Don't Go Into the *** House Tonight


The final bell of the day rung, releasing me from this hell hole. Tomorrow was the Halloween dance. The days had flown by like crazy and I had little to no time to think about the events that had transpired with that crazy chick. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to. Now Halloween was tomorrow, a Friday night, and the excitement was boiling up inside of me. Halloween was my favorite holiday.

I hated Christmas with a passion, despite the presents. It was so fucking happy and unrealistic. It was a holiday where we could fool ourselves into thinking that everything was just fine, while on Halloween we did the exact opposite. We turned ourselves into the freaks that we really are, we released our dark sides and we would scare the shit out of little kids with ghost stories. Oh the memories.

I had gotten my costume that previous weekend. I was going to be Kurt Cobain for Halloween and it was going to be the best thing ever. I couldn't help but smile as I walked out of class, throwing my backpack over my shoulder and meeting up with Kyle at the bus stop. We were kind of a thing now. He'd hold my hand and kiss me in public, so I guessed we were pretty official. Of course, I'd thought we were before then, but I was too scared to ask all over again only to get my hopes shot down, so I stayed quiet. It was a good solution to saving myself from heartbreak. Ignorance was most certainly bliss.

"Hey" Kyle smiled as he kissed my cheek before biting it gently. I scrunched my face and swatted him in the chest. I had a love/hate thing for him still going on. I had so many feelings I didn't know what to do with them. One minute I was hitting him because he made some stupid popping sound in my ear and the next we were making out. I guess we were like ten kinds of fucked up.

"Hey" I stuck my tongue out at him, which he gladly bit gently. I swatted him again and he gave me that stupid little smug grin. The damned bastard knew what he did to me and he enjoyed it. It made me want to punch his cute little face in.

"How are you?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist, picking me up and popping my back, causing me to make these weird squeaking noises. He always did that and it always hurt like a bitch.

"In pain" I mumbled as he let go. I hit him in the chest for the third time in just the last three minutes and he laughed and leaned down to kiss me. His lips were warm and soft and safe. The stupid asshole felt so perfect against my lips.

"Sorry" He pulled away with that stupid little grin. I put my hand up to hit him again but he caught my wrist and laced his fingers with mine before leading me to my bus. We stopped at the door, he gave me a quick kiss, biting my bottom lip and pulling as he did so and then went off to his bus. Jesus Christ. I hated his guts.


"What are you even supposed to be?" Kyle teased as we walked into the gym. They had really gone overboard, I realized and I loved it. How had I let myself miss out on this for so long? It made me kind of sad that this was my last year in high school.

"For the last time" I scoffed, "I am Kurt Cobain!" I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes. No one had gotten it, so I was in a pretty pissy mood. All these people were idiots for not realizing who I was dressed up as. The whole outfit was a dead fucking give away.

"Sorry" Kyle put his hands up defensively before a group of girls came over and started giving him hugs in their slutty suits. Of course that's what they were going to do. The only reason I hated Halloween was because for some reason 99 percent of the girl population thought that Halloween was an excuse to dress like a slut. I could practically see their panties when they bent down in the slightest. Whores.

"I'm gonna go get some punch" I mumbled, but it went unnoticed as he continued his conversation with the zombie cheerleader whore and the girl Jason whose shorts rode up so high, it gave her camel toe. How attractive was that?

I walked over to the punch bowl and grabbed a cup, scooping some up and putting it in my cup. I took a sip before looking around the gym. The lights were flashing like strobe lights and there was fog everywhere. The music was upbeat though and everyone was jumping, though it looked amazing and beautiful with the lighting effects. My eyes locked on one boy who was just standing in the middle of the gym. His hair was blond from what I could tell. With each flick of light he seemed to get closer and closer. I blinked a few times and he was gone. What the hell?

"Hey." A voice said as I turned and I jumped a bit, letting out a loud scream, but no one heard me except for the boy who was standing in front of me. It was the boy who had been in the middle of the gym. I shook my head before realizing I got punch all over my shirt. Great.

"Hi" I mumbled and he handed me some paper towels. I put my now halfway empty cup down and then I patted my chest down with the paper towels. He was staring, I could feel it. My cheeks flushed scarlet as I looked up at him. His lips spread into a wide smile and oh my god. He had the cutest dimples ever.

"Who are you supposed to be?" He questioned and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at that, "Kurt Cobain or something?" My attitude changed quickly again and I grinned. I liked this guy.

"Yeah. Exactly" I smiled and finished cleaning myself up before throwing the paper towels away and grabbed a cookie. I walked over to the bleachers and sat down. He followed and sat down beside me.

"So what's your name?" He asked and I raised my eyebrow at him as I nibbled on the cookie. I set it down in my lap and swallowed before brushing my hair back behind my ear.

"Cade" I shrugged and extended my hand out to him, "Yours?" He took my hand in his and it was slightly cold. I didn't mind it though. It actually felt kind of nice, welcoming even.

"Tate" He gave my hand a gentle squeeze before letting it go. I looked over his attire and couldn't exactly guess what he was supposed to be. Now that I actually looked at him, I couldn't recall ever seeing his face in the school ever.

"Well, Tate, what the hell are you supposed to be?" I smiled and took another bite of my cookie as he scratched his head in thought. It was really cute, the way he did that. I wondered if I would ever see him again after this dance. I really did hope so. He didn't seem like a complete douche like Kyle who was on the dance floor, letting some blond slut in a maid's costume grind her non-existent ass on his probably non-existent cock.

"I'm a dead person" He shrugged and I looked him over again. He looked nothing close to dead. In fact, he looked pretty normal to me, but, of course, my idea of normal was pretty fucked.

"I'd say I see, but I don't" I looked down at my lap and his hand went over mine, causing me to look back up at him. He gave me that smile with those dimples showing and his eyes lighting up and I almost wanted to lean forward and kiss him. I blinked furiously before looking away. I had just met the guy for christ sakes!

"You will one day" His fingers found their way between mine and I managed to sneak another peak up at him before my eyes trailed back to Kyle who had two girls dancing on him now. Nice to know that I was so easily forgotten. The fucking asshole.

"Hey" He whispered in my ear comfortingly. A tear streamed down my cheek and he quickly wiped it away, lifting my chin up and looking me in the eyes. I sniffled and shook my head, looking back down. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me close to his chest. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to cry. He kissed my head and rocked me gently.

"He doesn't deserve a girl like you, Cade" He mumbled into my hair, "He deserves nothing, but a painful death. It'll be okay" He rubbed my back gently, "It'll all be over soon" I opened my eyes to look up at him and he was gone.