Status: WIP

A Stark and a Demi

Air Attack

A fire ball came out from under the grate on the floor. The force from the blast knocked BW and Banner off their feet and sent them flying backwards through the glass. Being further away from the grate, I had slightly less of this force, but was still thrown backwards to hit my head on the pillar. But, that same pillar stopped me from having the same fate as BW and Banner.
I guessed that everyone else had it worse than me as they were all stood closer. So, my first thoughts were to see is the others were okay. I looked around the room and saw that Stark, Kilah and Cpt. were all right next to the door, with Stark shielding his daughter from the worst of the blast. Fury had been thrown backwards into the bench in front of me, while Thor had been thrown towards the door to my right.
“Put on the suit.” I heard Cpt. tell Stark as everyone started to recover.
“Yep” Stark agreed, getting up with some help from Cpt. Kilah looked at me and then signalled that she was going to check on Loki. I summoned my bow and then moved over to Fury, ready for action.
“Hill?” Fury spoke into the coms
“Number 3 engine is down.” She said.
“We’ve been hit.” Someone proclaimed in the background.
“Did we have a run in? Talk to me.”
“Turbine looks mostly intact, but it is impossible to get out there and make repairs while we are still in the air.” Someone else said.
“If we lose one more engine we won’t be.” I heard her inform. “Someone’s got to get outside and patch that engine.”
“Stark, you copy that?” Fury asked.
“I’m on it.” Stark informed.
“Coulson, initiate the first lock down in the detention centre and then get to the armoury.” Fury ordered, leaving the lab with me in toe. “Romanoff?”
“I’m okay.” I heard Natasha reply.
We headed over to the bridge, Fury giving orders to those who passed us on the way. Everywhere, agents, assistants, mechanics and others where swarming to either asses what damage had been done, or getting prepared to defend themselves should there be a fight. When we were almost at the bridge, I could have sworn that I heard a growl. Now I know that I did.
“Bring the carrier about to 180 heading south. Take us to the water.” Fury commanded, running to his station. I stood just off to the left and slightly behind.
“We’re flying blind. The navigation is recalibrating after the engine failure.” A pilot (?) said.
“Is the sun coming up?” Fury and I asked simultaneously
“Yes, sir.” The man answered.
“Then put it on the left.” Fury commanded. “Get us over water. One more turbine goes down and we drop.”
“Kilah, you with Loki yet?” I asked in the coms, moving slightly away from Fury.
“Yep, all looks fine here.” Came her reply. “How are we doing?”
“One engine down and heading for water. But by the gods, some of the people here are stupid. They cannot navigate without computers to help them!” I told her.
After that, I started flicking through the com channels to see how the others were doing. From what I could gather, Thor had just rescued Natasha from Banner, who had just Hulked on us. They seemed to be busy fighting it out in a hanger by the sound of it. Meanwhile, Stark and Cpt. seemed to be making good progress on the engine, so I hoped we would soon be back to 4.
“We need full evac on the lower hanger bed.” Fury said, confirming my earlier thoughts.
As Hill was walking over to another computer to do just that, I saw something roll into the room. “Grenade!” I shouted, taking cover behind a walkway just as it exploded, sending Hill spinning over the handrail.
I saw Fury flatten himself against a wall as men in combat gear started to enter the room. I drew an arrow, notched it and fired it at the men. As I watched him, Fury reached out and held one man’s gun, elbowed him in the face. He then span the man to fire his gun at someone, and then pushed him to the floor before moving on to another.
While he was fighting, I noticed a man walk in behind the others. “Hill!” I shouted, too busy with another man to be able to kill him in time. Hill saw what I meant and quickly shot him.
“We’ve got a perimeter breach. Hostiles are in SHIELD gear. Callouts at every junction.” Came the alarm over the coms as we started a fire fight on the bridge.
“Kilah, you probably have people heading towards Loki. Is he still secure?” I asked.
“We have the Hulk and Thor on research level 4. Levels 2 and 3 are dark.” Someone announced.
“Sir, the Hulk will tear this place apart.” Hill shouted.
“Get his attention.” Fury said.
“Escort 60, proceed to wishbone and engage battle.” Hill issued the command. “Don’t get too close.”
“Copy” Came the pilot’s reply. A focused on who was trying to come in to hear what happened.
“They are not coming in here, so what are they doing?” Fury asked. Just then, I saw a familiar site; one of Clint’s arrows.
“Clint’s here” I said, pointing to where the arrow came from. I saw another arrow being fired just as Fury got up to shoot at him. I didn’t see where it went as someone shot at me. Just then, all the computers went out and I heard another engine go down.
“Engine one is now in shut down.” Some called. A few seconds later, the carrier started to tilt as it suddenly lost all engines on one side. People started to slip as the floor was no longer level.
“Sir, we’ve lost all power to engine one.”
“It’s Barton; he took out all of our systems. He’s heading for the detention level. Does anybody copy?” Fury asked.
“This is Agent Romanoff, I copy.” Natasha said after a pause.
“Kilah, are you there?” I shouted down the coms on our private line, but got no response. “Fine! If you are listening, Clint is on board and probably heading to Loki.” I took an arrow and went back to the fight, hoping that she had heard me.
“Move away please” I heard Coulson say. “You like this? We started working on the proto-type after you sent the destroyer. Even I don’t know what it does. Won’t to find out?” I heard moans coming from Coulson, but I didn’t have chance to think what had happened.
“You’re gonna lose.” Coulson said.
“Am I?” Loki asked.
“It’s in your nature.”
“Your heroes are scattered; your floating fortress falls from the sky. Where is my disadvantage?” Loki asked.
“You lack conviction.”
“I don’t think I…” Loki started.
“So that’s what it does.” Coulson said.
“Phil? Phil, is everything alright?” I asked, the fight on the bridge having stopped. I looked over Fury’s shoulder at the screen; 19000ft and falling.
“Assistance needed” He said weakly. “Containment unit”
“Director, Agent Coulson is in trouble.” I said, running out of the bridge with Fury not far behind.
Once we got to Coulson, I could immediately see that he was in a bad way. Although, it did look as if he went down fighting.
“I’m sorry boss, the guy rabbitted.” Coulson started to apologise.
“Just stay awake. Eyes on me.” He said, moving Coulson’s head so that he could look hi in the eye.
“You don’t need to…” I started.
“I’m clocking out here.” He said.
“Not an option.” Fury replied.
“It’s okay boss. This was never going to work unless they had something… to…” he said. He never got to finish that sentence.