. Mahogany shelves lined the walls and created small corridors within the room. At the centre were a table and six black upholstered chairs in the same wood. On the whole, the room was very dark and gloom. Still, a library was a library, so I liked it in there.
After a while, I did manage to find a book, but before I could actually open it there was a huge bag. I shot up from my seat and moved to the door. I thought the sound had come from the front door, and I was right. There were sounds of shouting and more bangs coming from the direction of the stairs. Wondering what was going on, I made my way to them.
When I was half way down the stairs, I saw that we had intruders. Standing locked in battle were Flint, Sage, Zac, Dylan and Thanatos. Thanatos was standing just in front of the stairs, clearly trying to prevent the other four from going up them. I rushed down the last few steps to stand at Thanatos’ side, much to the surprise of the others. But, they quickly overcame this surprise and turned back to fighting Thanatos.
I then summoned fire and water to form balls which I floated in front of me, ready to use to defend myself. But, it soon became clear that I was not going to be made a target. So, I turned my mind to attacking the intruders. I blasted Dylan with fire balls, which Flint easily deflected away from him with a flick of his hand. I then turned my attention to him and used water to extinguish his attacks.
I could now see worry start to creep into their eyes. They were obviously not expecting me to be fighting them. Well, I just used that to my advantage. I next turned my fire on Zac, and used his air to buffet the flame and make them hotter. This was then defeated by a quick burst of water from Dylan and a flick of Flint’s wrist. While all this had been happening, Sage and Thanatos had been locked in combat, and the others had been helping Sage when I wasn’t being a distraction.
“What have you done to her?” Flint shouted at Thanatos, throwing six fireballs him. I easily got rid of them of a wave of my hand.
Thanatos grinned madly and proceeded to take energy from his brother. I could see that Flint was weakening, so I started sending more attacks his way, meaning to even the playing field a little more in our favour. I could now defiantly see worry etched into the face of all of the boys, even Sage was now looking very confused. He turned to Zac and nodded, much to the others obvious displeasure.
“I’m sorry.” Zac muttered.
He then did something I never would have expected; he started suffocating me. He had put me in a vacuum just like I had done to him a few days previously. My eyes went wide with shock and my hands flung to my throat. I knew it would make no difference, but I still did it. I felt myself falling to my knees and soon my vision turned to black…