Status: Harry is a gem, and this will be a semi-short story. :)

This Song Is About You

I'm a stranger.

Harry found himself back in the very familiar flat he had left early in the morning, two weeks back. His memory was very vague, only because he had been groggy, sore, and adamant too leaving as quick as possible.

"Make yourself at home," Leah said once they had entered her flat, and she had ventured off.

The girl had made an interesting impression. She was, not to sound cliché but, different. He'd never met a regular American who had a whole different background to her. Oh the things she had babbled on about when he had helped Leah to her apartment, that was enough to catch his attention. She was a definite talker, that's for sure. He had found himself enjoying her company, the longer he spent time with her.

The others had bothered him incessantly about why he'd been so distracted with his phone, why he kept staring at her number and never calling. Leah clouded his thoughts, and he guessed that subconsciously he'd went back to her cafe. Harry didn't even know her. That's what struck him the most.

"What time do you need to be get back?" Leah asked, which tore Harry from his confusing thoughts.

"Erm, for me I don't have a set time, but if I want to wake up early for tomorrow, then before twelve," he stated, as he went over mentally the times Paul had informed him and the lads. "We could head out, once you're done getting ready."

The time schedule was simple and loose, it suited him and the things he had planned. Leah nodded and stood in front of the mirror in her living room. Harry watched as she fixed her hair into a bun.

"You know," Leah caught his eyes in the mirror. "I'm still wondering why you came back, and how you recognized me."

Harry smirked, it lit up his face happily.
"I couldn't resist you," he watched her reaction carefully. "That night left an imprint on my heart."
He added a wink for dramatic effect. She regarded him with a look, then let out a laugh as she finished her hair.

"Of course I did," Leah rolled her eyes, and smirked back at Harry, almost mockingly. "I'm irresistible."

Harry's eyes dilated slightly, as she finished getting ready. He loved how she'd throw in some light banter and play along with him. It was refreshing. Knowingly or unknowingly she's made a serious pun in her joking reply. Harry licked his lips and shifted his eyes away as she walked back to her room. Somehow those feelings he'd felt that night with her were coming back. Apparently Leah stirred something within him, the memories rushed back the more time he was around her, but something else hindered him and pulled Harry back.

She didn't even remember anything from that night.

Even though for Harry, most things were clear as day. He stared at the pictures on her mantle place and wall. She had many pictures frames, friends family, pets, you name it. She looked happy, carefree. Made him wonder why she had been drinking so much. Harry stored that information away for later.
To him, sober Leah seemed a very forward, but caring person. She hadn't rejected him and stayed modest, and didn't even bring up their night together, or even push for questions. She literally acted like she'd known him for years, and even accepted to go to the hotel. Not that he wasn't happy. Harry had really been looking for a girl, and he figured that Leah could fit the card. Getting to know her was the first step, and getting her to meet the lads was the second.

Harry had his own personal rule that every since he's met his four best friends, that before he'd try to pursue any romance with a girl he'd take her to meet them. He wanted their approval, it meant the world to him. The lads were his brothers, even if they weren't blood related.

"Well," Leah's voice floated throughout her living room, once again successfully pulling Harry from his thoughts. "I'm ready if you are."

"Yeah, let me call a cab," he said pulling out his phone.

Leah shook her head and grabbed a set of keys off a table.
"I can drive and we won't be noticed by fans if we head in through the garage," she stated with a smile. "I don't mind... Unless you want to take a cab.."

Leah stared at him, awaiting his answer.
"Sure you drive," Harry shrugged, and silently cheered. He now had an excuse as to why he hadn't been photographed going into the hotel through the front. "I've always wanted to see the city with a calm perspective."

"I hate driving through the city, but sometimes it's worth it," Leah locked her apartment and she lead him down the hall to some stairs. "But, since you have stalker problems, I'll do the honors and help out."
He laughed, stalker problems. How true that was.

They went through a few series of doors and they arrived in the garage of that building. She led him over to a navy blue Nissan Elantra, a nice car. He noted, but he was about to open the passenger side when Leah laughed.

"No silly, that's the driver seat," she pushed him out of the way and got in.

Harry nearly flushed red, so many times coming to America and simple things like that always slipped his mind. He gave her the address to the hotel, and they were off.

"Any preferred station choices?" Leah asked, and gave him a side look as she pulled out of the garage. "I usually just keep it neutral and go for Z100."

Harry shrugged and smiled slightly.
"I don't mind, whatever suits you," he replied easily.

Leah hummed in response and focused on driving. He eyed her from his peripherals and a ghost of a smile lay on his features.

The lads would have a field day when they finally met her. They'd been pestering him about his "Mystery" girl for a week tops, got really repetitive, but now he didn't have to worry. His subconscious mind had taken him to the same place of their fateful encounter.

"I'm curious about something," Leah said, after a few minutes of silence and Harry staring at the city as it passed by. "Why'd you invite me over to the hotel?"
Harry looked at her, it was almost if she knew he was thinking along those lines minutes before.

"I like you," he replied, unusually soft, but his raspy tone was ever present. "I want to get to know you more and I want you to meet the lads."
Leah's lips formed a thin line as she stopped at a stoplight, she smirked at him.

"For a second there I thought you wanted a round two, except with me sober," she smirked, and propelled the car to drive. "But I'm flattered, thank you. I like you too, you cheeky boy. If you wanted to get to know me, you just have to ask and I'll respond."

Harry pushed his hair out of his eyes and sent her a happy look. She went from joking one second to serious he next. It was entertaining to listen to her method of speaking.

"I know, but meeting the others is a big deal," he looked sheepish as Leah sent him a curious stare, like she was daring him to tell her what he meant by that. "I want them to approve of you."

He blurted that out so fast, Leah had to strain herself to try to understand. Harry bet that his accent didn't help her cause.

"I'm sorry," she said, her eyebrows scrunching up in confusion. "What was that?"
Harry was right after all.

"I want them to approve of you," he looked away, as blush crawled up his neck.
She laughed and gave him a reassuring smile.

"That's adorable," Leah said in an enthralled tone. "I guess I can't wait to meet them either."

"Good, because get ready," Harry sighed. "You're a complete surprise, they thought I was going to be with Taylor until late night."
Leah chuckled and turn down a street.

"This should be good," she said, a glint of mischief shot through her eyes.

Harry felt like he had really outdone himself this time.
Leah was an enigma. One that he was determined to figure out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Something I quickly whipped up. A filler from Harry's perspective. Hopefully it wasn't horrible!
Feedback would be lovely!